Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse that gives me hope :crossed_fingers:t2: and thank you :blush:
@Jana1988 keep trying đŸ©”

31 days no takeaways.
30 days no sugar.
28 days no crisps, no binge-eating



@CATMANCAM Congrats on a whole month on your counters. Very impressive! :tada::partying_face::clap:t2:
@Jana1988 New day, new opportunity :muscle:t2:

105 sugar
3 overeating/binge

Still exhausted. I’m spending most of my day in a brain fog right now. It’s almost impossible to judge my hunger and satiety signals. I just eat when I it feels somewhat like hunger and stop eating when it feels like I might had enough. That’s the best that I can do right now.


@Aleyadaisey @acromouse @CATMANCAM
Guys, thank you very much for your kind words!! :heart: They’re healing to read on the morning when I feel not exactly best because of yesterday’s actions

You’re right. New day, new chance. I still have so much hope and trust that I can do this :muscle:t3::four_leaf_clover:

Interesting, I think I know how you feel. When I had bulimia I lost senses of hunger and feeling full too. I had a theraphy for bulimia and what I had to do in order to feel hunger and fullness again was to have an order in food through the day and keep it same for every day for as long as possible.
For example breakfast at 8am, lunch at 12pm, snack at 3pm etc. That helped to my body to know when to expect food and after a while I started to be hungry before these times. Good to say, that at the beginning I struggled to eat e.g. breakfast at 8am because I wasn’t hungry (I didn’t use to eat breakfast at all - mistake). But as I said, after a while, maybe a week or two, I was hungry in the morning before 8am :blush:
Another important thing was that no matter what, I needed to do every day the same and not for example skip breakfast to make it up for a binge the previous night. That was quit hard but back then I was willing to do ANYTHING to get better and I figured out that it’s quite a good rule as it didn’t make me gain 100kg weight as I feared but it helped to stay on track for the day.
I also had to write down how I feel after every food and about my thoughts before and after the food etc. I tried to reintroduce this journal to my life because it really helped to notice thoughts which I had no idea about otherwise. It was such a great disvovering tool! But I’m struggling to always find time after each meal. Maybe I could write down just few notes and come back to it properly in the evening :thinking:

I definitely want to do this work again because it got me out of bulimia which I suffered from for years and I was actually pretty bad! So it could help with binge too.
I must admit that it even helped not to have million thougths about food through the day. I used to live for food only and all the time was just a waiting game for the next food which was exhausting and I hated it. The theraphy really helped me. Time to go back to what I learnt - put my comfort aside and cut the excuses :smile::smile::smile:


I think you are onto something with using what you’ve learned, using your recovery tools. I sometimes find it difficult to decide when do I need the tools and when I can do things without them or to use them to a lesser degree. Takes time to find that out.
Please keep sharing. I helps me a lot! :blush:


No success today, so I remain on day 0 again
However, I must give to myself that I’m on my period. I shouldn’t be but am :woman_shrugging:t4: Since I take contraception, I’m not bleeding but today I had a bit of blood. But mainly I noticed changed in my mood today. I was over sensitive and even had a small argument with my boyfriend over nothing (and we don’t argue at all!)
 I’m saying this because when I used to have period I would have uncontrollable cravings for food and mainly sugar. No wonder if I’m finding this even more difficult in last couple of days.

I finally made a decission today that I want to quit sweets. Before I wasn’t sure if I want to be this strict with myself but I’m afraid that I must. It’s sweets what leads me to over eat and binge (that besides causing me acid reflux and IBS). So they ain’t any benefitial to me. Mayne I will try to do a month for the beginning because quiting forever seems to be too scary for me. I would hope that I can cope with a month period and then potentially expand after seeing all the good benefits :blush:

Sometimes I feel like if this all planning, restricting and thinking about what to do eaquals to trying to moderate with alcohol (also doesn’t work, at least not for long)

@Aleyadaisey How did you manage so many days? It seems like you just came here, made a decission and stack with it without any issues :smile::smile::smile: And then look at me, once on good track and then going through circles not being able to exit it
 Why is it so hard for me and what am I doing wrong? I want to discover the exit door here :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Oh trust me, it wasn’t as easy as you may think. I had to do therapy work* and do OA meetings on zoom. I did some OA homework as well (being honest to myself about my trigger foods) and really had to learn to listen to my body when it’s not hungry anymore and listen to it when it is. Also hobbies! I have mentioned this before but having something to keep you busy like drawing, working with polymer clay, crocheting or knitting, video games, anything that you like doing. (I don’t knit or crochet, but many people do.) Also some people here have mentioned food journaling, which I believe is not only a therapy tool in general but also an ED recovery tool, when used correctly and not as a means to restrict. Exercise is great, but don’t overdo it. I go for like a 5-10 minute walk Monday through Saturday. Sometimes 2 walks. Also : Lots of water, yes, even at night if possible. Let me explain. Dehydration can trigger cravings and hunger in some people. So drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. If you get thirsty at night try drinking water and your cravings may be easier to deal with. If you have a health condition that prevents you from drinking water, ask a doctor for advice. Last but not least, macros, especially protein are important for satiety so you don’t binge as easily. I try to get at least 60-80g protein in a day. But everyone is different, that’s just the amount that works for me.

