Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal only partly today. But I stayed aware of my hunger and satiety signals. At lunch I registered them only later cause I was having an emotionally charged discussion with my husband at that time.


I made it through today! So happy :slight_smile:
Have some headache for a few hours now. Not strong but annoying. Wondering if it can be sugar withdrawalā€¦ Does it exist? I must admit I was consuming shitload of sugar last days, (except today :muscle:t2:). Itā€™s nice not to be bloated at the end of day


Checking in! Had a reset on Friday, I was volunteering at an event all day and all they had were unhealthy snacks, thankfully all prepackaged. But I thought they werenā€™t going to give us lunch so I just sort of snacked all day. Good days yesterday and today. Iā€™m worried about a conference Iā€™m going to out of town Tues-Weds. Iā€™ve been trying to follow a low FODMAP diet for my IBS but it doesnā€™t seem to help. Iā€™ve had an upset stomach for about a month now :pensive:


Day 1219 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

@Mischa84 Yeah, definitely sounds like sugar withdrawal to me. It will require some time but your body should eventually adjust. :purple_heart:

@acromouse Youā€™re doing great, keep up the good work with your counters! :smiling_face:


@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :people_hugging: struggling but Iā€™ll be okay, I know this should pass :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: the relief is real :raised_hands:t2: I hope you had a good race :bike:
@acromouse thank you šŸ©µ
@Mischa84 well done :clap:t2: and yes, I always get a migraine for the first 4-7 days, itā€™s horrible but it does pass.

5 days no crisps.
3 day no takeaways, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Depression is draining the life out of me again today. I canā€™t really remember much from the 56 days of freedom I had before, it feels like it was all a dream now. I donā€™t know how I did it. All I want to do is eat. I wasnā€™t tempted by the ice cream vans today, and I havenā€™t been on the takeaway delivery website either, so thatā€™s something. I did feel like going to buy crisps and bingeing those though. I must keep reminding myself how bad I feel when I wake up the next day after bingeing the night before, and how good it feels when I wake up and havenā€™t. I fell asleep before posting this so the shops are closed now and I will wake up another day regret free :raised_hands:t2:



The race was insane, thank you @CATMANCAM
Just I really really struggled to sleep tonight and I slept only 2 hours :scream: I ate a lot because I burnt many caloriesā€¦ And I think that although it is important to eat after the race it also gave me so much energy, bit of stomach ache and very uncomfortable bloating that I couldnā€™t sleep at all. Itā€™s not a first time this happened to me. Maybe Iā€™ll have to just have a dinner next time and re-fill the calories during the following dayā€¦ So I actuly get sleep which is also important for recovery.
Now Iā€™m tired as hell and must cycle to work for an hourā€¦ :confused:

Wishing you all a nice day :blush:

No binging: 2 days (I managed)


@Jana1988 Hope you get more sleep next night and find a solution for your long bike rides. Is there no way for you to eat on the ride?
@CATMANCAM Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re suffering so badly :people_hugging: This first week of withdrawal is a total shit show on mental health. Especially with sugar itā€™s always depression mixed with anxiety with bouts of anger and crying for no reason for me. And I know right now you canā€™t remember feeling better but I promise you: Itā€™ll get better. Cause I remember a very different CATMANCAM sharing about tackling his life head on just a few weeks ago. If you have the strength go back to your own posts from before your relapse and look at the person there. You can become that person again. Love and strength :mending_heart::muscle:t2:
@Passerina_cyanea Do you have a plan for the conference?
@Mischa84 Yesss! Day one! Well done. Sugar withdrawal exists. It always gives me migraines, joint pain, depression, anxiety, and all other kinds of shit. Hang in there.

145 sugar
16 gluten
8 dairy
4 overeating/binge

Today I will honour my satiety and hunger signals.


Get some peppermint oil tablets! Really help me out after a few days of consistently taking! IBS sucks.


Iā€™ve been listening to this podcast for quite a while now and I find it very helpful with all topics around eating, overeating, binge eating, etc. Thinner Peace in menopause and beyond
The lady starts with women in menopause, but I find her advice helpful no matter if you are hormonally challenged or not.
A quick TW though: There is some weight loss talk there and some occasional mention of alcohol use.
I would suggest listening from episode 1 on, cause she lays there some important groundwork you wouldnā€™t want to miss. I listen to one episode a week and do the exercise suggested for one week. It hast improved my recovery a lot.


