Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Sounds like a really balanced approach you have there :blush:


Day 1167 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Youā€™re doing great so far, @Misokatsu! Keep it up, youā€™ve almost made it a full week! :muscle::smiling_face:


93 sugar
49 UPF
11 overeating/binge

Had intense cravings yesterday afternoon. Hormones once again acting up. Felt the physical hunger. Ate something but did not overeat. Had the clarity that there is nothing that will make the hormonal urges go away. Not food, nor anything else.


@acromouse sorry about those damn hormones :people_hugging:

19 days no takeaways.
18 days no sugar.
16 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was craving a takeaway last night but got through it. Itā€™s not worth it, I donā€™t need it, and I donā€™t want to go backwards into any spirals/cycles.



A full week of no binging! 5 biscuits eaten while watching Labyrinth, but that was all.
And got out to do some running.


@Misokatsu @CATMANCAM look at you guys go! Whoo! I dig it! :heart:


Day 1168 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Yā€™all are doing great, keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle:


94 sugar
50 UPF
12 overeating/binge

Hormone levels took a hard dive over the last days. Iā€™m having real trouble registering hunger and satiety signals. I hope adjusting the dosage of hrt will catch up soon. Canā€™t even think straight.


Iā€™m going back on track starting today. Weekend is a good day for me to start (please life donā€™t prove me otherwise :rofl: ), because I usually have stuff and activities to do which could keep me and my ā€˜hungryā€™ mind busy.
I wonā€™t put day 1 until I achieved it I decided. Otherwise Iā€™m just making myself a fool.

I admire @CATMANCAM , @acromouse , @Faugxh @Alisa and @Aleyadaisey (youā€™re totally nailing it and are a huge inspiration to me). You guys are doing well and keep hanging here and even if you slip a little bit, you donā€™t give up, very well done! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:
Itā€™s not easy, I know. I was doing well for about two months! And look at me, so hard to get back to it, and struggling now for weeksā€¦

Well, Iā€™m also not giving up. Never!

I want the life where food and thoughts about it are not driving my day to day. I want freedom from addictions and cravings.


If this goes over the boundaries by actually talking about the foods, then just report the post and moderator if you come by just remove it, itā€™s fine.

Thanks for this partā€¦ I had a rough week this last week. And here and there more so than usual.

I donā€™t know what it is that turns the switch onā€¦

I think itā€™s something in the food, ( like the type of carb etcetera) not emotional so much.
But emotional could be the cause also.

I appreciate your acknowledgment and I get lots of inspiration from you @Jana1988 and from
everyone else ā€¦
Every single person

We all have the same demon out there.

One that ā€œnormiesā€ arenā€™t even aware of, donā€™t know that it exists and canā€™t understand ā€¦

ā€œ You ate the whole pack of cookies???ā€
Answer: Well, Yes!

For the most part, I donā€™t eat sugar.

I donā€™t have hidden sugar in my food.
I do eat natural fruit.

I have a storage room and I have nice chocolate bars out there and some in the freezer. For guests.
I maybe eat one a year.

I have three or four or five bags of store bought cookies out there for children when they come over or for guests if they come over and I want to give them some cookies.

I am a long way from a grocery store.

I would say in the last year that once I opened a bag and ate half of them, and then I ate the other half later in the week, thatā€™s not so good.

Lesson, donā€™t open them, and in general, I donā€™t even think about them and donā€™t open them, so theyā€™re right there, but they are safe for some reason.

Tomorrow I am going to open up a bag and put some cookies in some bags for children who Iā€™m going to see.

I decided Iā€™m going to use the whole bag of cookies up and give everybody I see a bag of cookies that way I get rid of the cookies and donā€™t have the open bag.

I might just give bags of cookies to the street people out there.

I donā€™t know truthfully, Iā€™m going to see two children and three adults and Iā€™m gonna divide the cookies up where they each can get a bag and I get left with no open bag!

