Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

When I was sick with a tummy bug I underate for a week. The week after, boy oh boy. I felt hungry, no matter how much I ate, and this intense hunger was always one step away from bingeing.
I think it is very important to hear the hunger cues early enough and be able to feed ourselves apprioriately.
So, I get you on the hunger :wink:


Hello everybody. I didnā€™t want to admit it but iā€™m getting worse. I havenā€™t given in yet but yesterday was a bad day. First day of my cycle and i ate too much (even if it might not be gategorized as binge). Today i have trouble keeping focus. There are temptations in the house but usually when iā€™m ok i donā€™t care about them. Itā€™s not the stress either, on the contrary iā€™ve had good news. I feel so guilty for being this bad when everything is good. I donā€™t know how to recapture the focus of my first days. Every hour was difficult but every hour made me prroud. Now iā€™m like an acrobat about to fall from the cord. Any advice would be good.


You are so right


Keep it going. I admire how you keep fighting. Sending you courage from afar


Hey @Elissa. Iā€™m sorry things are difficult for you right now :slightly_frowning_face:. I know that hormonal upheavals can make life especially intense. I had a similar day yesterday myself. My feelings were all over the place, I overate tremendously. I hated it all :angry:

There are a couple of things you could try to make the situation a little better.

One day at a time. Do you feel like you can get through this day? Until you hit the pillow tonight? Is a day too long of a stretch? What about an hour? Do you think you can handle an hour? Maybe an hour is too much as well. Think about a minute. Can you deal with one minute at a time? If this is too much, what about one breath? One breath at a time?
One breath
One minute
One hour
One day
Thatā€™s all it takes for now.

Now another thing is to realize that this will pass. Whatever it is you are going through will eventually pass. In the same way that the focus of your first days has changed, feeling bad like now will change too. It always does. Hang on.

Last but not least: Being abstinent from your addiction does not mean that all your problems and challenges - whatever they might be - will disappear. It only means that instead of dealing with life through an addiction, you now have a chance to learn new life skills. And you know what? You already learned AND used a new life skill. Instead of turning to food, you came here and shared! Well done!

I really hope you will feel better soon :mending_heart:. Iā€™m sending you tons of strength :muscle: and a big hug :people_hugging:.


Hello again, thank you. This helps a lot. Especially in the evenings when itā€™s harder to distract myself. But until now i pushed through. Barely might i say but i did and tonight i feel like iā€™ll be able to fall asleep early.
It helps me put things into perspective to think that being binge free will not solve all my problems indeed. But i shouldnā€™t be too scared because itā€™s easier to go through those without the pain of addiction.
The alleviation of anxiety that came from eating had become very small anyways.
I hope all the good vibes you send me come back to you tenfold.


Day 1153 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


79 sugar
35 UPF
1 overeating/binge

Yesterday I diligently used my tool set :toolbox: - regular breaks to check in with myself, self care, physical and emotional hunger scale, mindful eating - and things went so much better :pray:t2:


Day 3 no sugar

So today Iā€™m starting day 3 without sugar. So far I didnā€™t struggle which surprises me a bit. Nothing is in the house, maybe thatā€™s why :smile: If I want a treat, I make myself yoghurt with blueberries and nuts and I love it. So itā€™s all good.


5 days no takeaways.
4 days no sugar
2 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

@Elissa thank you :blush: sending strength to you to also keep fighting šŸ©µ

Cravings were intense yesterday, lots of emotions and sadness/grief, but I managed somehow. :raised_hands:t2:



@Jana1988 @CATMANCAM
You go!


Day 1154 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Almost a week no takeaways @CATMANCAM! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face:


80 sugar
36 UPF
2 overeating/binge

This business of differentiating between physical hunger and emotional cravings is really interesting and right now takes a lot of work.


Congrats on 80 days no sugar :tada:


6 days no takeaways.
5 days no sugar.
3 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Still feeling peaceful in regards to cravings, a few thoughts pop-up when I feel like I want to watch TV, that I need to binge crisps whilst watching, but I think I am on the path towards acceptance.



Unfortunately must reset my clock and start sugar free tomorrow due to visiting a nice restaurant at Newbury and having 1/3 of shared dessert :grimacing:
But I feel fine about it :blush:


Wow, having the strength to go to a nice restaurant and only share is already pretty cool. Keep it up! For some thing i feel resetting is normal and spacing out the resets is more of a goal than never touching sugar again

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Hello, i keep going. The 30 days mark is approaching!
However iā€™m worried because today iā€™ve let someone toxic back in my life. I just wrote something out of poluteness but i kind of regret it. Wanting to take back politeness is weird. Iā€™m trying to not get too upset about it.


Just because you reached out to someone to be polite doesnā€™t mean you have to continue a relationship with them. You can make or change your rules of engagement at any time. Donā€™t let someone else derail you from your goals and well done on your approaching 30 day milestone! :clap:t3::clap:t3:


Thank you. You are right. This person is just very draining. However i might be pessimistic and realise that with proper bounderies everything goes well.