30 days sugar/flour
0 days overeating

Hormone fluctuations are such a b*tch.

Dealing with very flat, low mood at the moment. Itā€™s like food was a key source of joy for me, and now that Iā€™m eating differently, i have no idea what to do when i want to enjoy something. I have no idea what to do with myself.

Still grateful to be binge free today. Yesterday i overate and Iā€™m so glad thatā€™s not happening every day anymore. I felt like such a prisoner. I couldnā€™t look ahead at a decent future because i just knew it would be poisoned by all this bingeing. Today Iā€™m grateful for the ability to make plans.


I do not have a plan, do you have any suggestions? Iā€™m supposed to be on a low FODMAP diet but that is almost impossible at these events and I tend to just throw caution to the wind.

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I commute every week and bring food for two days w me. I could cook in my accomodation in the eve but I donā€™t want the extra stress. However I donā€™t rely on outside food normally either and I donā€™t eat crap when Iā€™m busy doing stuff outside or working long shifts. Idk why you would, if you have stomach issues already? At least for the bulk of a dayā€™s food, make yourself independent.

@Butterflymoonwoman how did the day go, girl? :slight_smile:


Ok, thanks for the unhelpful response. Why I would is because I have a food addiction, thatā€™s why Iā€™m in this thread. This conference in particular is boring, and I get anxious just sitting there all day, and I eat when Iā€™m bored and anxious. Have you never used your DOC despite knowing the consequences?

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pretty sure a food addiction doesnā€™t stop you from food prepping in order to be less depedent on provided ā€œtrigger foodsā€. perhaps in a super extreme case. :woman_shrugging:

sure I have. then I began to work hard on myself to understand myself and get better. I donā€™t hide behind my flaws and let myself go to shit because I have challenges in my personality and mental health.

yeah this problem does sound insurmountable tho.

anyway good luck on your journey. hope you find something that helps you.


You donā€™t have problems with over eating, thatā€™s great, but Then why are you here?

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you donā€™t know my story, and thatā€™s fine. Iā€™ve shared bits and bobs above. I do have my struggles w food, even currently.

I am not in active addiction. I am also sober from alcohol and share my experiences on the main forum.

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:rofl: afraid so.
anyway letā€™s stop this now, this is not what the thread is for, and I hope you find a solution or whatever you are looking for.


You could start with brainstorming options. When brainstorming you donā€™t dismiss anything that comes to mind, but write everything down that comes to mind, however ridiculous it might sound.
So for example: what food options will be available at the venue? what can you prepare in advance? how are your accomodations?
At first just make your focus as wide as possible. Ask others who might know the venue. Then look what could be a viable option for you in your situation.
I usually either bring my own food from home, or try to stay at a place where I can do simple groceries and some food prep. Usually the food at such a venue is just a total hell I donā€™t care for. But his might not be your route.
Regarding a special diet. If the alternative is to throw everything to the wind and end up eating all the crap that comes my way, I would try to make the diet less restrictive or at least to try to reduce the possible harm.
On my last trip for example I took a brake from my dairy abstinence so I could get butter and cheese as a good protein option.
Traveling with food issues is very diffictult. Eating is a lot about being able to exert some control over your food environment. And conferences usually make this very difficult.
So when you come up with ideas or obstacles share here and we can all chime in.


Thank you, I will do some brainstorming. I actually live in a hotel M-F for almost the entire summer, so Iā€™m an expert at getting groceries that I can cook meals with a microwave and fridge. But I am always alone so there isnā€™t pressure to go eat dinner with others, etc.

I think trying to stick as closely to my elimination diet is the best thing to do, and itā€™s also an easy explanation if I need to turn something down.

Thank you!


Great thinking on having a good explanation why youā€™re turning something down.
Would you mind sharing some ressources or ideas how to cook with limited appliences (microwave, etc.). I always struggle how to deal with such a situation when I travel and would be very interested.