I have Cliff power bars. Iā€™ve been eating them when I wanted to for 20 years or something.
Usually itā€™s a lunch replacement that I can eat in the car while Iā€™m driving.
Or if Iā€™m out hiking or something like that, traveling, but legitimate reason to eat it. And just one.

I keep them in my car in general and I wonā€™t go out to my car and get one.
They are safe in the car.

I have them in the storage room, and I generally will not get them out of there to eat.

What happens this week?

I got two boxes of 12 from Amazon and they were in a box on my back porch.

One night I was kind of upset? , because trust me, I was not hungry, and I thought Iā€™ll just go open the box and get a Cliff bar. I can just eat one.

Well I didnā€™t, I ate three, I couldnā€™t believe it, and then not only that, but I did it the next night.

What did I need to do? I needed to get them off the porch and put them in the storage room and the car.

Then I did another awful thing. Two or so weeks ago I bought 4 little containers of Hagen Daz coffee ice cream.

I wanted to have them in the freezer in the storage room so when my girl friend came over, we could each have one at 210 cal a piece. Not the end of the world.

What did I do? I ate one and then I ate the rest of them. Why? ???

Why couldnā€™t I just be normal and eat one???

I have four frozen pecan pies but thankfully Iā€™m not interested in eating them and I have I think four Apple walnut ricotta cakes out there and thankfully theyā€™re too frozen to be able to easily cut into.

So, in general, I donā€™t eat any sugar, but when I do, I do.

I donā€™t keep any in my house

I donā€™t eat pasta and I think if I did, it would trigger me to want to eat sweets

Most all of this is later at night, so like some of yā€™all have decided to have a cut off that would be a good thing for me to do.

I have known since I was a child that foods like sweet rolls, scones, breads, cookies, pasta and foods like that pacified me and made me sleep better. Iā€™ve known that since I was 5, 6, 7 years old.

Iā€™m leaving out the really bad thing I did.

OK so earlier this week I was riding my bike out there. I usually ride 100 minutes 21 miles and sometimes I eat peanuts while Iā€™m doing it. OK thatā€™s all right. Peanuts have antioxidants.

I canā€™t even believe Iā€™m going to admit this, it was two or three nights ago.

I was not well rested, and I was not into riding the bike. Usually I very much am, but I wasnā€™t and I had a hurting shoulder and neck and the riding was making it worse, so I thought I want to snack on something, whatā€™s out here?

I said no to the cookies because I know thatā€™s a disaster.

I said no to the cheese because I know that is a disaster

Big confesssion. I have fat-free generic Cool Whip in the freezer so that I can take it places when I take or serve the pecan pies.

I also make pies with it, key lime type pies for guests.

I have not in 40 years of having Cool Whip in the freezer ever ever ever gotten in the freaking Cool Whip.

What do I do?

I go get a container of frozen fat-free generic Cool Whip and a plastic spoon that unfortunately could easily scoop the cool whip to have a bite and I looked at how many calories it was going to be, 20 calories for two tablespoons, and I thought well not so bad but then I ended up eating the whole container. 750 calories.

So @Jana1988 I do fail. But I do end up right back to eating healthy and ā€œnormalā€

I have lots of admiration, a tremendous amount of admiration for all of you, and I have lots of respect for all the personal research that you have done Jana in trying to figure out the madness for you personally. And the rest of you who have done the same trying to figure out the stimuli and the work arounds to not trigger it.

. What I need to pay more attention to is that I eat regular meals at regular times.

This all seems like a lot and itā€™s all been the last couple weeks except the cookies that were a couple months ago.

Thanks for listening and thanks for joining in on the struggle, as they say, the struggle is real.

You are all heroes in my book and @CATMANCAM its so good to see you over here.

Best wishes, big hugs and sugar free love to all of you.


