Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Jana1988 Looks like you’re on the right track. Finding out how your relationship with food can change and normalise :+1:t2:

100 sugar
56 UPF
0 overeating/binge

100 days no sugar. Who would have thought?! The best thing is: The cravings are basically gone. No more torment in my mind on that front. Right now I really don’t care for sweet stuff.

My moods, feelings, pain, concentration, cravings, everything are currently all over the place and I “tried” to make it better with food yesterday. It obviously did not work. It was just a distraction. I want to come to with something better today.


We must be synchronised because I also had to reset my counter as I ate some snacks yesterday evening. I wouldn’t necesarily call it binging, it was quit moderate, but I’m not happy about it and so I reset my counter and start again today…
I’ll get there :thinking::rofl:


Hah! Let’s tackle this beast together. I’ll try to post today when cravings hit instead of trying to eat them away. Always think of sharing only after the fact.


@acromouse 100 days without sugar?! That’s impressive! Keep going!

I decided to join this thread. My relationship with food is definitely not healthy. I tend to overeat, when I start it’s hard to stop. Usually even after little snack I think well, fuck it. I just had a little chocolate bar so now I can fuck it up even more and I eat whatever I have appetite for. Sweet, then salty, then sweet again… Until I feel sick.
So today is the day.

Overeat: 0
Snacks: 0


Welcome and a Happy belated Birthday!


@Alisa @Aleyadaisey thank you both :blush:🩵
@acromouse thank you :blush: 🩵 congrats on triple digits for no sugar :100: :tada:
@Mischa84 welcome to this thread and bekated happy 40th birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:

26 days no takeaways.
25 days no sugar.
23 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

(Yesterday’s numbers)…

Cravings and urges were intense last night. Depression has hit me like a tonne of bricks. I just wanted to watch TV and mindlessly binge to feel numb. Today is the same so far. The fatigue has meant I missed out on a visit to see my SIL and baby niece, so I’m very sad about that, and the next time she’s free for me to visit is the 14th.

I don’t want to reset, I want to see my timers in month 2, so I’ll keep resisting.



Hey everybody, i made it to 11 days again. Been quite absent though, got a lot of sad stuff going on this week but it doesn’t concern me directly don’t worry. Next week school starts again and i will start pms ing. I will advise a plan consequently. Will tell you if it works


Hey, just wanted to say, sorry you’re in such an emotionally difficult situation. Negativity piling up and you just want to escape. That’s why I overate yesterday. This will obviously pass, but sometimes it’s hard to see the silver lining. I hope you find a way to get through the day and tomorrow will be better. Sending you hugs and love :people_hugging: :mending_heart:


Fingers crossed PMS will not be too bad. Good thinking with preparing for it though.


@acromouse thank you :face_holding_back_tears: I’ve been meditating and catching-up here all afternoon and evening, feeling slightly better now than I have most of the day, but can still feel depression’s grips, and still craving to numb, but I’m feeling quite strong with my ‘no’ for a refreshing change!

27 days no takeaways.
26 days no sugar.
24 days no crisps, no binge-eating

18/09/2022 is when I started tracking my binge-eating, and this is the longest I have not binged for since then. I have had 279 resets in that time. I’m hoping for no more. I think that’s more than enough!


Day 1175 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Yay, 100 days without sugar for @acromouse! Congratulations! Keep it up! :smiling_face::tada:

So sorry you’re dealing with depression, @CATMANCAM. I’ve been there, cycling between eating to numb and eating to cope with the numbness. Let’s try to get through another day, together. Sending supportive hugs your way. :people_hugging:

Welcome to the thread, @Mischa84! I hope you find this thread helpful/inspiring in a positive way. :smiling_face: Acro mentioned it was your birthday, so happy late birthday to you! :gift::tada:


@CATMANCAM You’re progressing day by day with so much determination. It’s inspiring.

101 sugar
57 UPF
1 overeating/binge

The first day after overeating is mostly easy for me cause I still don’t feel well. The longer it gets the easier it is to forget how it does not help at all and how shitty I feel afterwards, and then the sneaky voice comes in. Today I won’t try to solve anything with food. Today I will not listen to the sneaky voices.