*Therapy for me was addressing my traumas/PTSD that contributed to my ED. But I also used the tools for ED recovery too. Positive affirmations, thoughts on trial, journaling, learning about who you are, these can be great for recovery from EDs. I still may be going back to therapy though because I am relapsing with my PTSD again according to my psychiatrist.

This was a long winded post, but if it helps you, I would love to see that. :smiling_face:


@acromouse thank you :blush: đŸ©”

32 days no takeaways.
31 days no sugar.
29 days no crisps, no binge-eating

My mental health has been awful today, so the cravings have been very hard to resist. Glad I made it! :raised_hands:t2:



Day 1180 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


105 sugar
0 overeating/binge

Hormones are totally messing me up. Overate yesterday. Hoping for better times soon.


Day 1181 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@Aleyadaisey I would like to thank you for your time to write the post and give some ideas alongside a small insight into your story :heart: I appreciate it :pray:t2:
You’re right that for a split second I believed that you had it easier than what you’ve described but I want to apologise. I certainly didn’t mean to undermine your journey and its difficulty :relieved: It teaches me that I shall be careful with my judgements.

Unfortunately, it is not a day one for me today, because I ended up binging yesterday in the evening. I did think about you and your words, especially these about doing some activity I like, but I found hard to find a motivation to do anything else but sit in front of telly after a busy day and eat more than needed
 As always, I must forgive myself another day failing and concentrate on today :blush:

The hope dies last! :four_leaf_clover:

Wishing you all here happy Friday and to women here a happy International Women’s Day :heart::partying_face::hugs::kissing_heart:


@Jana1988 We are synced :grin:
@Aleyadaisey Thanks for sharing. You gave me some good ideas.

107 sugar
0 overeating/binge

Another not so great night. I felt much better yesterday but could not stop eating in the evening. Just kept stuffing and stuffing.
Today I want to pay more attention to HALT, keep my food journal and try to be very mindful about eating. I hope I can find a way to find peace with food and eating again.
I’m thinking about avoiding cheese and dairy for a while as it seems to be involved in my overeating almost every time :thinking:


Day 1 no binging
I actually enjoy food more when I eat properly when I am actually hungry. Stuffing down stuff secretly when I am already full serves no purpose at all. It really is insanity. And I felt really stable around food for months, I don’t know what the hell happened.


No worries, it’s all good. :smiling_face: And you’re welcome! I hope you find the ideas useful! :smiling_face: Happy international women’s day! :tada:


So I finished my work and it is usually the time when things go wrong for me. I’m already feeling unsettled, like I don’t know what to do with myself and the idea of sitting in front of a telly and eating something is the only satisfying picture right now. But from experience I also know that it won’t be satisfying after I do that
 :woman_shrugging:t4: I’m not even hungry right now, because I ate some snack not long time ago.
Perhaps I eat a lot out of boredom by the look of it :thinking:
I will try and do something differently today.


@Jana1988 Maybe eating and tv is part of your winding down routine? And not eating would disrupt that routine? And developing new routines is just hard.

Second checkin today. I kept my food journal today and wrote down every meal with how hungry I was before and after, how I felt emotionally and all kind of thoughts. I also tried very hard to stay mindful while eating. I realised I tend to zoom out while eating and wolf everything down. Today I used my mindful breathing technique while eating to slow down and really see what happens while I eat. The slower I ate, the more peaceful I got and the more I enjoyed the food. At some point I felt satisfied and stopped eating.
This today’s success. I will try to keep my food journal and the mindful eating up tomorrow.


34 days no takeaways
33 days no sugar.
31 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I made it, all numbers in the 30s! Despite the appalling state of my mental health. :raised_hands:t2:

Happy International Women’s Day!



Day 1182 : No binge today. :smiling_face: Ashley (the cat in this picture) says hi! :smiley_cat:


Hi Ashley :heart::raising_hand_woman:t4:


@acromouse Seems like it and it very much is actually, you’re right. I find a weird comforting in it

Yesterday I decided to do something differently and so I went for a short walk after my post here and then I made myself a dinner rich in protein and little bit of carbs. It filled me up and I had no desire to eat out of hunger for sure.
I had a small chocolate bar and I wanted to eat that but I was saving it for later when I get to sit down in peace. My mum called me and we were on phone for ages! Then it was 9pm and I was thinking that maybe I could save the chocolate for today
 made myself tea to fill myself with something else because but it didn’t work. So in the end I ate the chocolate anyway :roll_eyes::smile:
I am quite okay with it because I didn’t binge on it, although my preference would be not to have it so late. It also made me stay awake longer than I intended, all the sugar spike made me awake after I was already nicely tired :smile:

I must admit one thing. When for two months I managed not to eat at night and I had my last food at least 3 hours before bed time I really struggled with being tired and falling asleep. Now when I binge I sleep like a baby and fall asleep much easier
 You’d think it would be the other way round.
I’m curious if it’s going to be like this for me now again if I get to my goals and don’t eat at nights
 I hope not, because I was then quite struggling with sleeping