I had the boy over I am seeing. I made a baked meal w cream inside (first time) and cheese on top. which to my 8yo selfā€™s heart speaks: special occasion :melting_face: because anything w cheese on top became available and fashionable when I was a kid and we never had that at home, only when we went to like a bday party.
I was proud of myself for making that. eating w someone is not not a big deal to me. and making highly palatable foods is nothing I usually do or consume so, win.

in the night time I got upset. love stuff, right. so I totally ate a big ass portion of that food after midnight. plus chocolate.
in the morning I was still and again upset so I couldnā€™t eat breakfast but I ate some chocolate instead again.

I feel better now, because I managed to deal w my feelings aside from eating at them. my eating will now improve and normalise over the day. emotional eating is still totally a thing. and itā€™s not a big problem. I can afford to fall back onto that every once in a while - much more important is that I address what upsets me and ask myself what is going on and find ways to deal w that, emotionally, which is TOUGH doing that with another person! let me tell ya! :slight_smile:

I feel pretty humbled by this huge learning ability on many levels. pretty grateful tbh.
just wanted to share.
love to yā€™all.


@Alisa The struggle is very real. I could totally relate to a lot of your post. Having actual children in the house means we have a lot of snack chocolate bars, little packs of crisps, etc, for after school, having friends over etc. The amount of times I try to eat a few, overeat, have to rush out to buy replacements so it isnā€™t noticable how much I ate, sheesh.

@Faugxh For sure, even normies overeat, or emotional eat sometimes. As you say, the point is to go back to regular eating straightaway. Thanks for sharing. And I love stuff with cheese on top too!


@Jana1988 thank you :blush: and well done to you for not giving up :clap:t2:
@Alisa very relatable, no need to feel ashamed here :people_hugging: thank you for sharing šŸ©µ
@Faugxh sounds like you got yourself right back on track AND found a healthier way to deal :raised_hands:t2:šŸ©µ

20 days no takeaways.
19 days no sugar.
17 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I am craving crisps so badly this evening. Iā€™m hoping I can fall asleep early so I can just be done with this day.



Knowing your tenacity I donā€™t think the crisps have any chance at seeing the light of day :wink: Stay strong friend!


Fuck em crisps!! :facepunch:


Day 1169 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Thank you, @Jana1988! Iā€™m glad you have been getting the inspiration from us to keep going. Youā€™re doing amazing work, keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle:


95 sugar
51 UPF
13 overeating/binge

Hormones got better yesterday and hunger and satiety signals too. I did some mindless eating at my motherā€™s yesterday. I realised and stopped. Eating really is soothing and it was one of those situations. I was tired and in a low mood. I went to the kitchen to make coffee. There was food conveniently laying around and I just grabbed it. It really shows how important the food environment is.
And as all of you wrote yesterday, everybody does that: grab convenient stuff, eat for emotional needs, eat far more of some food than they wanted. Most edible products are designed (including the packaging) to make us crave them and overeat, to get hooked.
The important thing I learned for myself is to have a plan, realise what Iā€™m doing, being nice to myself about it, and getting back to the life I want.
Keep going everybody :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


@acromouse @Faugxh thank you both for your replies last night, they really made me smile and laugh and seperate myself from the cravings :smile:

21 days no takeaways.
20 days no sugar.
18 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I have had a day of peace from cravings and urges today, itā€™s been more of a background noise.



Day 1170 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


Good morning :blush:
Again, today Iā€™m going to try and start my day 1 not eating sweets! Yesterday, I over ate on doughnuts. I did it a bit intentionally so theyā€™re not here anymore, tempting.
I know that from beginning itā€™s easier if sweet stuff isnā€™t available. Once I get used to it, then it shouldnā€™t be a problem. But first week or two are the hardest for meā€¦

@Alisa Thank you very much for all above you wrote! I read it on one breath. So much trueth in there. I want to read it again and again and soak in all the wise words and experience properly. I appreciate your time you spent sharing from the depth of your heart :heart:

I feel that today could be the day D - the start of something new. Time to send Ed* back ā€œhomeā€ wherever it is.

#Ed = eating disorderd and also how I named it.