Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1109 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Thank you, @Misokatsu! :smiling_face:

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35 no binge, no sugar
1 HPFs
0 dairy
I ate some HPFs on Christmas Eve and they did me no good.
Last two days I felt very compelled by cheese sandwiches. I did not binge but I definitely overate, and I don’t like it. So I am making a new counter for it.


Definitely spent the last 4 days in a state of constant overeating. My hosts for the holidays are the snackiest people I know! And somehow still thin. Me on the other hand…glad to be back home and gaining back control.


Day 2. I could control the eating today :grin:

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Day 1110 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Great job making it through Christmas, @acromouse! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face:


36 no binge, no sugar
2 HPFs
1 dairy
Had a crazy dream about wolfing down a whole plate of danish’s :joy:


Day 3. No sweets in home. Home is safe


Day 1111 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


37 no binge, no sugar
3 HPFs
2 dairy
Will meet friends for brunch later. Feeling a bit apprehensive about my food triggers.


Day 4. No sweets are allowed


Day 1112 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


38 no binge, no sugar
4 HPFs
3 dairy


42 days not eating after 6pm and before 8am and therefore no over eating or binging :clap:t2::partying_face: I am so happy and feeling much better :smiling_face:


My next step is to avoid sugar. Firstly I had to adapt to a new eating habit.
I’d love to start now, but I’m realistic and it’s too much going on during Xmas :roll_eyes:
I also go to visit my family in Czech rep. for 8 days in January and I already know that my mum saved me some traditional Czech Christmas sweets, so I’ll defo have these.
So I think I’ll start from either mid January or from February. Looking forward to join the club :grin:

You must feel good without sugar. I did about 3 months without it and I felt the best in my life. No acid reflux, more energy, no IBS etc. But the problem was that then I had one bit and it all started all over. I’m like an addict in regards to sweets.


I totally get you. Xmas is really bad when it comes to sugar. Especially for us expats/migrants where our families at home just want to pamper us and feed us and make and bake the greatest hits of your childhood. I have family in Poland and I still haven’t found a good way to navigate the food offerings there :wink:

Regarding sugar: I see it as a full fledged substance addiction for me. I am not able to control this stuff. There are studies on this topic. Like with every other addictive substance: Some people can moderate, others cant.

For me I checked the DSM-5-TR Substance Use Disorder Criteria regarding sugar and boy did that info hit me. I can say yes for sugar to several of these criteria. It has not ruined my life like it often does with ‘harder’ drugs, but I do not want this kind of life, and I don’t want to be this kind of person.

Accepting this fact about me, and reaching out for support was and is life changing.

And this is, what you are doing right now, right here. Good job! Keep at it, come back, share your struggles and your victories with us! And enjoy your trip back home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Very interesting link you shared! I would say that I have some kind of dependency on sugar, although less than it used to be when I was binging and then purging (I had bulimia, I’m out of it for years now :pray:t2:).

This stuff is never easy. It is connected to so many things. Why are we using the substance. One is physical addiction and the other is mental addiction, which I personally consider harder to break. Because you must change something in your brain, your perspective and how you look at things. Changing the way we think is perhaps the hardest thing, because one needs to understand why is doing it and be able to be very honest with yourself and mainly over come your own ego which is tricky. Because most of the time we don’t even realise that it’s our ego which is driving us.

I’m now trying to change not only my eating habits, but also generally way how I’m thinking. I have long term problems living with my mum in law and I’m just constantly working on improvement to which I want to achieve by changing something in me own. I know I can’t change her and I believe there’s no need for it. I know I need to change myself. But it’s about 4 years ongoing problem and I still didn’t solve it :woman_shrugging:t4::smile: But I don’t give up! Ahaha

Thanks for your support. It’s great you realised your weakness. At least you can now work on it. Life would be so boring if we have nothing we could improve, wouldn’t it :smile:

Sending my love


Yesterday was day 4 of no binging. It was easy to do since I had pretty bad heartburn most of the day! I’m also trying out a low FODMAP elimination diet, so there isn’t much I can eat and it’s pretty boring. Which is a good thing! I want to eat to live, not live to eat.


Day 1113 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on 42 days without binging, @Jana1988! Keep up the good work! :smiling_face::tada:


39 no binge, no sugar
5 HPFs
4 dairy
Sneaky addiction talking tried to get to me yesterday. I’m glad I made it through.


Day 1114 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

You’re doing great so far, @acromouse! Keep it up! :smiling_face: