Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Yeeey. Giving the sugar triggers in the house I managed to het through Sunday without binging. Despite being at home for the whole day (it was rainy). Sometimes I surprise myself.

What have helped:
• When having something sweet I made up my mind before eating about how much of it I want to have
E.g. Pack of 12 mini chocolate bars, I decided I’ll have only one and I had only one as oppose to uncontrollably the whole pack like in my past

• Having a nutritionally rich dinner, a proper portion for my needs (not too much but enough to fill me)

When I was later watching telly I didn’t feel as many and definitely not as strong urges like in my past, simply because I wasn’t hungry but I felt a little bit full. And when I digested my dinner it was quite late night for me to want to eat so close to bed time so I got through my evening without eating anything.
I also tried that mindful eating and didn’t watch anything or play with my phone as much. It’s a good tool though.
Yeah, I am very happy today :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Everyone on this thread is doing awesome, I’m proud of all you guys!
I had a weird week last week. The boy I was seeing broke up w me and I couldn’t eat anything for anxiety and grief for a whole day. I normally always eat and I don’t skip meals. Last time it happened (we’re totally star crossed lovers you guys :confounded:) it was a couple days straight of next to nothing. It was when Menno was here last year. Then I had the opposite of it and I couldn’t stop eating for a while. This time I was worried it was going to be the same, but it was a really mild amplitude. Eating ramped up in the uncontrolllable way only for I think half a day, then I caught it. I am also not as bottomlessly sad as the last time, somehow. Still worried all this will change but who knows. Maybe it’s me that’s changing.

Stay strong ppl. You’re all doing great! :heart: :boar:


Oh no no no! I am so sorry to hear that @Faugxh :broken_heart:
I hope you’ll be ok :pray:t2: I know you’re saying you feel better than last time when this happened, but I still worry, because you must be sad and heart broken.
You know, men, boys, relationships…they’re important in our lives. We want to be loved and surrounded by supportive people. Have someone who understands us, who we can entertain with, share our laugh and tears. It can be family, friends and a partner. A partner becomes the most import person for us, because it happenes to be the we spend most of the time with and we get used to them as open to them like to anyone else (usually). So it hurts when such an important person leaves… I have no insight what has happened, but want to say, that despite all facts listed above, the most important relationship in our life is the one we have with ourselves. So as long as you didn’t lose yourself, you will be fine :heart:
Time heals. We’re strong people in this community, we already went through worse. We know how to heal, we know patience and not giving up! :muscle:t3:

I am glad you shared here :heart: and I’m thinking of you and sending you my love. You’re not alone. You have got us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 4

I am glad that I am back to actually making food for lunch, rather than binging on things from the convenience store. And of course, if I eat a proper meal, not random bread things and pastries, I don’t want to eat the kids after school snacks.
I also went for a run today. Stamina was shit, but got out and got some endorphins going which is the most important thing.


@Faugxh Relationship trouble sucks. I really am sorry you have to go through a heart break. I totally can relate how Intense emotions are exhausting and change one‘s eating patterns. I‘m going through marriage troubles at this time and my overeating issues are definitely related to that. Sending you strength and love :people_hugging: :mending_heart:

Food journal checkin.
I kept my food journal today for all my food intake and practiced mindful eating.
I had some intense emotions in the afternoon. I noticed that they feel like craving or maybe even are, but if I stay with them I realise I do not want to eat. I just want them to go away. But I don‘t want to eat. If I am really compassionate with myself, I can hear my body pleading with me not to eat because it is not hungry. I pleads with me to find a different way to deal with the emotion. It is my mind that is suffering not my body. My body is ok with going through all that and it does not want to take the fall for my mind trying to get rid of emotions.
In the evening I was afraid I‘d overeat, but I focused on tasting and chewing mindfully. I realised that my body loves that, but my mind wants to fog away and find a way to numb down all feelings. Crazy thing. I‘ll keep observing.


Sorry to hear that @Faugxh :blue_heart: Take good care of yourself and he can go to hell anyway.

I’m closing day 1, kids are sleeping, gonna netflix and chill with h, not planning to snack :crossed_fingers:t2:
Day is not over yet but I’m already kind of proud of myself.


