Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1 of not binging with food.


-32!!! -32 can FRO!!! :cold_face::cold_face:


Day 1125 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Sounds really cold, @Chuckie22! :confounded: I hope it warms up for you soon.


Not sure about todays eating. I think i went into emotional eating to be honest. I was really ā€œoffā€ today. I felt the urge to binge once i began emotionally eatingā€¦ but chose to stop eating and then tracked all the food I ate. Idk. Tmrw i will get back on track :slight_smile: just not sure about resetting my no binge eating timer. What do u all think?


@Butterflymoonwoman This is always a tough question. To me it sounds like you wanted to deal with your emotions via food. But you did not binge. You caught yourself and got back on track. This is extremely impressive friend! And you reached out. Iā€™d consider this a win on your journey.

51 no binge, no sugar
7 UPFs
7 dairy

My urges to overeat have lessened in the last days. Iā€™m very grateful for that.


Day 2. Eating healthy

1 Like

Thank you sooo much for ur input and support. Actuallyā€¦ u were an inspiration to me yesterday. I wasnt going to bother tracking my food and just say ā€œF itā€ and binge. BUTā€¦ I remember how impressed i was with u tracking ur food during a tough time and it inspired me to do the same. So thank u friend :slight_smile:


I always thought that sharing my stuff was ridiculous, cause itā€™s only eating. In this place I first discovered that if I share, Iā€™ll get support and how good that feels, and now I see that my sharing can help others. Thanks!


Day 1126 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

I am so proud that yā€™all are supporting each other. Keep up the great work yā€™all! :smiling_face:


52 no binge, no sugar
8 UPFs
8 dairy

0 days no takeaways.
0 days no binge-eating.

This needs to stop now, Iā€™m sick of being ashamed of my size and body, and the consequences this is having on my health, as I now have diabetes, very high cholesterol, fatty liver, and Iā€™m waiting on results from a CT Angiogram to see what exactly is wrong with my heart that is causing Angina. There are also financial implications of course, though my health is my main concern. I am 8 stone overweight, morbidly obese class III.

No more takeaways (I did have 394 days but relapsed after being pressured by family on 15th October, did have 8 days again until tonight).

No more binge-eating (I havenā€™t gone more than 9 days in as long as I can remember).

I am determined to put this all behind me, Iā€™m always trying. I am diagnosed with binge-eating disorder and awaiting more therapy, but I am just so done so Iā€™ll keep trying in the meantime until it clicks.


Day 1127 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Keep up the good work, @acromouse! :smiling_face:

Sorry to hear about the health issues you have, @CATMANCAM. We are here for you. You can do this, stopping the binge eating will help. You may even lose some weight. If you would like further support for weight loss in particular, there is also a weight loss thread you can check out. :purple_heart:


Thank you @Aleyadaisey , I have just spent the past 3 hours reading the whole of the latest weight-loss thread, I think I will make a post there too, once Iā€™ve done my weigh-in in a few hours to get my new start weight. :blush:


@CATMANCAM Finding a good relationship with food is soo hard. We get so many different cues on a daily basis, and the food environment around us is also most of the time rather difficult to navigate. I hope therapy can help you find a good way.
Share your troubles and victories with us. It helps :slightly_smiling_face:

53 no binge, no sugar
9 UPFs
9 dairy

Wild cheese cravings yesterday. Definitely hormone related.


Cam, you need to start moving. The fear and the motivation and waxing and weaning will alone will not carry through. The addiction is too strong. You need to build a relationship to your body that is positive and evolving. Find a way to move that you can track and progress in. It can and should be anything you can do, but quantify it. Walk around your living room once twice three times. Once twice three times a day. In two weeks you doing ten rounds five times a day. Then you make that distance longer or walk faster. Keep improving, keep adding volume or intensity and write all this down somewhere to track. Make circles w your arms or air box. Two minute. Three four five ten minutes. You get the idea.
This will build a history of achievement and youā€™ll see: itā€™ll both be a chronicle of a positive relationship w your body (trying to honour your self, your health, your time on earth) as well as open perspective (how much better can i get?) - and that gives hope and joy.
Iā€™ve never been where you are but I binge ate a lot in my youth and in my 20s still, purged too. Was a pretty overweight teen. If I donā€™t do my sport regularly, I lose the connection w my body and I begin to eat purely emotionally, and wayyy too much. I can somewhat imagine what it must be like for you, tho ofc not fully.
Anyway Iā€™m here if you need to chat or a cheerleader. You can do this 100%. Therapy and movement and improvement. Be your friend. And have a friend in yourself.
You can. :heart:


Thank you, you are right. I did manage to build my way up to do 5.5km of fast walking every single day, until the school summer holidays last year, then I kept getting bullied by literal children and it eventually got to me, so when I injured my achilles, I had to rest it, then I just never got back out there and Iā€™m still finding it hard to get back into it. I ideally want to get back out walking, lose enough weight that Iā€™m comfortable going back to the gym and swimming again (bad experience in the changing rooms 2.5years ago), and keep getting fitter and stronger. I did do the walk 3 times the week before last, and I thought it was going to stick again, but then I havenā€™t done it at all this week. The more I stay inside, the scarier the outside gets. So I need to get back out there and just do it. Thank you again. :blush:



Thank you :blush: It really is hard to navigate. I canā€™t buy regular groceries bcuz if I have anything in my fridge or cupboards I will not stop until itā€™s all gone, just like how I was with cocaine. It scares me and I wonder how I ever will eat ā€˜normallyā€™ again. This is where I hope further therapy may help. My issue with bingeing is tied into my wanting to watch an episode of a tv show, so I eat crisps (chips) whilst watching, I need to either learn how to do it without crisps, or stop watching TV.



Ah yes, Cam I remember your story from the main checkin and I always tried to follow it but the thread is hard to keep up w! I remember your walks and the swimming. I hope you get back to both cos what is crucial is to pick an exercise that gives you joy and agrees w you. it is really secondary what exactly it is.
maybe there could be an intermdiate goal: what do you need to get yourself back to first walking then swimming?
it is a number of pounds lost so you feel more comfortable? is it a regular habit of moving? of leaving the house at all? what other conditions are there? what are the sub-steps here and how can you start today to build up to them really slowly and consistently? any habits we build that way, they are hard to break.

man you got ppl here right by your side. you can do this.

do you get groceries delivered? do you get a meal service?
do you have any small excercise equipment at home? small weights, resistance bands, a treadmill? any funds to invest in those over time? just throwing out some ideas to get this show on the roadā€¦! you are not alone.


Aw, Cam I can only imagine how uncomfortable and frustrating that is. We are definitely here to support.

I am no expert, and you might be tired of advice (Faugxh yours has been so great and lit a fire under my ass too btw) but if mindless eating is a problem while watching, could you try using a fidget toy or doing something else to keep your hands busy while you watch? Or knitting or coloring or something?


Day 0 of binging on cereal and individual wrapped cookies

Going to tackle this seriously now. If I am feeling bingey, I will have fruit or tea. I really really donā€™t want to get back into what it was like before. I have made much progress, and I wonā€™t lose it.