Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@CATMANCAM Thank you so much! Yes, it sure did! :smiling_face:


Food journal checkin.
Kept my food journal today and practiced mindful eating. Satiety and hunger signals are getting clearer every day. I actually have not been inclined to overeat. As long as I don‘t start eating when I am not hungry and stay mindful while eating, take my take to savour my food, everything seems to improve. Even if my mind wanders or I get upset at some point I realise it and come back to mindfulness. It basically is like you said: Eating as a meditation practice. I can do that.


@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:!!! One week of not binging with food!!! :avocado:


Day 1201 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


127 sugar
25 UPF
11 PF
11 overeating/binge

Goals for today: not eating after supper time, setting up a good schedule for the day, setting a timer for HALT and prayer breaks, keeping food journal, mindful eating, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.


I am on holiday now. So it is hard for me to say if I’m or not over eating here :sweat_smile: The thing is that we’re doing big hikes here without a lunch and are sticking only to a breakfast and then dinner (ofc some small smacks on the way).
E.g. yesterday we did over 30km (6 hours) walking. It’s more feeling the need to fuel myself than over eat because of boredom or other emotion. I’m having big breakfast (more than I’d usually have) and dinner to give nutritions to my body. I even said “no” to cake after a dinner yesterday because I was so full of the normal food. I feel like it’s better this way.
Unfortunately, from whatever reason, I don’t feel good at my body. I feel like if my belly is big and bloated. I’m trying to ignore it, love my body as it is… It’s quite hard for me. I don’t like it at all :woman_shrugging:t4: I need to think about this.


Enjoy your holidays, listen to your needs, don’t stress too much :wink::blush::sunglasses:


Food journal checkin.
Kept my food journal and tried to be mindful while eating. I feel like I don’t have to put so much energy any more into focusing on chewing slower, not wolfing everything down, enjoying my meals, etc. With every day these things become more and more kind of habits. But I also can see how my vigilance is dropping slowly. I’m catching myself with trying to do something else while eating, or being somwhat in the middel of things and forgetting to write in my food journal. But alone the fact that I catch myself is good progress for me.
I also am getting better at differentiating between signals. So I started to realise today that I get all kinds of signals through the day that are definitely not hunger or food related signals I used to interpret as such. I don’t always know what they mean but I know when they are not about eating even if my mind keeps suggesting to eat. It’s just a deeply ingrained habit. And habits are pathways in my brain that I can replace with better ones.


Day 1202 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


128 sugar
26 UPF
12 PF
12 overeating/binge

Goals for today: not eating after supper time, setting up a good schedule for the day, setting a timer for HALT and prayer breaks, keeping food journal, mindful eating, learning to be in my body, surrendering to the present moment.


@acromouse thank you :blush: congrats again on your double digits :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on your week :tada:

55 days no takeaways
54 days no sugar.
52 days no crisps, no binge-eating

On Wednesday, a parcel came and I opened it and it was 4 easter eggs, but they were for the tenant that lived here before me, who moved out 21 months ago! So that isn’t great because I am having to resist eating them all, but if I did that then I’d have to reset all my eating disorder related counters, so I’m being tested. I’m hoping she’ll come by to pick them up, but I don’t have her number to let her know they are here.

I am still craving the pizza every single day, and I wouldn’t have to reset any of my counters over it, so it is quite tempting. I just know where it could lead so I’m resisting to be safe. I prefer to feel in control.



@CATMANCAM This parcel situation really is a bother. Can you give it somehow to the post office telling them that the person does not live any more under said address? Apart from that you are holding up really great especially with so much going on right now! Take care friend.

Food journal checkin.
So I had a very interesting and strange experience today. With abstaining from processed foods I haven‘t eaten much wheat in the last two weeks. Now I always suspected it to be somewhat of a trigger but I wanted to really test that. I made some flatbreads with a minimum of ingredients the main being wheat flour.
Boy did that hit me hard. It was basically the same effect sugar or ultra processed food has on me. Total loss of control. It was like my internal self regulatory system went into some kind of complete confusion. I could not taste anything properly except the bread. I could not hear any real satiety signals. Between meals I also never really felt hungry, just craving and craving. My mind circled constantly around that bread and eating. I even developed significant sugar cravings. Between meals I felt numb, brain fogged and serious mood changes. This was so much an addiction situation. Wow.
I am going to reset my overeating counter tonight. I have no idea if I have overeaten. I could not register the signals at all. But I felt totally out of control.
I have had similar experiences with dairy, so I am suspecting gluten and casein to be the culprits as both have an opioid character. I am going to change my counters, removing processed foods and adding dairy and gluten, and see how it goes.


