Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@s00z3 congrats on your week of no sugarvor flour :tada: I can relate to your share 🩵
@acromouse congrats on 3 weeks no UPFs and your week of no PFs or binge-eating :tada::tada: and well done for getting back to your mindful eating :clap:t2:

50 days no takeaways
49 days no sugar.
47 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Hard to believe the ice cream van is nothing more than a very loud, irritating noise now, after just a short time, and there I was thinking it was going to be 7 months of torture and craving! Need to stay vigilant when it gets hot though.

I am feeling so much better without the cravings to eat more and more of the porridge now that I’m back on my products. I also weighed myself this morning, to see how much more weighed I’d gained, but somehow I’ve lost 4lbs since the 18th, so I lost what I’d gained the week before plus another lb. That helped me resist the pizza I’ve been craving, and considering getting again. Not today!



@CATMANCAM well done on resisting your cravings today :blush: it’s an amazing feeling when cravings become easier to resist.

@acromouse well done structuring your day in a way that supports your recovery goals :smile: it’s something I could stand to improve in.

Day 1 Compulsive Overeating
Day 8 Sugar
Day 8 Flour

Today I did a bit better with mindful eating. Tried to consciously put down my silverware between bites. It’s hard but hopefully it’ll become more habitual.

I did use to do mindful eating in the past when I was calorie counting for weight loss. Eventually I just got so bored of doing nothing while eating. Usually I watch tv, and I’m used to that extra layer of stimulation. The problem is my TV and food consumption kind of fuel each other, so after my meal is over, if I keep watching, I’ll start to feel hungrier than if were reading or doing loterally anything else. Today I was off work and normally I would have spent the afternoon watching TV and snacking. But I stuck to my 3 planned meals. My problem now is, I’m so understimulated. I’m cutting out unhealthy activities, but I’m left with this boredom and hollowness that I don’t know how to fill yet. I think snacking the afternoons away was a good way to avoid feeling how empty my free time is.


Day 5. Almost I binged with sweet


Day 1198 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@s00z3 Funny thing. Just two days ago I thought just eating is really boring. Yesterday I thought it’s a nice and relaxing thing to just eat :upside_down_face:. I’m starting to appreciate my meals. Nice to be on a comparable journey.
@Bomdhil Sweets are very difficult for most people. Well done.
@CATMANCAM Glad to hear you’re having more peace now.

124 sugar
22 UPF
8 PF
8 overeating/binge

Goals for today: setting up a good schedule for the day, setting a timer for HALT and prayer breaks, keeping food journal, mindful eating, taking breaks to check in with me, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.


Gosh, I can relate that I find boring to just eat. Especially if you’re trying to do it mindfully and chew on every bite properly, it feels like it takes so long to eat one dish, staring into a wall :rofl:
But I guess it’s just because I made it such a strong habit over decades to eat in front of telly, or being on my phone.
If I decide to eat without distraction, I am so bored, that my mind wonders everywhere else and don’t stay with the food. So I must keep bringing it back to it. It reminds me a meditation work :smile:
I also struggled with putting my cutlery down @s00z3 . I’d be already waiting with a next portion of food while still chewing on the previous which lead to swallowing bigger pieces of food than I perhaps should…

I am still without a full day of no binging / over eating. But I started listen to a podcast on Spotify called “The Brain Over Binge” and that gives me a new perspective and new hope that I can do this!

I didn’t binge yesterday but I overare. However, I did 85km hilly ride on my bike so I absolutely don’t mind. Because even with this overeat I barely ate the calories I burnt. I know my body was doing the right thing for me… :heart:


You’re soooo right. Eating as meditation :rofl:
Thanks for the podcast link. Will definitely check it out.


@acromouse yes! Sweets and fried potatoes or snacks are my Aquiles point


Food journal checkin.
I kept my food journal today and ate mindfully. I did not write down one meal. Was in a hurry and the journal was in a room I couldn‘t get to at that moment. But I wrote it down after.
Overall an interesting and easy day. I realised I need a snack in the afternoon. If I forgo that I am so hungry at supper time I don‘t necessarily overeat but feel full in the evening. I‘m not sure what to have as a snack. I‘m going to try out different options. I‘m thinking about hot smoked salmon. I‘d like to eat more fish. On the other hand it is technically a processed food. I am going to try it out and make an exception for it. If I feel like it triggers me, I‘ll come up with something different.


