Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

113 sugar
11 UPF
6 overeating/binge

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day. Listening to my body over my frantic mind.


Day 1 no binge

Good morning
I ate some chocolate before bed but I didnā€™t binge on it. Happy to count yesterday in as a no binge day.
When I had shower yesterday I cried a little bit, because out of nowhere I realised that Iā€™m going through stress every single day since I stopped drinling just because of my living situation. And I realised that therefore since I stopped drinking I no longer have any other coping mechanism how to deal with this stress than food.
I had eating disorder long before this. But my situation doesnā€™t make it easier. I hope me and my partner will move out soon :pray:t2:
Isnā€™t stress created by my thoughts? I would like to change it but itā€™s so hard when youā€™re in it :pensive::pensive::pensive:


What is HALT? :thinking:



You check in with yourself over the course of the day cause you may be in such a stress or so frantic that you forget to take care of yourself. And if you donā€™t chances are high youā€™ll act out with your addiction.


Ah I see! Thank you very much for explaining :hugs:


@acromouse thank you :blush: and so are you :clap:t2:
@Jana1988 sorry about your living situation being so stressful :people_hugging: itā€™s so hard to adjust to life without our coping mechanisms, but we can šŸ©µ

39 days no takeaways
38 days no sugar.
36 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

The ice cream van has started making itā€™s rounds, and it stops right outside my window and plays very loud tunes. Last year I pretty much had a large ice cream every single day. My counter ticked over to 5 months without, just the other day, but thatā€™s mostly because it stopped coming. I really wanted one the last two days it has came, I think if I didnā€™t have the specific sugar counter, I would have caved, but it keeps me accountable and thatā€™s why I have the seperate ones. This is going to be a long hard battle, I wasnā€™t expecting it to start coming round this early in the year, itā€™s not even warm outside yet!



Iā€™m starting to think thatt this is about going back on the horse again. Courage! As we say in france


If that was me Iā€™d make sure to always have a sweetened (not sugared) cup of cocoa in hand at the time when the truck comes aroundā€¦


@Faugxh thatā€™s a good suggestion, I can find something to distract myself with until it moves on. I am going to make sugar-free ice lollies for when itā€™s hot in the Summer.

40 days no takeaways
39 days no sugar.
37 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Todayā€™s numbers.

Going through a health scare at the moment. Itā€™s not just fear Iā€™m feeling, but shame too, for my historical smoking, vaping, and cocaine use. So the fear, anxiety, and shame are making me want to eat so much food and the urge is overwhelming. Iā€™m going to do some meditations then try to sleep. Need to be awake early to go for my Chest X-ray.



Day 1188 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Praying for you, @CATMANCAM. I hope your chest x ray goes ok. :people_hugging:


Yesterday I made some mistake. We were grocery shopping in other supermarket than usually and I donā€™t know why but I took mini pack of brownies (2 small pieces). I didnā€™ them yesterday cause it was late but now they are haunting me. Iā€™m eating good since March 10th. Now I have this voice in my head saying treat yourself but Im also aware that it MIGHT NOT finish on this 2 brownies. I donā€™t know. I donā€™t like to throw away food, my husband doesnā€™t like brownies, I donā€™t want to give it to kids, to sweet. Why did I even buy itā€¦


I am terrible with ice cream in the summer. It gets so hot here it is literally exhausting, and I crave the coldness and the sugar rush. I second having some kind of replacement on hand. I drank iced sweetened lemon tea last summer, it gave me the coldness and sweetness and was actually refreshing because of the citrus.


8 days!

Went to the pool today and was starving after but didnā€™t snack (there are ice cream and pringles vending machines there) and ate a big bowl of curry when I came home.


Hey @Mischa84
I am like you, I hate wasting food. But you know what? Why would you eat something you donā€™t even want to give to your kids?
Chuck them away. Take it as a paying for a good lesson. Next time you may not grab them again.
Some waste is fine if itā€™s for our good.
Well done for not eating them! Youā€™re doing awesome! :clap:t2::clap:t2:


@Mischa84 Throw them away. We were probably both raised on the same ā€˜donā€™t waste foodā€™ idea. But this is not food. This is a product specifically engineered, marketed and sold with the sole purpose so that you will not be able to stop eating it. It was made with the intention to make you addicted. It was made with ill intention. Just throw it away.
@Misokatsu Congrats on a week :+1:t2::partying_face::sunglasses:
@CATMANCAM Crossing fingers on your visit to the doctorā€™s. Ice trucks are send by the devil :smiling_imp::wink: Iā€™m glad I live next to a school and they canā€™t peddle their stuff in front of my house.

114 sugar
12 UPF
7 overeating/binge

Made it one week without overeating :star_struck: Now I want to keep that up.

Goals for today: keeping food journal, mindfulness practice while eating, practicing HALT through the day. Listening to my body over my frantic mind.


I didnā€™t binge yesterday but yet I reseted my counter. Itā€™s because I had 1/2 chocolate, some chocolate bar and chocolate rice pudding in one go in the evening. (Hm, maybe I did bingeā€¦ Didnā€™t feel like itā€¦).

The thing is, I am working out a lot and I donā€™t want the results hiding below my body fat. I sat on the sofa at one point yesterday and realised that I have a small belly like if Iā€™m pregnant. I checked my period calendar with hopes that itā€™s just pre-menstruation bloating, but wasnā€™tā€¦
Iā€™m learning to love my belly, because I bullied this part of my body for years and years. I would hate it and even talk to it ugly in front of the mirror. But I need to remember that itā€™s a part of me and the way it is is consequence of my acting (eating). I canā€™t be angry with a part of my body :smile:
Iā€™m also trying to have a wider look and see myself as whole rather than concentrate only on one part of me. Because it can be delusional.

So today I am going to really get on with trying to remember what I want in my life and adjust my habits to it.
Good luck to me :four_leaf_clover:


Hi everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™m new here and think this seems like a really nice way to support each other and together find a way to freedom and wellbeing. I have been struggling with disordered eating for 12 years (different forms, mostly anorectic behavior earlier, but now bulimia). My new strategy is to connect with others, instead of keeping this terrible disorder as an awful secret. Waiting for professional help, will probably start therapy autumn 2025.

Wish you all a great day, you are so strong guys! :star:


Hey Elvira, itā€™s great to have you here. This thread is indeed v nice. :slight_smile: looking forward to hearing more from you!


Welcome! :purple_heart: Iā€™m also glad to be able to share on here. I worry others irl would be dismissive.


Hi Elvira
Welcome here! :heart:

I can relate to you. I struggled with disorder eating (and still do) for long years and I suffered from bulimia, so I feel you. I was very ashamed about it for long time. Eventually I shared it with my boyfriend and sometimes I write about it here. Iā€™m still not as opened about it as Iā€™m about alcoholism because the stigma of bulimia being disgusting is still little bit with me, but not in meaning that I would find others with the problem disgusting. Itā€™s more a fear that others will find me disgusting. If you know what I mean.
Itā€™s quite nice (in the best possible way of meaning) to have someone here who knows how this all feels, as it is a bit different to binge eating or anorexia.
I managed to get rid of it with a help of therapist so Iā€™m glad to hear youā€™re seeking help. There are apparently different ways how to help with this, mine was re-learning how to eat regularly and enough during the day so I didnā€™t end up binging and purging. I am happy to be free of bulimia as it was very exhausting and it didnā€™t work for me at any wayā€¦ I was sick of being sick :smile:
Anyway, hope to hear from you more often! :blush::blush::blush: