Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

101 sugar
0 overeating/binge

As you can see I messed up yesterday. I managed to eat without overeating too much through the day and then our guests arrived in the evening. They brought salty snacks with them. I had not mentally prepared for that.
I still have no idea why I reached for the first snack. It was just standing there in front of me. I did not even bother to move it out of my sight. I remember some kind of addiction voice talking to me but the rest is shrouded in a fog. I only remember me reaching for the snacks again and again like a mindless machine. I ate basically most of the package by myself. The others took a few. The rest was me on a snack bender. I feel like shit today. My head is killing my. Far too much salt in my system.
Iā€™m glad it was not sweets. That would have ended up far worse.
There is only one thing I understand about this situation: I need to step up my prep game for next time.

You did it the right way @Jana1988. You came here and through writing put some distance between your impulses and your actions. Well done friend :clap:t2::+1:t2:

Letā€™s get this merry bunch back on the band wagon friends :steam_locomotive::mending_heart:


@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush: šŸ©µ I really donā€™t want to go back to that cycle!
@acromouse thank you :blush: itā€™s definitely progress :raised_hands:t2: glad I can recognise that.
@Jana1988 evenings are my weak area too, I was stuck there for years, since 2018. Letā€™s keep trying! :blush: and congrats on day 1! Well done dor reaching out here, and using your journal, amazing use of tools :clap:t2:šŸ©µ
@Faugxh thank you, I believe all of that too. I have just started a 2 year stint of therapy, session 3 tomorrow. I plan to make the best of it, not that I know how to do that, but I will talk about all of my experiences, and traumas etc. Hard but worth it. Iā€™m just scared I will go back to using food if therapy gets hard like I know it will, but I am feeling fairly strong in my resolve atm. I am missing TV though! :crossed_fingers:t2:šŸ©µ

28 days no takeaways.
27 days no sugar.
25 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

The sun was shining yesterday, so I decided to make the most of it and get some things done. Not much but something is better than nothing. Iā€™ve been here catching-up for 3.5 hours, Iā€™m hoping for a little more sleep, its 6:45am now, if not, Iā€™lll have another early start and try to accomplish some more. :crossed_fingers:t2:



Hello people

Proud to say that I passed a day 1 without binging/overeating !! :partying_face: Yeeeey :sun_with_face::partying_face::partying_face::four_leaf_clover::clap:t2:

Thank you :pray:t2:
I remember that when I was on track I always found hard dealing with events where thereā€™s food (mainly small snacks) involved. The best is probably to avoid this from the beginning and join when you feel strong in your new habits. But that is easier said than done because sometimes it isnā€™t avoidable. Then you must make the decission to eat nothing and stick with it, maybe drink lots of water instead, donā€™t leave your hands empty.
When you think that others donā€™t have any idea what weā€™re going through and they donā€™t think about the food at all, itā€™s crazy and thatā€™s all I, you and other people here want, right? The same mindset. Howā€¦? Why do we think about food this much?
Guess what, I had the same with alcohol. I wouldnā€™t even know whatā€™s going on in terms of the event or the topic weā€™re just talking about, but Iā€™d know everything related to alcohol. How much who drank, how slow these drinkers are, how much I had and how much more I still want but donā€™t want to look like an alcoholic, etc. At the end - itā€™s such similar scenario, if not the same. Youā€™re somewhere and youā€™re not really enjoying yourself because your attention is all on alcohol or food. Itā€™s just constantly buzzing in your head and the only way to calm it down is to give in and drink/eat. But even then youā€™ll still think about it and youā€™ll feel horrible on the top of it allā€¦
Itā€™s hard and I hate we have it like this, it feels so unfair and I wonder why are we so different??? Is it our past, something we went through? Maybe we need to figure this out first to move closer to our goal to become in peace with food and be ā€˜normalā€™. Otherwise weā€™ll be running on willpower and that is not only very very hard but also unefficient and not long lastingā€¦

Thank you :pray:t2:
Sorry to hear you going through hard time. I have no experience with depression (just something close to it when I was drinking and was so down that I wanted to kill myself for certain period of my addiction). So I canā€™t offer any stories or tricks which worked for me.
But Iā€™m glad to read that youā€™ve got a therapist.
All I can say that I think that sometimes we have more than one :poop: to sort out and most of the time itā€™s just too much for us to try and sort everything out at the same time. It then can resolve in failure. So maybe itā€™s better to do one thing after other and start with the biggest beast, which in your case is being depressed. Maybe if you sort this out some of the other things will follow naturally, you never know. So donā€™t worry about the food too much and go all in into this! Itā€™s important youā€™re honest with your therapist and yourself and just give it a proper go. Just this one time, go for it with everything you have to say and reveal! Itā€™s worth the try and in the worst case it wonā€™t work and nothing will change, but the things you will gain if it did work are worth giving it try!!


@Jana1988 Thanks for your thoughts and your encouragement. It is always good to read how others relate to their problems cause in the end we have the same ones and often feel like the world around us does not understand. But here everyone can relate. Thanks again.

My mind went into analysis mode today. Itā€™s very tenacious in this way. It wants to figure out every puzzle in the world. Sometimes this is very useful - like in my work - sometimes itā€™s not - then I have to put brakes on it.