0 days no binging/overeating

Every day is the same. In the morning I feel good to go, full of hope and believe I can do this. Then it slips somewhere as the day goes on. Energy and enthusiasm go down with every next hour of the day and in the evening it’s like I’m not the same person I was in the morning.

It reminds me alcoholism so much. I felt exactly the same.

What is it about mornings and why can I not feel the same for the day?

So here I am today. A new day. New opportunity, new chance to change something. But will I? :thinking:


This is so fucking amazing! :smiling_face_with_tear: Your other struggles are not caused by the binging but I firmly believe that our addictive behaviours keep us stuck in our mental illness. The “comfort” they afford keep us from ever even accessing our actual pains, topics, fears. In Germany (and probably no where else lol), no psychoanalyst will begin working w you before you are sober. And this is precisely why. You can’t get to yourself if you are still forever repressing yourself w the soothing of your addictions. I’m saying you have a huge huge chance here to make your acquaintance on a deeper level, Cam, that you address things you have not been able to so far. It also means that you are more ready to address these things than you have been so far, since you are forgoing your main source of pain relief.



I’ve read somewhere that our hormone levels and obviously our energy levels take a dive in the afternoon/evening. That’s when the body craves highly caloric stuff and stuff that makes you feel good: sugary, fatty things. And then one thing leads to another…


Overeat: 1
Snacks: 1

Yesterday was successful.


I am badly craving chocolate right now, so I decided to text here. Not sure how it’s supposed to help me :woman_shrugging:t4: But thought I would give it go :smile:
I have no chocolate at home right now, but the shop is opened for another 3 hours so still time to go and get some. At least I’d have to walk for it :thinking::rofl:
I am also thinking how great I’d feel tomorrow morning if I don’t have it… I know that I would feel brilliant and it would make my Sunday great from the very start since I’d open my eyes. That is a motivation. But is it big enough?

I’m asking myself why am I craving the chocolate right now? Am I bored? Am I hungry? What is it I want to avoid?
I know that I don’t have to have it. It’s very much my choice, my decission.
Oh man, it is hard sometimes.


I failed miserably today. I hope you are stronger and you won’t go to the shop Jana. It’s not worth it.
I don’t know why it is so difficult. Yesterday I did so good and today I couldn’t stop thinking about sweets. Such a obsessive thoughts. “Actually, why not have some?”. Exactly that’s why. Because now I feel bad mentally and physically, and still all I think is food. Why do I think about food so much… Why I feel such a guilt about what and how much I eat. Definitely my relationship with food is making me more harm mentally than physically.


Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that @Mischa84
I know, it is so tough and the worst is that if you do it with willpower, you’re almost certainly going to fail eventually. So it’s better to find a different way.
For me, today was definitely about willpower. I used it to stop myself from acting on my cravings straight when they came. I consider myself a bit lucky today that I chosen to have a cup of tea, sit on the sofa and think about it little bit before I’d give in. I think that that changed the trajectory of my actions for tonight. I was very close to go and have that chocolate…
I wrote here, then I wrote my diary and that helped me to make the decission of not having the chocolate and I’m so glad. I’m already in bed in my dressing gaun and there’s no way that I’d go to shop now. So I consider myself save for tonight.
I wish you’d be at the same path. But it’s ok, that you’re not. I was where you are for long time and I know how it feels. The good thing is that it’s not the end of your life and you can try again. In fact, you can start right now. Not from tomorrow, but from now.
Might be worth trying to do something differently if the way you deal with food and cravings now doesn’t work.
I’m not feeling like the best person to give an advice right now giving that I struggle myself, but doing something differently is a thing which I know is very helpful for many people (including me). Just our mind might be very resistant to it and mostly I found myself repeating the same mistakes and patterns over and over simoky because my own brain would not let me to change stuff. I was unwilling and lazy and didn’t want to try when at craving stage. You need to force yourself little bit and that’s what I did today.


Day 1176 : No binge today. :smiling_face: