Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Hubby bought me this book today instead of me waiting until my payday later this week to get it:
Hope this helps :slight_smile: I have taken DBT before (many years ago) for my mental health and so im curious to see how DBT can help with my binge eating and emotional eating. It should arrive Wednesday! Im excited to read it and do its activities


Has to reset my counter. Really struggling to eat consistently during the day because Iā€™m inactive and donā€™t feel hungry thanks to ADHD meds. Then the meds wear off at night and I stuff my fat face. Therapy Friday night was hard. I really donā€™t like myself, canā€™t feel proud of myself and have massive imposter syndrome in every aspect of my life except work. I know I kick ass at work and excel there. The rest of my life feels like a hamster wheel of running towards something new while doing the same old things. One day Iā€™ll truly surrender to my higher power and believe what he says about who I am. In the meantime, itā€™s a constant battle to fight the lies and negative talk and judgement I have for myself. I also have to be careful about this forum. Iā€™m only going to be reading this thread and responding here. The daily check in thread is too much. I get sucked in. Same with the memes. I have to cut down on screen time.


Im so sorry friend that u had to reset. I just want to send u a huge hug bcuz things sound very overwhelming and frustrating right now for u. I can understand why u may feel this way, especially when we are sooo used to believing our own lies about ourselves. Those lies can be difficult to smash. I try to be my own best friend (which is easier said than done of course). Honestly thoā€¦ i wouldnt dare say the things i say to myself to a friend. So why do i think its okay to say those things to myself, ya know? Idk. I get it tho. I truly do. I am glad that u are realizing what u need and dont need (like with this forum for example), and hopefully that will help in a sense. Sending u sooo much strength and peace and calmness ur way šŸ©µ


ā€œI wouldnā€™t dare say the things I say to myself to a friend, so why should I say those things to myself?ā€ That is word for word what my cbt therapist told me. Itā€™s been a long road, but having daily positive affirmations on my phone has been a huge help. I have them on from the time I get up till the time I go to bed. :blue_heart:


Day 966 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 302 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


:clap::heart::people_hugging: youā€™re doing great


You canā€™t make more than three replies in a row without getting the ā€œmessageā€

Editing your last post can work around that.


Thatā€™s why on the meme thread one person helps the other by posting after the otherā€™s third one, etcetera.


Set my counter again this morning.
Went for a walk. Trying not to beat myself up about the eating last night at 11.
Itā€™s a new day.


Thank you! :smiling_face:

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Iā€™m sorry to read you had to reset, but nevertheless you should be proud of yourself and what you have achieved so far. I also tend to be very demanding with myself, I always think Iā€™m not doing things at my best, and Iā€™m
never satisfied. I think the checkin thread is excellent, but I stopped posting there too because this thread is more ā€œintimateā€ somehow, I get overwhelmed with all the posts and information! Just like in real life, I donā€™t like the big crowds, so I totally understand you! Big hug to you!! :hugs:


Day 967 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 303 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 17: no grazing


Yeah! So proud of you!! :clap:t2::clap:t2:


Jusr wanted to check in quickly. Yesterday i did really well with my eating. And so far today i have done well. I am having urges to graze tho even tho im not hungry. I am beyond tired from having to stay awake last night with my son, and i think being tired is a trigger for me to want to eat food for the wrong reasons. I did get my DBT book today and am going to start reading it right now while im feeling this way to see if it can distract me :slight_smile:


Day 968 : No binge today. Great job to @Sissychris39! Keep up the good work! :smiling_face:
Day 304 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 1 again
I need to change. Not giving up. Praying for willingness.


Itā€™s okay to mess up. Youā€™re human. Donā€™t be hard on yourself. We all have your back.


Day 18: no grazing


Day 969 : No binge today. @Butterflywoman Good luck on your DBT! I hope itā€™s useful for you. :smiling_face:
Day 305 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Thank you! Its very good so far. I havent dont DBT in ages so its sort of a refresher for me too. Glad to see u doing well with ur timers!