Anyways, this time it did come up with something useful. I realize that the last few days Iā€™ve been trying to white nucle it. Instead of remembering that my old methods of trying to deal with life donā€™t work and will only lead to loss of control and powerlessness, I did what I used to do with discomfort and pain. I tried to run away and numb it. With work, with socializing, with caring for other peopleā€™s stuff, with video games, with tv, with works of art, with everything. I used those things. I did not enjoy any of it. I just wanted to be sucked into them in order for the pain and discomfort to go away.

Guess what: It did not work. Or it worked well enough until it didnā€™t. Yesterdayā€™s snack bender was just the tip of the iceberg. I wanted to stuff myself with so much of something that I would not have to feel anything else. It was just my poor subconscious trying to give me a hint: You are suffering! You need to connect with yourself and not try to run away!

Well today I do feel the suffering and the insanity of the last days. Iā€™m connecting with myself, with my body, my discomfort, my suffering. Iā€™m OK again. Iā€™ll keep walking into this direction. Hugs and love :people_hugging:ā¤ā€šŸ©¹


Day 1177 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


103 sugar
1 overeating/binge

Was very mindful with food yesterday. Kept my food journal. Kept listening to my signals.


I was very active yesterday which usually leads to over eating and binging for me, because a) I feel like I deserve lots of food, b) I have more cravings and Iā€™m very hungry after burning :fire: more calories than usuallyā€¦


When on bike with my friend, we stopped for a coffee break and he asked me if I want a carrot cake (my favourite, but also gives me acid reflux each time and then I struggle cycling). I made the right decission there and went for a tuna panini instead to get some nice lunchy bit rather than sugar spike and end up in discomfort and tired after a while.
When I finally got home after a long day outside, it was 6pm by the time I got to eat somethings. When I entered the kitchen, there were triggers everywhere!! Mum in low was shopping and left all the sweets on the kitchen desk :grimacing: I was hungry and all the sugar was sooooo tempting! Instead I made myself a proper dinner, big one, my boyfriend even didnā€™t believe I can eat all that food ahahaha, but I knew I need it. After that I had shower but still felt hungry :smile: So I had an apple and somehow that did it for me.
We went to bed and watched some series until midnight and I had zero cravings for anything :partying_face: All the sweets and I didnā€™t eat any!! All the hunger and I didnā€™t binge!! Wow!

I had resltless night but I feel pretty good today regardless. I hope today is going to be as successful as yesterday in terms of eating :four_leaf_clover:

2 Days no binging/overeating


Very impressed by the choices you made :raised_hands: :partying_face:


Hope youā€™re doing well too!


I am so much craving that silly chocolate bar in the cupboard right nowā€¦ :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: And all day long. It crosees my mind time to time, then it went away, but it is getting more frequent and more urgent closer to the evening.

I am also quite indecided whether Iā€™m or Iā€™m not eating chocolate/sweets :thinking:
I happened not to eat them last two days but it wasnā€™t out of a made decission. Part of me is telling me that I should go easy on myself and work on not to binge and overeat first, and not to restrict myself at this stage. But that part of me can as well be that silly Ed (eating disorder) whoā€™s trying to get me to satisfy the urgeā€¦ I also worry that if I ā€˜allowā€™ myself this one chocolate bar, it wonā€™t end up at the one chocolate bar because I know myself and as well as a pint, one is never enough. I donā€™t really want to risk avalanche :grimacing:

Anyone here to tell me what you think? :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


You are not alone!
If this is your addiction talking, it will throw a fit if you suggest not to eat the chocolate today and leave it at that, because you think for today this is not a necessary choice or because you are not sure - ODAAT.
But if it is a reasonable voice, it will patiently wait.

Think of it as if you are coming out of surgery and eating chocolate would just not be a good idea. Addiction wonā€™t listen to reason, self love will.


Checking in second time today myself. I somehow made it through a very exhausting day without overeating. I have no idea how I did it, just gave up trying to be a functional adult and curled up with anime and silly memes on the sofa.


Iā€™ve found it helpful to sit a bit with that feeling of not feeling well in your body after a binge. Not just curing it with alka setzer but like, meditating on it. I feel it helps remembering the next tome. Even if i still have lots of impulses to binge, my body doesnā€™t let me to go to lengths i have went before (and that were frankly dangerous for my body immediately). Iā€™m kind of resentful and glad about that at the same time. Iā€™m happy to be a little more regulated but i also was pushed into this journey forcably by the fact i was unwell and, since itā€™s hard work, i sometimes would have liked to give up (but i donā€™t)


Congratulations !


30 days no takeaways.
29 days no sugar.
27 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

When I think about all the things I used to binge on, I donā€™t want them anymore! I didnā€™t think this would happen this quickly! Its amazing. :raised_hands:t2: I hope it stays this way as long as I donā€™t engage with any of it. I am missing TV though.



Day 1178 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM I used to binge watch TV too. Took a long abstinence. After a while I found an ok way to enjoy without bingeing. Way to go on the numbers!

104 sugar
2 overeating/binge

Made it through yesterday. Iā€™m exhausted.


Hey guys
I managed not to eat any of the sweets yesterday and I had little bit of soup instead.

So today I can happily mark as having 3 days without binge/overeating under my belt :four_leaf_clover::clap:t2:

But it is not always easy. I need to figure out how not to have these cravings because Iā€™m not good resisting something for too long if it keeps coming backā€¦
I want healthy relationship with food. Not having to restrict myself.


Seems like I ā€˜relapsedā€™ tonight. But Iā€™ll be back on track tomorrow :relieved:


Day 1179 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

You got this, @Jana1988! I believe in you, you can tackle the sugar demon! :smiling_face::muscle: