Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Elissa Sending strength and hugs your way :muscle:t2::people_hugging: Keep us posted.

@Passerina_cyanea Welcome back :hugs:

@Jana1988 Take your time. Maybe start by making a plan.

72 no sugar, no binge
28 UPFs
28 dairy

Tummy bug is much better today. Now Iā€™m still hungry all the time, so Iā€™ll try to be especially mindful with my eating journal.


Thanks, I have successfully done that in the past - buy a frozen pizza and split it with my partner for example. I will try and keep that in mind for next time. I also certainly donā€™t eat enough protein! I just looked at my macros and Iā€™m eating typically about 50-60% of the daily suggestion (I am eating 40-50 g out of the recommended 83g)ā€¦ Iā€™m vegetarian and I feel like I do a decent job but clearly thereā€™s room for improvement. Thanks for the tips!!


No worries. Iā€™m personally not a fan of counting my nutritions and making sure that I have enough of everything in every day because I get overwhelmed if I start doing such a thing (Iā€™d go to too detail and do it in unhealthy amount). But I learnt which food makes me feel good and full and I also listen to my body, what it wants :blush:


Yes, I do struggle with Agoraphobia, but also c-PTSD. I rarely feel safe outside of my bedroom, I even struggle to be in the living room. I need to start with ten mins and build up again, it would be very nice to be able to start catching up on all the Netflix shows Iā€™m behind on.

Itā€™s great that you are finding ways to exercise at home, I donā€™t have room for that and my cats are too clingy, so itā€™s best for me to go outside for a walk, or to a gym or swimming (or both).

I hope your day wasnā€™t too stressful.



Hey, i get it. I still have random urges and so far iā€™m holding up but i havenā€™t in the past. What helps me is i identify what in the food i crave i really want. For example, when i want pizza, i usually only really want grilled cheese. If i think about gyros i actually want the meat. So in fact, if instead of a whole pizza i just makemyself a nice platter of cheese it never really amounts to a huge binging, only overeating a bit on fatty stuff. Iā€™m sending you lots of support.

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Thank you! :smiley:


Forgot to check-in this morningā€¦

19 days no sugar.
15 days no binge-eating, no crisps.
12 days no takeaways.

Not craving any specific foods at the moment, which is helpful, but I am craving to binge, big time! Need to stay focused. If I give in now, it could be years until I can go this long again, and thatā€™s a daunting thought.



Thatā€™s difficult. When i was in my 20ā€™s i lived in india for 4 months and almost always stayed in my room all the time. I tried to exercize but it was like exercizing in a jail cell.


Youā€™re doing great @CATMANCAM!
Any triggers you might be feeling, that make you want to binge?


I have been getting the binge urges ever since my pre-therapy assessment. We had to touch on a lot of my experiences, and although we didnā€™t need to go into depth or detail, it was still very tough and left me feeling emotionally raw, and that was on Monday. Every night since I have been having worse nightmares than usual, so it could be that.


Hey Cam , will you be going thru EMDR therapy do you know? Itā€™s particularly useful for PTSD.

My understanding is that things get painful to heal, almost like abrading the wound to break new skin and healthy tissue. Be kind to yourself in the process, donā€™t expect too much. Be safe and treat yourself with compassion and patience. This is a process that the only way through is through. Keep going, prod those painful bits but also practice self care and acceptance.

Here :heart:


That sounds tough! I can totally understand how going through difficult emotional stuff will trigger all kinds of behaviours just to deal with it somehow. Iā€™m really sorry you have to go through all this pain :disappointed:.
Donā€™t be hard on yourself. Sending hugs :people_hugging: and some comfort :mending_heart: your way.


Day 1147 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Youā€™re welcome, @CATMANCAM! :smiling_face:


73 no sugar, no binge
29 UPFs
29 dairy

Felt mentally very confused yesterday. Changed the hormone dose. Already feeling better.


Day 1148 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Didnā€™t sleep well last night and I was severely nauseous the whole day. Hopefully Iā€™ll sleep better tonight and feel better tomorrow. :confounded:


@Aleyadaisey I hope you feel well soon!

74 no sugar, no binge
30 UPFs
30 dairy

After going for thirty days with UPFs and dairy I leaned more about my eating/bingeing behaviour. Most importantly I think I see a difference between bingeing and overeating. I donā€™t feel like I have a tendency to binge with dairy, so Iā€™m not going to keep that counter. Sugar and UPFs stay.


No-one will put me forward for EMDR, they all keep saying that itā€™s for singular traumatic experiences not a lifetime of them. Even though I know this not to be true, having read The Body Keep The Score. The therapy I will be having however, is long-term (up to 2 years), and face to face too, so I am feeling hopeful about it, I just hope I feel comfortable with the therapist.



Thank you :blush: :people_hugging:šŸ©µ


Sad to report a relapse for binge-eating and takeawaysā€¦

I was invited to my dadā€™s last min last night, because my brother and his family were visiting him for his birthday (Iā€™d already visited on Thurs), he said they were going to be getting Chinese food, so I declined, also because I canā€™t drive in the dark. However, after thinking about it a lot, I couldnā€™t pass up on the idea of not seeing my baby niece and my other niece, until Mothers Day in late March, so I decided to go. I did not binge the Chinese food, I ate a small portion and was satisfied, but a takeaway is a takeaway so thatā€™s reset.

Then, when I got home, a few hours later I decided to open my delivery from a new meal replacement company (the one Iā€™ve been using since 2018 has closed down), the delivery included a trial box, which included 3 bars (I have always ended up bingeing bars in the past so havent ordered them for a while). I ate one, but then immediately ate the next, then the next. Altogether itā€™s 600 calories, so not the same as my 5000+ calorie daily binges, but those familiar feelings of loss of control, and guilt and shame, were present, so itā€™s still a binge and therefore i have reset, just like i would if I was ever tempted to have one sip of alcohol, or a tiny line of cocaine.

21 days no sugar.
17 days no crisps.
0 days no takeaways, no binge-eating.


Wow, thatā€™s not true. Keep pushing Cam.