Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

96 sugar
52 UPF
14 overeating/binge

Down with Tummy bug. No food :mask:


Take care!


22 days no takeaways.
21 days no sugar.
19 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I still canā€™t get my head around this, I know itā€™s early days but it fuels my belief in the never giving up mentality. Just keep trying, every day. :muscle:t2:



Way to go, Cam! :muscle:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Day 1171 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Youā€™re doing amazing @CATMANCAM! Keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle:

Almost 100 days without sugar for @acromouse! Amazing! Keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle: And I hope you feel better soon. Drink water as much as youā€™re able to. :people_hugging:


@CATMANCAM However youā€™re doing it, it looks like itā€™s working! Three weeks is great. I hope the cravings are getting less and less.

97 sugar
53 UPF
0 overeating/binge

This was a very strange tummy bug. The bad part lasted for about two days. Yesterday afternoon all nausea was gone and I got soooo hungry. Stuffed myself pretty mindlessly and definitely overate. Didnā€™t pay attention to any signals at all. Iā€™m ok with resetting the counter.


Youā€™re reseting your counter, but really, itā€™s only numbers. What counts is the experience. All the days you went through without binging/over eating are NOT lost!
We say that anything hard we go through makes us stronger. Your ā€˜relapsā€™ makes you stronger. Now you have got the comparison how it felt next morning when you achieved your goal against how it felt now after you relapsed and you can use these feelings like your motivation and fuel to do great again!

Youā€™re really good at this and Iā€™m crossing all my fingers for you thay it all gets easier :four_leaf_clover::hugs:


Also reseted my clock again. Canā€™t even count for how many times :rofl: I ate an ice-cream after my dinner yesterday :roll_eyes: I very well knew what Iā€™m doing but I didnā€™t want to stop myself at the momentā€¦

I realised that my mood and motivation changes hugely through the day. Mornings are the best. Iā€™m so motivated and on the top of all of it. It almost seems that it goes down gradually since my first bite. Itā€™s like if I injected some poison to my body which makes me crave food sinceā€¦ I know I was in this state before and then I got over it. Itā€™s like coming back to past slowly but surely. I want to stop the train because I ainā€™t going all the way back down there to binging and purging and being exhausted and ill!!! NOOOOOOO WAAAAY!

I feel so crazy, itā€™s overwhelming. But somehow Iā€™m calm and not scared. Maybe itā€™s because itā€™s morning and I did HIIT at 5am today and so Iā€™m all boosted with positive energy :smile:

Anyway. I will get through this. I will. :smiling_face:


Iā€™m going to bed now and I can safely say:

1 day no binge/overeating
1 day no sweet snacks


I broke the cycle and hope to keep on this path! :four_leaf_clover:
God, Iā€™m so happy.

I had cravings, really bad ones, but resisted and now I feel sooooo good about it! This feeling should help me to get through more days as Iā€™ll remember how great I feel about it.


Day 1172 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

You can do this, @Jana1988! Iā€™m rooting for you! :smiling_face::muscle:

Donā€™t be too hard on yourself, @acromouse. Youā€™re still doing great with your no sugar counter! Now that youā€™re feeling better, you can get back on track. You got this! :smiling_face::muscle:


@Jana1988 You go! Fantastic start. :muscle:t2::sunglasses:

Thanks for the nice words everyone :smiling_face:

98 sugar
54 UPF
1 overeating/binge

Funny thing: feeling like starving will almost always lead to overeating :wink:
But honestly if this happens because I didnā€™t eat during tummy bug my body obviously will want to make up for the lack of food. Itā€™s designed to do exactly that: keep me fed and well. Which shines a very interesting light on all those dietsā€¦
Anyways. Iā€™m listening to my body and my heart ODAAT.


100%!! If you feel hungry, itā€™s much harder not to over eat. Maybe because the body is scared of starving? :woman_shrugging:t4::smile:

Iā€™m glad youā€™re back on track and sorry you had a naughty bug. Glad you feel better :hugs:


Thank you @Aleyadaisey It wasnā€™t easy win but I feel so good today about it :heart:
Whatā€™s the best is that when I watched telly with my bf in the evening I could pay full attention to the story and not having the noisy thoughts about food for the whole time. My mind perhaps rememberes that when the decission not to eat have been made then silence in my head is required :smile: I experienced less cravings then I used to have in past when having bulimia.


@Jesile @Aleyadaisey @acromouse thank you all :blush:

24 days no takeaways.
23 days no sugar.
21 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

(Yesterdayā€™s numbers)

It feels so good to have all my counters in the 20s together. It doesnā€™t feel real. I am not feeling the urges quite as strongly now, since Iā€™ve started going to sleep earlier, I havenā€™t been watching any TV for over a week now, so I think thatā€™s probably helping.



25 days no takeaways.
24 days no sugar.
22 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

This evening, I have been battling very strong cravings for sugar. The thought of never again was overwhelming, so I reminded myself Iā€™ve felt that when quitting every addiction before, and I have achieved multple years from a few of them now, so I may just stand a small chance of doing this one too, and I hope. :crossed_fingers:t2: Ericā€™s No More Added Sugar thread was a good distraction.



Day 1173 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


Glad you had good distraction from the no more sugar thread! Wow too on your numbers all in the twenties.
A lot of these feed each other at least for me, and youā€™re not feeding the monsters!
I hope Thursday will be easier for you.


@CATMANCAM ā€œNever ever again :scream:ā€ is a line my addiction likes to use a lot. Little sneaky shit. I learned to answer: TODAY I donā€™t want to eat ā€œfill in your craved for foodā€. Itā€™s silly, but it helps. Your effort is really impressive :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

99 sugar
55 UPF
2 overeating/binge

Iā€™m on the edge of overeating every afternoon and evening now as my crazy hormonal cycle is taking itā€™s hopefully last dive. I learned not to judge too harshly. As long as Iā€™m not bingeing or ā€œfog eatingā€ with no attention or awareness whatsoever Iā€™m ok.



I have 2 days with no overeating/binging behind me and starting a day 3 today.

I already did 45 minutes HIIT workout first thing in the morning which always gets me to right mindset :relieved:
I still eat sugar BUT! I bought a wholenut milk chocolate for my boyfriend per his request yesterday and I got a ā€˜GU Hazelnut praline cheescakeā€™ for myself because Iā€™m less likely to binge on that. The chocolate - I could easily eat the whole lot of it in one goā€¦
I eventually had two of two cheeskaces in the package but not in one go and it didnā€™t feel like Iā€™m binging on it.
I feel good, because I didnā€™t have any of the chocolate (and my boyfriend did offer), nor I had gummy bears despite the pack being in front of my eyes for couple of days now. There are also caramel ice-creams in the freezer which I would eat at least one every day and I didnā€™t touch them at all! These are big wins for me because before I couldnā€™t resist to such triggersā€¦ Great job me :clap:t2:


Day 1174 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Youā€™re doing great so far, @CATMANCAM! All three of your counters in the 20s! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face: