Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

7 days no takeaways.
6 days no sugar.
4 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Feeling strong at the moment but keeping my guard up. Must be prepared to face urges and cravings as I know they will come.



Day 1155 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

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@Elissa, @CATMANCAM, good to see you keep going, friends!

81 sugar
37 UPF
3 overeating/binge


Thank you very much, @Elissa
Yes, I was initially thinking having a cake for myself. Especially after my bf said he fancies more than one from the menu - what a perfect excuse for us to order one each and swap! But then I said to myself ā€˜nope, thatā€™s not the way to do itā€™!

Good luck with your journey :four_leaf_clover: 30 days is amazing :blush:

I hope to build up my strength more and then I hopefully wonā€™t have problems anymore to say ā€˜noā€™ to a cake, even at a nice restaurant :upside_down_face:


I overate on cheese. I enjoyed it. Iā€™m not sure how I feel about it. Time will tell.

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I am really craving and wanting to binge crisps whilst watching the final 1.5 episodes of a show I havent been able to watch since I last ate crisps 5 days ago. I am resenting my counters right now. :tired_face: The voice is telling me I can restart once Iā€™ve finished the series and that -5 days doesnt matter, but I donā€™t knowā€¦


Hey @CATMANCAM! I know how you feel. I used to binge eat while watching TV too. And I listened to the same voices. I know they try to be very persuasive. But itā€˜s just the voices. And a trigger of habit.
At some point I realised I can watch TV without eating. Now I never do that anymore.
Good job on realising the voices are talking. If you abstain, you will forge a new path. If you give in, youā€˜ll learn something for the next time.
I learned today that I can make myself better by relaxing or overeating. I hope next time Iā€˜ll choose the recliner instead of cheeseā€¦


That was close! I had a f*ck-it moment, walked to the shop, on the walk there I managed to talk myself out of going in, walked past it, turned around to walk back to itā€¦twice! But ultimately managed to turn back around again and walked in a block to come back home, and now itā€™s closed so Iā€™m safe! :raised_hands:t2:


Thank you for your reply because I did read it before I went and it may have been what made me have some rational thoughts. I thought ā€˜I want to see 6 days on my counter tomorrow not 0 or 1ā€™.


Itā€™s odd because I have managed to watch all kinds of reality TV shows without eating, but I canā€™t seem to watch any fictional ones. I think I do it to self-soothe because itā€™s more dramatic and tense. Though Iā€™m not sure.


The only way i manage to say no to cakes or extra tasty stuff is to tell myself that my restriction wonā€™t be endless, that one day iā€™ll be ok with just a little and that on this day cake will still exist. Iā€™ve suffered from hunger and was deprived sometimes as a child ( out of weird circumstances not necesseraly abuse or extreme moverty) so lacking is a touchy subject for me. The only way i can stop binging is reassuring myself that i wont lack. In that way i do the opposite of what many do. I have to be surrounded by food to only eat a normal amount. Not necessarily at home but at least available.


That sounds hard. Isnā€™t there anything else that will give you the same satisfaction but wonā€™t trigger binge. What if you watch the show during a meal and eat something copious, salty but tasty and healthy. Potatoes can be healthy in some dishes.

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Bravo! 6 is always more than 5 and it took a lot of courage to no buy and eat those.
I find it helpful when i watch something to drink a big drink or to do something with my hands. Iā€™m drawing or fidgetting.
Lately, instead of watching shows idlely, i go scroll or watch something in the gym. I look a little insane watching youtube videos while doing some biking but those were 2 or 3 proud sessions. I might do it again tomorrow. Sending you strenght!


Day 1156 : No binge today. :smiling_face: Congrats on 30 days, @Elissa! Keep it up! :tada::smiling_face:


82 sugar
38 UPF
0 overeating/binge

I overate yesterday and I learned something interesting. I did it on purpose. Although I felt physically satisfied I wanted more of the taste. So I ate more of it mindfully and stopped when I stopped enjoying the taste.
I realised that some foods delay or dampen the satiety signals. I know that sugar and ultra processed foods do this on purpose, but yesterday I realised that other foods can do this to a lesser degree too.
Now Iā€™m going to try to sharpen my skills in listening to those signals. Iā€™m very curious to find out how this will work out.

As they say: Keep exploring!


Almost, iā€™m at 28 :grin:


Hmmmm, this sounds interesting :thinking: Thank you for giving me a little bit different perspective. I must think about it more, because maybe even I want to eat everything because I feel like itā€™s the last chance to have itā€¦ despite how weird that sounds :smile:
I also pay towards shopping in the circumstances Iā€™m currently living and so I feel like I want to eat all the stuff because I paid for it. And I hate vasting food so sometimes Iā€™m like a bin and eat everything what would otherwise get off and what others donā€™t want.
I need to learn appreciate myself and my body more and give it more value than I give to vasted food and moneyā€¦
I started buying my own stuff more to get rid of this need of eating food just because I paid for it. That helps little bit. But thereā€™s still so much work to do.
I canā€™t wait to live alone with my partner only. I have hope that it will all be very different.


8 days no takeaways.
7 days no sugar.
5 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Feeling so relieved that I didnā€™t binge crisps last night, although it was a very close call! My body is definitely used to consuming a huge amount of calories in the evening, because I am finding that Iā€™m very hungry and keep having to have an extra meal replacement or two. Iā€™m hoping I will adjust so I can stop doing that.



Sometimes, iā€™ve notices that in the evening the body can confuse tiredness with hunger. Since i have trouble sleeping, i often compensate with more food, especially in the evening.


Totally :100:
Recliner instead of cheese is all I can say.


9 days no takeaways.
8 days no sugar.
6 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

It was after the shops had already closed that I had my cravings/urges to binge today, so thankfully there was no battle.


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