Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse congrats on your 1 week milestones :tada:

4 days no takeaways.
3 days no sugar.
2 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Cravings for real food are intense but to be expected.



@CATMANCAM Nice to see youā€™re starting to build a streak there :+1:t2:
@Passerina_cyanea Nice to see you back :hugs:
@Jana1988 Buffets are very difficult to navigate. I feel like everyone overeats there. In fact I think people go there in order to overeat. I hope youā€™re feeling better today.

137 sugar
8 gluten
0 dairy
8 overeating/binge

Iā€™m back home and back to my normal eating environment. This means for today: keeping my food journal, staying away from trigger foods, eating when Iā€™m hungry, mindful eating, stopping eating when I feel satisfied, taking breaks to check in with myself through the day.


Itā€™s great progress that this time you are bouncing back. The counters are not staying at 0 or flickering between 0 and 1. Great job!


Food journal checkin.
I kept my food journal today for all meals. My eating was not very mindful though. There is a lot going on at home right now with my husband moving out and I was kind of rushing through the meals. I did register my hunger and satiety signals but I did not enjoy them very much. Iā€˜d like to come back to taking my time with my meals and enjoying the food much more.


@acromouse @Faugxh thank you both :blush:šŸ©µ

5 days no takeaways.
4 days no sugar.
3 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Cravings were not so bad today. Hoping I can resist all the food places Iā€™ll be walking past in town on my way to therapy and back from the bus station tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:t2:



Day 1212 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congrats on your 1 week streak, @acromouse! Keep it up! :smiling_face::muscle:

Glad to hear you have a partner thatā€™s so supportive, @Passerina_cyanea! Hopefully you did well today too!

I hope your therapy appointment goes well, @CATMANCAM! You got this! :smiling_face:


138 sugar
9 gluten
1 dairy
9 overeating/binge

Had the weirdest dream where I was surrounded by all kinds of trigger foods and people trying to push them on me and me trying to explain why I didnā€™t want any. Iā€™m glad in my dream I was strong in my resolve to abstain :grin:

Today I want to take time to eat slowly and enjoy my meals.


Food journal checkin.
Kept my food journal for breakfast and dinner. Was in a hurry for lunch - cooking to longer than expected - and completely forgot for afternoon snack. I took far more time with my food then yesterday, but Iā€™d still like to practice more mindfulness and slowing down.


Day 1213 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


Thank you for caring, @acromouse
Yes, I agree. I never liked buffets from that reason. It feels like a nonsense to basically say to someone that theyā€™ve got limited time to stuff themselves with as much food as they can. I didnā€™t want to go, but my boyfriend was all over it, because he got it recommended and wanted to try it. Maybe I should have communicate it more clearly to him, that itā€™s issue for me to go to such a place. I donā€™t think I have to worry about it in the future as he also didnā€™t feel well afterwards and I was so disgustingly full, that I almost even couldnā€™t walk and had pain in my belly so I purged. And I admited to him that itā€™s what I was going to do. So he saw the harm and apologised.
Yeah, I wasnā€™t happy at all with the whole thing. There was absolutely no control for me. I tried to eat slowly and normal amounts but I guess you have no idea how much you ate above normal if you keep filling up the plate with different stuff. Hate buffets!!

I felt better immediately the day after and I was glad that the experience is behind me. I didnā€™t binge or over eat for the rest of my holiday. But since Iā€™m back in back routine and habits, I am back over eating in the evenings. Itā€™s getting pretty exhausting and annoying and I just donā€™t know what to do about it anymore :woman_shrugging:t4:
I even know that I am doing it when I am doing it but wonā€™t stop it. I remember that I listened to a podcast which was very helpful. I guess Iā€™ll go back to itā€¦ :blush:


@Jana1988 Welcome back home :wave:t2: Iā€™m sorry youā€™re in this cycle of overeating and feeling awful afterwards. You once wrote you had established some tools with your therapist some time ago?

139 sugar
10 gluten
2 dairy
10 overeating/binge

Had some cravings yesterday. But since Iā€™ve established a clear definition of abstinence for myself I find it easier to deal with them. My definition is: I only start eating when Iā€™m hungry (-2 hunger scale) and I stop eating when Iā€™m satisfied (+2 hunger scale). I also donā€™t eat trigger foods cause then satiety and hunger signals donā€™t register with me.

Today I want to eat even slower and taste more.


@acromouse congrats on double digits :tada:

6 days no takeaways.
5 days no sugar.
0 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

I did make it to 4 days on my counter, but with the stuff that came up in therapy, and the anxiety of my tenancy inspection today, it was too much last night. I turned to my unhealthy coping strategy of binge-eating crisps while watching TV on my bed. I dont even really remember tasting any of the crisps or what I watched. It didnā€™t provide the satisfaction my addict promised. It wasnā€™t worth it. Next time, I will do some extra meditations instead. I now know that crisps have nothing to offer me. Only mindlessness and shame.

