Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1161 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

10 days! Great job @CATMANCAM! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face:


I am so fed up with this sugar thing.

Today is my day 1 (again)

I have problem in the evening. The cravings are soooo huge I don’t know how to overcome it. It should get better once I fully stop eating the :poop: Why can’t I have a normal healthy relationship with food :sob::sob::sob: It gets so exhausting…

I must find a way how to deal with this. There must be a way.


@CATMANCAM You are totally rockin it, friend! Double digits is huge. These are the toughest days.
@Jana1988 I’m sorry your situation is so difficult right now :disappointed:. Is there a way to remove all sweets out of your reach for a time? I couldn’t do the first weeks with sweets in my flat.

87 sugar
43 UPF
5 overeating/binge

The thought of going into a situation where there would be lots of trigger foods caused me so much stress, I stress ate; just in preparation :rofl:
I caught myself yesterday and I am having a good laugh about it today. I asked my friends yesterday to put all those snacks out of my direct sight. Told them I’m having impulse control issues around it. Honesty works :smiling_face:


Still struggling here. I need to get back into the mindset of caring for my body with nutritious food, rather than soothing myself mentally with rubbish.
At least I am moving my body a little with the yoga challenge. I want to go running again but know I will have lost so much stamina it is depressing.


I don’t think so… Unfortunately me and my boyfriend live with his mum until we buy our own place and she loves sugar and won’t do that for me. She doesn’t really understand eating disorders etc. She’s very old and you know, in her time this kinda didn’t exist (well it did but wasn’t so published and the knowledge wasn’t exactly there…).

I’ll have to find a different way. I always try talking to myself. Remind myself why I don’t want to eat it and how I’m going to feel afterwards. But it doesn’t work much now… It’s hard, because I don’t really want have to use willpower to get through every evening. Because that is not a long term solution.

Your story about stressing so much about stressing is actually quite funny. I like that you can spot your triggers now.


I struggle too lately. Lets start together today and carry on with food nutritionally rich for us so we have no problem with binging and eating rubbish later on.


Day 1162 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Sending hugs to those of you who are struggling. Take care of yourselves, try to eat healthy nutritious foods, and don’t give up. :people_hugging:


Yesterday was the first day in a long time there was no binging. It was weird to not be stuffed, had to eat lots of fruit and drink lots of tea to feel at all full.


88 sugar
44 UPF
6 overeating/binge

Pretty numbers :slightly_smiling_face:
Hormones give me cravings for high calorie foods in the evenings, but I’m getting better at differentiating between physical hunger and hormone induced cravings.


@Misokatsu This sounds really nice. Like you took care of some part of you that needed you :blush:
@Jana1988 Hey, that does sound like a really tough situation to be in. I’m sorry for that.

Just some random thoughts:
I learned for myself that taking care of myself and my needs - like being tired or thirsty or just upset - was a very important part of my job. Because otherwise I confuse every need with hunger, and food will numb those other feelings, but it won’t nourish them. And then they will have to come back in an endless cycle of cravings and ‘hunger’.

Another thing was if I knew there would be a situation prone to triggers and cravings, I’d have to prepare for that. So, if I tend to crave stuff in the evening, I’d take care to be nourished beforehand and plan some activity that will keep me busy for that time. Physical activities and household chores worked for me, but everone needs something different - maybe meditation or a bit of TV.

Whatever works for you: Let’s give ourselves all the care we need :sparkling_heart:


I’m going to call today day two of no binging. Actually my daughter and her friend made late Valentine chocolate biscuit things. But being kids they were rather slapdash, so there was lots of chocolate left in bowls, broken biscuits that they didn’t want to use, which I hoovered up because I didn’t want to waste it, which is obviously not ideal. I have no idea how much I ate, but I wasn’t actively opening packets myself so I am going to give myself grace. I was in the house alone in the afternoon, and didn’t binge, so that was good.


@Aleyadaisey @acromouse thank you both :blush:

14 days no takeaways.
13 days no sugar.
11 days no binge-eating.

I somehow managed to watch the 2nd half of the episode from the fictional show I hadn’t been able to watch for first 10 evenings, and I did so without binge-eating crisps! It was really difficult, but I did it.



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Binge-free TV is a GO!


Sounds like a strong mindset! Well done! I’d find it hard in this situation too.


15 days no takeaways.
14 days no sugar.
12 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

To my surprise, despite a huge urge to binge a huge amount of food, I haven’t, and the shops are now closed so I’m safe. I even managed to watch the final epjsode of the TV show I wasnt able to watch without eating crisps, so that can no longer beckon me.



Currently: 60 days af, 5 months nicotine free and 2 days no disordered eating/ binge free. Happy for this community and happy to be sober. ODAAT


Day 1163 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

60 days alcohol free, and 5 months nicotine free is huge, @Jenny1972! Keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle:


Thank you!

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@Jenny1972 Welcome to the thread🤗!!! Taking it one step at a time. Looking good.

89 sugar
45 UPF
7 overeating/binge

One week no binge or overeating. That is a strange feeling. Overeating is always a gray area. I’ve been focusing on physical hunger signals this first week and will keep at it. Let’s see how my perceptions here will sharpen.

Yesterday’s lunch at a restaurant was no big deal. I had no inclination to overeat. Dinner in the evening a completely different situation. Intense cravings for high fat foods. I am trying to be flexible here. Following my hunger signals and stopping with satiety. I’m in training 🏋🏻‍♂️.


I still didn’t stick with my day 1 and always relapsed :roll_eyes: Even today I already had KitKat. What’s wrong with me?
But I realised quite a strange thing. Sweet food is perhaps the only one which makes me feel uncomfortable fool immediately after I ate it. It’s like if my stomach is swollen inside. Almost like if I had intolerance… Maybe I do have, I don’t know :woman_shrugging:t4: It gives me acid reflux and now I can’t get rid of cystitis since last week on Tuesday and I’m starting to think that it gets worse when I eat lots of sweets…
Maybe I only make this up :rofl::rofl::rofl: I don’t know. However, I’m seeing my GP today and hope they will help me, because cystitis is super unpleasant.
Otherwise I am fine lol