@Faugxh I’m sorry about your break-up :people_hugging: You are doing great as well 🩵 :muscle:t2:

37 days no takeaways
36 days no sugar.
34 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I ate real food for lunch today, (because I had to hang around in town after therapy, to wait for a new screen for my phone. I was so stressed and felt vulnerable without a phone. I don’t even know what I’m doing without my calendar notifications going off). Anyway, I noticed after I finished eating the real food, that I wasn’t satisfied, I just wanted to eat and eat and eat, and I still do, but I won’t. I fear I will never be able to eat real food in a healthy, controlled manner.



Day 1185 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

So sorry about your breakup, @Faugxh. I hope you recover from your heartbreak soon. Sending you strength. :people_hugging:


Wow I really didn’t expect any replies to my thing. I usually avoid sharing such private things. I guess I feel safe on this thread. Thanks guys you’ve made me feel cared for today. :heart: :heart: :boar:


@CATMANCAM You are doing great! Never is a very strong word. And it is only useful for our anxious minds in their fruitless pursuit to control the future. The reality is: One day at a time. And obviously you’re doing very well with the here and now :smiling_face::clap:t2:
@Mischa84 Doing great :+1:t2: We’re proud of you!
@Faugxh :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:
@Jana1988 I really am impressed how well you are dealing with all kinds of situations :clap:t2:

111 sugar
4 overeating/binge

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day. Listening to my body over my frantic mind.


@Faugxh That is because we care about you :hugs: Hope you’re maybe at least teany tiny bit better :pray:t2:

This is interesting and I think that I understand what you mean :thinking: You know, I never really thought about it but now when I read this I feel like most of the time I have it same :thinking: I’m not hungry yet I want to eat to change how I feel atm. Something to pay attention to it… Thank you!

I was “good” again yesterday, then evening came and I had a cup of tea with my boyfriend. He wanted biscuits to have with his tea and that was a trigger for me to have some too. I chosen limited amount and managed to stick with it. Which is great. But!
These biscuits usually give me IBS. Hence I want not to eat them anymore. So it’s a bit failure in this matter. Otherwise, I am glad I didn’t binge on them.

That would mark my success of 2 continuos days without binging :partying_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Food journal checking. I kept my food journal but for dinner. My yoga session took longer then expected, I was in a hurry and forgot.
I kept mostly to mindful eating and enjoyed my food. At some point I realised that my mind tries to distract me from my feelings while eating. I think it might be a strategy I developed in all the years I suffered from horrific IBS and no matter what I ate I would end up in pain. So I tried to wolf as much food down as I could in a hurry before all the pain would make it impossible to eat any more. I never felt good about food or eating, and felt like I was constantly starving. These times are over now but such habits die hard.


Still going strong. To be honest I didn’t have any huge cravings YET. Weird. Usually I think about food all the time but not this time. I like it :slight_smile:


Day 1186 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

You’re welcome, @Faugxh. We’re here for you. :people_hugging:

Wow, you’re doing amazing on your no sugar counter, and your no UPF counter too, @acromouse! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face:


Day: 0
Don’t even ask…:woman_facepalming:t4:

Today is a new day. New opportunity and new chance.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!



@Mischa84 Doing well!
@Jana1988 New day, new beginnings :people_hugging:

112 sugar
10 UPF
5 overeating/binge

I’m especially proud of the 5days overeating milestone. This makes me very happy :blush:

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day. Listening to my body over my frantic mind.


@acromouse true true, thank you for that perspective :blush:🩵 I’m sorry you suffer from IBS too :people_hugging: I know that pain and related symptoms :disappointed: congrats on double digits no UPFs though :tada:
@Jana1988 keep trying :four_leaf_clover::blush:

38 days no takeaways
37 days no sugar.
35 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

Still having the urge to consume a huge amount of food, but no specific cravings so it’s a bit easier to manage like this.



Day 6

Ate out with a friend, but no snacking when I came home. :+1:


@CATMANCAM You are really making it work. Awesome!

Food journal checkin: Kept my food journal. Nothing very exciting here. In the afternoon I wanted a cheese sandwich very badly and I could not say weather I was hungry or not. I ate it until I felt satisfied. After some useless obsessing over it I decided to let it go. I have no idea weather I was hungry and I don’t know why I wanted it. That’s it. I want to relax more about it. I don’t want to become my own jailer here.
I connected with my deeper power during yoga practice and that helped me to relax about everything and just trust. I enjoyed dinner then fully without any cravings. Freedom.


Day 1187 : No binge today. :smiling_face: