Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1149 : No binge today. Feeling better today. :smiling_face:


75 no sugar, no binge
31 UPFs


Hey there.
I’m having hard time determining what “rules” to apply to food. I want to cut down my binge eating habit, especially dessert after dinner / evening / night, plus junk food/high palatable food. I feel like I’m using these food and those moments the same way I was coping with alcool. And I don’t like how it makes me feel.

How do you discern a good goal around that ? Every time I fix something I find myself changing my mind after a couple of days , or even hours… Like the no sugar restriction: how is that even possible when there’s sugar everywhere? Where’s the line ? For the dessert abstinence I’ve been switching it for fruits, which I think is fine. But I was wondering what were your plans around that. Just looking for some guidance.
Thanks :slight_smile:


Hey @WCan. Welcome to the thread!

You obviously have to find out what works for you and which path to take.

But I am going to speak from my own experience with sugar and binge eating.

I had a hard time finding out what was wrong with me, when seemingly everone around me was able to have one portion of desert and I was not. Because one portion of desert lead to another, and then some, and then I wouldn’t know where and how to stop, and where I would end up eating wise. And this would go on for days.

I tried to moderate, set up rules, whatever. None of it worked in the long run. I was unable to eat sugar and have any controll over my behaviour. Whenever I ate sugar, something would happen in my brain chemistry and I would not be able to manage my behaviour. I still don’t understand how you can have only one brownie.

It sounded weirdly like what I had heard about addiction. So I did what was suggested: I tried abstinence. And like with every other addiction I went through all the pains of quiting an addictive substance/behaviour.

I relapsed many a time. And everytime I thought I could have just one, or control my intake, I ended up in the same situation: loss of control.

I don’t want that in my life. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I don’t eat sugar.

I would suggest you set up one rule, and follow it through without exception or changes for 30 days. See how it goes. See how you react. See what triggers you. See what changes. And keep us posted.


Your story sounds a lot like mine, and the same with alcohol.
And it’s true I started with 1 day, then 7, 30…
When you say no sugar you mean no sugary food? Because spaghetti sauce have sugar sometimes lol. I’m not sure where to draw the line. I guess dessert / sugary food / high palatable food abstinence could be a realistic objective.
Thank you for your time and good day to you!


Hi @WCan, welcome to the thread! Generally speaking, avoiding highly processed foods, soda, and alcohol and sticking to whole foods is a good plan for cutting back on sugar. If you’d like you can make your own pasta sauce so you can control the amount of sugar you put in it. There are lots of recipes online for that. :smiling_face:


Day 1150: No binge today. :smiling_face:


76 no sugar, no binge
32 UPFs


3 days no takeaways.
2 days no sugar.
1 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

That one small portion of Chinese with my family lead to a binge of crisps and a couple of things with sugar in. I managed to resist my urges to binge last night, even after getting up and putting my keys in my pocket twice, so I’m hoping I’m back on track now. Need to stay strong and stop romanticising when I get cravings for specific things, currently salt and vinegar crisps, which were supposed to come when I ordered binge foods but they sent the wrong flavour, leaving my craving unsatisfied. I do not need it. On we go.



What I mean for myself, when I say ‘no sugar’ I actually mean no industrially extracted/produced sugar/sweetener in the food/drinks I ingest. I cook my food myself, so I know what I put into it. If I don’t put sugar in my food or my drinks, there are none. For me this works the best.

Now this might not be what is feasible or what you want for yourself.

I would suggest starting with an easy category where it’s obvious whether something belongs to it or not. Like obviously sweet products: desserts, candy, sweets, cakes, baked sweet goods, ultra processed sweet products, inkl. sweetened beverages of any kind. For example: soda, ice cream, brownies and chocolate bars would make the list.

Maybe make a list of products, foods, and drinks you usually go for and definitely belong to your category. Start with 1 day, 7, 14…

See how it goes. And I would definitely reccomend some kind of journal about what triggers you and how. Treat it as a scientific experiment to find out, what works for you. And share.


I just had another one of my crashes and subsequent binges. Shaky, really hungry, cold, feeling depleted.

I’ve had soup and toast today, maybe that wasn’t enough, but it was a decent portion and homemade with parsnips and artichokes. The bread was white though which is not my normal, I don’t eat white bread usually.

So, I’m only just coming out of a crazy time of a date cocoa delight naked bar, 4.5 caramel digestives, a mini Twix and two Murray mints :sob::sob::sob: now I just need to wait to feel ill and not want dinner :plate_with_cutlery: my hands are only just starting to stop shaking!

It’s so annoying as I’m getting these slumps at gym time, but I can’t run feeling like this. I noticed the last week I’ve been trying to not snack, and my eating has been quite strange and bitty bobby as I don’t know what I want.

Eating is such a complex thing. :exploding_head:

I need to get to the bottom of this as when it happens I literally hoover everything up in sight and still feel unwell.

Blood tests are Thursday anyway for more health checks, and a health assessment.


I’m sorry you are going through such a messy experience. Sounds scary and exhausting.
I hope you’ll feel better soon and your visit to the doctor goes ok :mending_heart:

The thing that comes to mind is if you are eating enough, overall and on the macro level. Are you having enough carbs, proteins and fat? And by enough I mean compared to what your body is telling you what it needs. Are you paying attention to those needs?
Another thing might be hormonal changes, if this is something you might be going through.
Or other changes to your overall life style, that might affect your metabolism.

I really hope you figure it out soon :crossed_fingers:t2:


Day 1151 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

So sorry you’re not feeling good, @Tragicfarinelli. I hope your appointment goes ok. :people_hugging:

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77 no sugar, no binge
33 UPFs

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From today on I would like to try and stop eating sugar for minimum of a month (the idea is that if I reach a month adding more days, weeks and months might be more realistic).

For me today is the Day 1 without sugar.

Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: because I know that it is going to be a hard one for me.

Now, I don’t do it, because I want to loose weight but because it causes me issues like IBS and heart burning. I can do without these problems and I’m looking forward to be feeling better again.


Best of luck :crossed_fingers:
We are in this together! Share your journey with us.


4 days no takeaways.
3 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

So last night I gave in to the craving for salt and vinegar crisps. My mind is silent re food now and today I have had peace from any cravings.


Day 1152 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

I am finding that drinking water at night (along with drinking at least 8 glasses throughout the day) helps curb my cravings at night. If you have any medical conditions that would contraindicate this method, don’t follow it without at least talking to a doctor first. If you do try it let me know how it goes. Obviously make sure you eat enough during the day too, don’t use water to replace healthy meals. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM Yay to peace from cravings!
@Aleyadaisey I find myself often being thirsty when I’m having food cravings. Good advice.

78 no sugar
34 UPFs
0 overeating/binge?

I’m adding a new counter for overeating. The last few days I found myself slipping into overeating mode from the afternoon on. In the evening I’m stuffed and don’t feel good. I’m having trouble sleeping, and I wake up unwell. This is affecting my life in a way I don’t like. Overeating means for now: eating although I am physically full, or keeping eating although I’ve felt obvious satiety signals. Let’s see how this goes.


Day 2 no sugar

Yesterday went surprisingly well. I ate lots of “normal” stuff to keep my stomach full. Hunger is my biggest enemy. I know we should be able to be hungry but only to a certain point. If I’m starving, I can’t then stop eating after I finally got food… :smile:

I didn’t binge or over eat. Which is good.
And I did HIIT first thing in the morning :blush: