Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1157 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Oh, my bad, @Elissa. Still a huge accomplishment! :smiling_face::muscle:


83 sugar
39 UPF
1 overeating/binge

I had so much emotional stress yesterday, I felt no hunger all day. This is strange. Usually I’ma total stress eater.


10 days no takeaways.
9 days no sugar.
7 days no binge-eating.

Today wasn’t quite as bad. I did look at sweets (candy) in the shop though, but managed to resist buying any.



Day 1158 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM Good Job on resisting the sweet stuff!

84 sugar
40 UPF
2 overeating/binge

Yesterday was the first time - I think - I went out eating since starting my counters. It went surprisingly well. I was moderately mindful while eating. Talking to a friend and eating at the same time did divide my attention. But I ordered a reasonable dish, payed attention to my satiety signals now and then and stopped eating when felt full enough and did not enjoy the fries any more. This is a huge win in my book and it feels so good :blush:


I had a very good book that helped me with that but unfortunately i think it exist only in french. It’s called “the end of diets” by jean-philippe zemati.
It has so techniques to end toxic relationship with food like journalin. There was a cool exercize where you make peace with the food that makes you loose control. It was to eat in a day only your most problematic food : for me at the time it was mars bars. No restrictions on the volume. At the end of the day you usually have a huge deficit because your body naturally gets fed up. And you stop obsessing over it so much because now you know you can have it without going bonkers. I do that from time to time when i start obsessing over something.
Can tell you other off the tricks if you’re interested.


Hey everybody. Today is my 30 day badge and it was an excellent day. I slept enough, ate well and did activities with my daughter. I’m quite hopefull and happy.
Just sharing the love. Hope you are all holding up and thanks for the support so far!


Day 1159 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on 30 days, @Elissa! Keep it up! :tada:


@Elissa Congrats on 30 days. That’s huge! :partying_face::clap:t2:
I’m currently listening a podcast about eating behaviours and the host just introduced the concept of joy eating. Eating foods one likes for as long as one enjoys eating them. I’m currently working on this. Already tried it out with the fries I had recently. I think the concept is in the vein of what you wrote about ending toxic relationships with food and finding peace. Thanks for sharing this idea.

85 sugar
41 UPF
3 overeating/binge


@acromouse congrats on 40+ days UPFs :tada:
@Elissa congrats on 30 days :tada:

11 days no takeaways.
10 days no sugar.
8 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

As usual, the cravings and urges to binge were so strong last night, but somehow I made it again. :raised_hands:t2:



Your tenacity is marvellous :star_struck:


you’re doing great Cam! you got a handle on the binge-restriction - now invest some energy into building positive experiences w your body. yoga, stretching, some band work, walks or back to the gym. you deserve all the good that will come from those!

btw I see there is currently a 7day intro thread for yoga going on - what better opprotunity? :slight_smile:


@acromouse thank you :blush:
@Faugxh thank you for that, I’ve always wanted to get into Yoga, I’ll search for the thread :blush: I have been doing atleast 5K steps every day this week, I know it’s not much for some people, but it’s more than I was doing. :raised_hands:t2:

12 days no takeaways.
11 days no sugar.
9 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Cravings and urges are incessant, especially between 6-10pm. When the shops close. a huge wave of relief washes over me, and I feel so peaceful. I am not feeling very strong at all though. It would be so good to achieve double digits tomorrow, but I have something very concerning to deal with in regards to my health, so it’s going to be far from easy.



Hi all, back after idk…maybe a 90 day or so stretch? Thought I could be fine on my own…first and biggest mistake. So here I am, down but not defeated. I have to remember I will always be an addict, I can not do this alone, my goal is to be sober. Here’s my day 1.


Welcome back!


Thamk you!


Day 1160 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@Jenny1972 Welcome back to the forum!
@CATMANCAM Consistent 5K a day is great. Building good patterns with your body and mind is the way to go. I’m sorry cravings are driving you nuts love. I’m rooting for double digits.

86 sugar
42 UPF
4 overeating/binge

Caught myself yesterday stress eating during an argument. Don’t eat and argue :wink:


good luck for the health thing today my friend.


@acromouse @Faugxh thank you both :blush:🩵

13 days no takeaways.
12 daya no sugar.
10 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I actually can’t believe I just typed that! Somehow I have all my counters on double digits. I hope I don’t mess this up. I am still really craving and having super strong urges, but I really don’t want to reset. Checking-in on this thread is really helping me to be stronger against these addictions. (Thank you @Aleyadaisey :blush:)