I will admit that I had also planned to buy a bag of sweets that I saw in one of the shops a few months ago, that Iā€™ve been resisting, but they didnā€™t have them anymore. I deliberated over their choices but eventually decided not to get any. However, I do still have a craving for sweets (candy). I am going to try to resist because sugar puts me in some kind of coma and it always feels very dangerous (Iā€™m diabetic).



Ah, life is sometimes just too hard. Iā€™m sorry for your stress and anxiety. I know they can drive one mad. Itā€™s another thing to actually realize that an unhealthy coping behaviour just does not work anymore.
Something I have tried out recently was to just share how I felt here on TS. First I was not sure, cause I felt too exposed, but then I tried it and it proved to be a really good help. So maybe this might work for you too.
I hope you can resist the sweets or at least come here and vent. I know how hard it can be to get back on track after a relapse. Awful cycle. Sending you strength.


Food journal checkin.
Kept my food journal and ate mindfully today. I had an interesting experience today Iā€™d like to share with you.
So I had a class today at about noon and groceries planned afterwards. Usually I would eat lunch before heading out. But today I wasnā€™t really hungry. I prepared lunch, checked with myself - my hunger scale was about 0/-1. I still was not hungry enough. Nonetheless I sat down to eat, cause I did not want to go for so long without eating. I took a few spoon fulls. I stayed mindful. At some point my whole self very clearly signaled satiety.
I realized in this moment I had two options: Put the food away and respect the signals. Or zone out, get myself into a mindless fog and keep eating. There was no way I could stay mindful and violate my own boundries at the same time. I stopped. I put the food away. I donā€™t want to hurt myself. Why would I?


@acromouse yes, I should have reached out, it all happens so quickly, I get the impulse and before I know it Iā€™ve finished eating and come back to reality. I will try to pause and connect.

1 day no crisps.
0 days no takeaways, no sugar. no binge-eating.

Even worse today Iā€™m afraid. Not only did I give in to what Iā€™ve been craving since the 30th March, a specific takeaway, including a dessert. I also went to the shop and bought 2 packs of sweets. There is a lot of sugar in my urine right now, which is really not good, but to be expected because I ate all of them within a couple of hours.

Itā€™s irritating me that everything except crisps is back to 0, itā€™s making me want crisps again so everything is on 0.

I have now had everything Iā€™ve been craving, and apart from todayā€™s takeaway, it hasnā€™t been worth it, it never tastes how my addict totally convinces me itā€™s going to, probably because I eat so fast and so mindlessly because I canā€™t stand the idea of eating so I do it as fast as possible, always have, even as far back as the beginning of secondary school when Iā€™d hide in a toilet cubicle to eat a sandwich at lunchtime.

So I may or may not get crisps tonight so all my counters align, but from tomorrow I will be stronger, thereā€™s nothing left to crave now. When Iā€™m struggling I will type it out here and then meditate. I will weigh myself in the morning to discover the consequence of my actions.



Day 1214: No binge today. :smiling_face:

Sending supportive hugs to you, @CATMANCAM. I definitely understand therapy can be rough. Hereā€™s to hope that your meditation will get you through this. :people_hugging:


@CATMANCAM New day, one day at a time :people_hugging::mending_heart: You learn, you pick yourself up, you keep going :muscle:t2:

140 sugar
11 gluten
3 dairy
11 overeating/binge


Reset for me unfortunately. I always binge eat when I stay at my in-laws for some occasion because thatā€™s how they celebrate things and itā€™s basically expected that everyone is going to eat crap. It can also be stressful and exhausting which pushes me more towards binging. I would like to be able to handle this situation but I need to focus first on my day to day normal eating before tackling the hard stuff. Trying to give myself grace.


Donā€™t be hard on yourself. Challenging situations will always come. With time you will be better equipped to deal with them. ODAAT.


Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal, ate slowly and mindfully. When I take the time to really savour the taste I can easily stop eating when my satiety signals register cause I have already had a lot pleasure in the eating and food. The taste, the texture. But I canā€˜t feel satisfied if I wolf down the stuff. Pleasure in eating comes from tasting it, taking my time. And here comes also an other interesting thing: Sugary or grain stuff does not really taste good. I remember trying to eat a chocolate bar or crisps slowly and mindfully some time ago. This stuff hits my nerves and then it tastes like mushy ugly goo. Not interested. Honestly freshly cooked actual food like meat or veggies and rice are what makes my palate happy.