Day 1199 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@s00z3 thank you :blush: it really is :raised_hands:t2:
@acromouse thank you :blush:

51 days no takeaways
50 days no sugar.
48 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Have been craving a takeaway today, I am sure it’s because therapy isn’t easy, so I was kind to myself instead, and then distracted myself by carrying on with my cleaning mission.



125 sugar
23 UPF
9 PF
9 overeating/binge

I was slightly hungry yesterday evening and ate a snack. Did not overeat. But it was way too close to bedtime and boy did my night suck :persevere: Woke up with a headache and still feel the acid reflux. Previously it would have been the result of overeating and I would descend into self pity. Today I’m slightly pissed and will need lots of coffee. But I’m free to go on with my life without the guilt. And I learned that eating close to bedtime for any reason will result in a shitty night for me. Lesson learned. Moving on.

Goals for today: not eating after supper time, setting up a good schedule for the day, setting a timer for HALT and prayer breaks, keeping food journal, mindful eating, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.


Day 10 sugar/white flour

Day 1 Compulsive Overeating

Struggling a bit today with the monotony of recovery. Food used to be a massive source of novelty/enrichment. Now I’m eating the same sort of meals all the time and I’m getting restless, which feels dangerous. I hate cooking, and thinking about cooking. I just want the meal ready when I want it. To me, food prep is the most monotonous, Sisyphyan task imaginable. :shallow_pan_of_food: Cooking for one all the time also kind of drives home the loneliness of how I’m living right now. I’m just struggling to stay motivated today.

Have been trying to reward myself for accomplishing small things to get my dopamine flowing :brain: I managed to get myself up and go to work.

Need to cook up some abstinent foods for the next few days and make it a fun ritual somehow🌈

Sending you all my encouragement and positive vibes :blush::two_hearts:


I totally get you on the hate for cooking. I always tried to find a way around it. But in the end I don’t see any other way. If I want healthy, good tasting meals I have to do the whole rigmarole: planning meals, doing the grocery shopping, taking time for it, preparing and cooking, and - most importantly - taking time to enjoy the taste.
One thing that makes this somewhat better is treating it as a source of self care. I take care of my body, my nutrition, I can use it as a way of meditation, and in the end I have a really good tasting meal.
One question though: Why do you have to eat the same sort of meals every day?


Food journal checkin.
Kept my food journal today for all my meals. Had no trouble staying mindful. Satiety and hunger signals are getting clearer the longer I keep working on my recovery here even with distractions like talking with others around. I had some cravings in the afternoon while doing groceries. I am getting better at realising these are just cravings. I moved on through the store and stared at the floor instead of getting triggered by all the colourful packaging. The moment I had left the store I felt normal again.


Day 6 no food binging


Day 1 compulsive overeating
Day 10 sugar/white flour

@acromouse It’s literally just a failure of imagination/laziness on my part, I seem to default to making the same things over and over rather than learn new recipes. There’s probably loads of dishes I could learn to make that would suit the way I’m eating now.
Congrats for resisting those cravings btw :innocent: the grocery store is a minefield

@Bomdhil well done for getting to Day 6 :tada:


Day 1200 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

You’re doing great, @Bomdhil! Congratulations on 6 days! :tada:

You’re also doing great on your journalling and mindful eating, @acromouse! Keep it up! :muscle::smiling_face:


@s00z3 congrats on double digits for no sugar or flour :tada:
@Aleyadaisey congrats on 1200 days :tada: that’s unimaginable to me! Did it get easier after an amount of time?

52 days no takeaways
51 days no sugar.
49 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Really felt the urge to binge after the decluttering lady had left, it was so strong, I nearly went to buy the pizza I’ve been craving for over a week now, I even nearly went to buy binge foods that I’d have to reset all my counters over. I didn’t want to, but the urge was there. I managed to resist and now I’m really glad about that. I’m looking forward to having all my numbers in the 50s tomorrow!



@CATMANCAM Very impressive how you managed it through an emotionally taxing day! :muscle:t2:

126 sugar
24 UPF
10 PF
10 overeating/binge

Goals for today: not eating after supper time, setting up a good schedule for the day, setting a timer for HALT and prayer breaks, keeping food journal, mindful eating, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.