Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Wow 89 days without that sugar :poop: :exploding_head:


Canā€™t believe it myself :wink:


Sadly i had to reset my counter today after 35 days. I struggled for a few days now. Hope i can work the courage to got to at least 35 days again. Sometimes when i fail i have a very ā€œnot worrh it if it ainā€™t perfect attitudeā€. Since iā€™m starting over. Iā€™m going to rest and prepare somethingb to be happy andbhealthy tonight. :face_exhaling::disappointed_relieved:


Same here, only worsened by the fact i have trouble sleeping

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Hey there. Donā€˜t beat yourself up. You came such a long way. Be nice to yourself. Itā€˜s another stepping stone. You learned something along the way. Itā€˜s not a straight line, never in life. Itā€˜s more of a spiral. We feel like we are going in circles, but we forget that there is a third dimension. We change the planesā€¦
Take care of yourself, tell us what happened and share the rest of your journey with us :mending_heart:


Really struggling with a bombardment of cravings and urges. I have one hour until the shops close, but that feels like an eternity right now! :tired_face:

Itā€™s the final of one of the reality shows Iā€™ve been watching tonight so the voice is telling me to ā€œgo all outā€ :roll_eyes::flushed:


Day 1164 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Almost 90 days without sugar, @acromouse! Keep it up, youā€™re doing awesome! :sunglasses::muscle:


@CATMANCAM I hope you got the better hand with those urges. I remember that TV shows used to cause very intense feelings in me and I tried to soothe these with food. Maybe there is something else you could do while watching TV to help your feelings? In the end I realised Iā€™ma very sensitive person and switched to watching animated TV which is easier on my nerves.

90 sugar
46 UPF
8 overeating/binge

90 days surely feels like an eternity. On the other hand I still would not trust myself around sugar. Thatā€™s a clear sign that stuff was not made for me.


I think that over 30 days is awesome! You may reset your timer, but the 35 days which you went through are not lost. Theyā€™ll always remain the successful days and they surely tought you something.
Get back ok track :four_leaf_clover:

I struggle myself but the good thing about me is that I never give up. Even when Iā€™m the most exhausted or hopeless, I wonā€™t give up. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m sober today and one day Iā€™ll have a good relationship with food too :muscle:t3:


Thank you, iā€™m holding up. Iā€™m reconnecting with my initial mindset: being nice to myself and giving myself full energy to battle this. I think along the way i started being harder and harder on myself. A normal meal became ā€œa bad oneā€ because secretely stop binging isnā€™t enough. The problem was alway my self image. Even at 60kg i hated myself and dieted and then binged. This has to stop. Tidayā€™s goal is feeling pretty. Iā€™m going to the gym right now!
Thanks a lot for the replies. It helps so much. I donā€™t really have friends i trust with this and that get it.


I bet you will. I admire your mindset. I had a lot of challenges in life and they taught me that what makes you succeed is not being good but being perseverent. Little by little we are figuring this out.
Iā€™m surprised to be in such okeyish disposition today. Iā€™m getting back on that no binging horse asap. :smiling_face:


Day 1165 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


On day 5 of no binging. Starting to have normal-ish hunger cues again. Because I again gained weight during the month or so of binging I really want to start restricting, but am going to just eat normally for a while. My body is certainly appreciating the better food schedule.


@Jana1988 & @Elissa Thatā€™s the spirit :muscle:t2:. Keep going. Every step counts.
@Misokatsu Restricting, controllingā€¦ It really is tough to find the right balance with food.

91 sugar
47 UPF
9 overeating/binge

The first week is the worst. Stuff always gets easier after that.
I listened to a new episode of an eating behaviour related podcast. The lady there said something that stick with me. ā€œWhy would you leave yourselfā€ And thatā€™s what I do when I space out and overeat.
Tough questions. ā€œWhy would I want to leave myself? Where would I want to go?ā€


My advice is donā€™t restrict unless you have to because of health reasons, etc. Because paradixally restricting is what causes you the weight gain.
When I started eating everything and more (no time and food restrictions) I also gainee weigh and I got bloated and all the stuff I didnā€™t feel well at all. I hated it but stack with the process and after 9 or so months I slowly got back to a normal weight. My body just needed to realise that it doesnā€™t have to safe all kalories for worse times because itā€™s going to be fed and not left hungry time to time anymore.

Iā€™m now doing really bad in regards to food and my diet. I donā€™t know why itā€™s so much out of control now and I donā€™t even want to take responsibility for itā€¦ Iā€™m just sitting back and waiting fot the day D to come which may be a mistake.
Itā€™s funny becaue in all other areas of my life everything is close to perfect. Maybe I just always need some problem so Iā€™m not bored? :woman_shrugging:t4: I hate the relationship I have with food right now. Absolutely out of controlā€¦ :face_exhaling: Tiring. Powerless. Exhausting.

Hope dies last. I will get thereā€¦ :woozy_face:


@acromouse I did! :raised_hands:t2: Thank you :blush:

18 days no takeaways.
17 days no sugar.
15 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Somehow I got through my cravings and urges a few nights back, and every evening since. I keep surprising myself. The voice is saying stuff like ā€˜youā€™ll never keep this up, just give inā€™ ā€˜just have a big binge but only once a monthā€™ :roll_eyes: but I am becoming aware of it, and Iā€™m finding the strength to start challenging it.



Made it five days, but struggling. Intrusive thoughts. Daughter shared a photo of me that she submitted as her inspiration for an upcoming athletic event celebrating women. I am so overwhelmed with love for her and the pic is actually beautiful (which is a big step for me to admit) and all I can think about is how I relapsed and in my messed up brain donā€™t look like that right now. It is messing with me big time and I want to stay soberā€¦damn. Hard day. Grateful I can vent here. Stay strong all.


Day 1166 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


92 sugar
48 UPF
10 overeating/binge

Very proud of double digits on overeating :smiling_face:

Stay strong everybody. Donā€™t listen to sneaky voices. And be sooooo nice to yourselves. We deserve the freedom :people_hugging:


Day 6

Went out to eat with parents in law, ate a normal set lunch with them, but wanted to binge this afternoon after I came home and was alone, even though I wasnā€™t hungry at all, but survived by eating fruit and drinking tea. My kids are off tomorrow (random school holiday) so this evening we watched movie and I shared popcorn with them. For me that is balance. Sharing a normal meal or snack with people is fine. Eating secretly alone is not. And popcorn has lots of fibre. Happy to be at nearly a week.