Day 1203 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM With my fogged brain yesterday I completely missed it: Congrats on the 50s :sunglasses::muscle:t2::partying_face::tada::+1:t2:

129 sugar
27 UPF
0 gluten
0 dairy
0 overeating/binge

After yesterday’s very enlightening but somewhat atrocious experiment with wheat I need to give my poor body a rest . Goals for today: relax.


The last few days have been really strange and a little difficult. I’m sorry if this is the wrong thread for this. I looked for somewhere more relevant to post this but I didn’t find anywhere, and I’m comfortable sharing here so here goes…

My ex (who is married) told me a few days ago that he regrets marrying his wife and wishes he had married me instead.

This is a guy I spent years getting over. The breakup plunged me into a depressive episode and I wasn’t right for about 2 years.

He says he’s set on getting a divorce before leaving the country for 6 months on duty. If anything is going to happen with us it wouldn’t be for the better part of a year. But he’s put this hope back in my head and I can’t stop thinking about it.

My head is in pieces. I need to talk to someone but I feel my friends and family are tired of hearing about this guy. They think I’ve moved on, and I thought I had too.

I’m losing sleep, I’m distracted, and I can’t stop thinking about the possibility of us getting back together.

I don’t know if it’s affecting my eating but it’s definitely affecting my focus on recovery. Even if getting back together is on the cards for us, I don’t want to derail my recovery progress. I’m just worried that I’ll spiral back into obsessing over this person.


This is not the wrong thread dear. As long as you feel comfortable sharing here, this is the right place to do so. Obviously you can also start a new thread in the ‚emotional support‘ category to get more people chime in on your issue. That‘s what I usually do when I have something that is driving me nuts.

I am sorry you are going through so much emotional turmoil. Relationships are hard no matter how they go. So this is just my five cents here.
A huge part of recovery is how do we deal with our emotions. There will always be situations in life of tumultuous emotional states. As addicts we have developed the problematic coping strategy of reaching for our addiction every time something upsets us. The question is what other tools do you have available to access the situation?
You might want to ask yourself: Why am I so obsessed with this person? Obsession with a person or thing or event or anything usually means that we are projecting our needs, wishes and fears on the object of our obsession. Meaning: Some part of our mind is convinced if we reach our goal, our life will be better, our problems solved, etc. This usually is not true. If you get your relationship your problems and issues will still be with you. It will solve nothing.
Obsessing also often means you‘re living in the future or past instead of now. But now is the only time you actually have a life.
In the end I‘d suggest to investigate your own feelings, talk about them with people who might be able to make sense of the situation, and take life one day at a time. Focus on the situation at hand and not on some possible sometime months in the future.

This was shared here on the forum and I have found it very helpful


Food journal checkin.
After yesterdays gluten disaster I did not feel much like eating. I kept my food journal and ate fairly mindfully. Yesterday’s overstimulation means my food today did not have much taste for me. I also found it rather difficult to register hunger. I had some minor cravings in the afternoon. Overall a peaceful day. I am grateful for that.


@acromouse thank you :blush: I’m glad you’ve had a more peaceful day 🩵

56 days no takeaways.
55 days no sugar.
53 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Despite having a grand total of 5 easter eggs in my home right now, I haven’t had any cravings or urges today, not even for the pizza. I have purposely left the eggs in their delivery packaging, I think that’s helping. Sweet relief!



Day 1204 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on the 50s @CATMANCAM! I look forward to seeing you in the 60s soon! :smiling_face::muscle:

@s00z3 So sorry you’re going through a rough time with your ex. You can post on here and vent as much as you need to, along with your victories. It sounds like he shouldn’t be in a relationship if this is how he treats his wife behind the scenes. It’s a tricky situation for sure. Sending you strength. :people_hugging:


It sounds like he’s someone you obsess over cos that’s what you do. I’m the same. I love like a madwoman or I don’t love.
My only advice is to take this time now and focus on you. Set yourself clear goals of what you want from a partner and from a relationship. And if and when he should come back, really check whether what you get really fulfills your needs - or are you giving more than you get?

In the meantime: today is today. You are here for you. Your life is now. Make the best of today. And start again tomorrow.