Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Absolutely! I typically make instant oatmeal and some fruit for breakfast, pbj for lunch, single serving snacks (e.g. trail mix, bars, protein packs, string cheese) and then for dinner I will make instant potatoes (just add hot water), a steamable bag of vegetables, and some type of vegetarian pre-cooked protein (veggie sausages, fake chicken, etc). I bring my own mess kit including containers for leftovers. Sometimes I’ll make ramen, soup, or a frozen Amy’s meal for convenience. Can also do minute rice if you don’t like instant potatoes (but I actually think they are delicious).


Food journal checkin. I just realized today that I have been keeping my food journal for a month now. What an achievement!
Kept my food journal, practiced mindful eating. My period started today which usually would have thrown me into a binge fest. But after I have been practicing mindfulness around eating for about a month now I can really see the differences in the signals my body is sending me. Yes, I need more food in this phase to feel satiety, which is perfectly ok with me, and I want more fat, wich is ok too. What I don’t really want or need is to deal with the whole emotional state with food. Not interested. I can meditate, pracitce yoga, mindfulness, etc. This helps so much better then eating. And I can go to bed with a light stomach and get some quality sleep.


@acromouse thank you so much 🩵 I have just read all of my posts from the 56 days, there were definitely more green days leading up to the relapse, whereas they’ve all been red days since. I had posted that it had got easier around the 40 days mark, so I am looking forward to hopefully be saying that again! :blush:
@s00z3 congrats on 30 days no sugar or flour :tada:

6 days no crisps.
4 day no takeaways, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Today was therapy day. The weather has been having mood-swings, but I’ve been lucky enough to dodge the rain, and I’ve just been in a t-shirt all day, and still sweating! I didn’t go into much historical stuff in therapy today, and I’ve only just acknowledged right now, that I wasn’t tempted to get food or snacks from any of the shops or fast food places on the way from therapy to the bus station. I ate real food for lunch, which I do every Monday after therapy, healthy stuff though. Then I distracted myself for 30mins by refilling all my meds containers for the week. Then I’ve spent a peaceful afternoon with my cats. I am not craving for more real food, or anything that would lead to resetting any counters. However, as well as it being the anniversary of my Mum’s death on Wednesday, it is also one of my step-brother’s birthdays…which could mean a visit with family. I am incredibly anxious about this, but I think I will be able to say a firm ‘no’ if any food is involved.



Day 1220 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on 30 days without sugar/flour!

You can try these non food hobbies, like doing art of any kind, crafting, video games, puzzles, etc.

A few examples : Drawing, painting, crochet/knitting, working with polymer clay, making jewelry, jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, making stickers, etc. You don’t have to do all of these, it’s up to you. Have fun! :smiling_face::people_hugging:


Hey friend! Soooo yesterday went well actually. I managed eating well the whole visit with my family by following ur suggestions. BUT… it was the awake overnight shift that i had to do with my son last night that got me. I ended up binging on sweets and carbs during the night. Not happy about that. I know doing the overnights is a trigger for me to binge and its my fault that i didnt prepare better for it. I could have bought some veggies or other healthy snacks so that i could eat those instead of sweets and carbs. I have 2 overnight shifts to do next week and im going to prepare better for those nights. I should say tho that im proud of myself for getting back on track immediately. Normally, after i binge, i hold onto that guilt and shame which effects my food choices the following day. I didnt do that today. I ate well and exercised and got back on track.


@CATMANCAM I like your progress :+1:t2: Do you have a plan for in case your family comes visiting? Apart from setting boundaries?
@Butterflymoonwoman Yay to a no to guilt and shame :blush:

146 sugar
10 UPF
17 gluten
9 dairy
5 overeating/binge

Today I will honour my satiety and hunger signals. Today I will work through my emotions with more skilful means than food and eating.


Hi @acromouse
Yes, I ate during the riding too. My friend had some snacks and shared with me and even if he didn’t, I had some gels to help me to maintan energy.
I just read that some people can exercise in the evening and sleep fine but once they do a race or some much bigger exercise it will release something what can keep them awake up to 48hrs. I think that’s my issue… I slept 2 hours from Sunday to Monday, then cycled an hour to work, somehow survived the day, got lift back home (thankfully) and thought that after that I’ll finally sleep like a baby and then I layed in the bed and … couldn’t sleep again!! God :exploding_head: I slept better than the previous night after I managed to fell asleep but still not enough.

Anyway… I over ate little bit on sweets yesterday but at least on “healthier” sweets, mainly thanks to my boyfriend who told me off when he saw me bringing biscuits which always give me IBS :grimacing::roll_eyes: So I then listened to him and brought a different vegan gf stuff… I shared it with him so it wasn’t so bad. I was thinking eating much more of the stuff but I also knew I’m going to go to bed soon and so I considered it unnecessary and stopped the over eating which is good :blush:


I’m doing good :slight_smile: 2 days no overeating, no snacking. Intermittent fasting helping a lot as well. Also buying groceries in super fast tempo, not looking at triggering foodin the shop, planning meals in advance. 2 days sounds short but actually it’s big, big for me.
Have a good day/night my favourite fighters :muscle:t2:


It is big! Really love all your tools and methods there! Great job! :star2:

@Butterflymoonwoman it’s great the day went well! And honestly the nights would get me too. I work nights and there’s just sth about having to be up when you shouldn’t that makes me crave food also especially when the nights slows down and I’m just putting the finishing touches on before I can go home. Also negative feelings, loneliness, strangeness and all that fun stuff comes more into the forefront of my mind at night, all the nightmarish stuff I normally repress more during the day. If I had to sit still like you and just stay awake instead of being being able to distract myself w work during those hrs idk what I would do, I don’t think I could do it…
One thing I do is I start drinking a lot of teas, spicey or sweet ones especially, towards the end of my shifts. They make me feel like I can go to bed soon and the flavour distracts me from being hungry. I also always have food during the night and another one or two portions of protein at the end of my night. Because obvs, if you stay up all night, you will be hungry cos you’re not sleeping and burning a lot more energy than if you were. So, some eating is mandatory for me. If I don’t, I’ll end up eating crap. In the past I didn’t pay attention to this and would regularly just end up eating shit cos I was so hungry (and hammered, thankfully that’s a long time ago now).

It’s awesome you seem to be on a really good track rn tho! :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2:


That’s awesome! Did you have a hard time eating mindfully in the beginning? Any tips? My current goal is to eat mindfully for 5 minutes at the beginning of each meal and even that is hard!


@Passerina_cyanea I followed a baby steps approach to mindful eating like the host in the podcast Thinner Peace in Menopause suggested. It starts with checking in with hunger, then physical and emotional hunger scales, types of eating, food journal, and other tools. Mindful eating comes basically with time. For example if you check with yourself if you are hungry every time before you eat something for a week you start developing small increments of mindfulness around eating. With time I got better and I never set any time goals or targets. My goal was never to be mindful for a certain period of time, but to register satiety signals. My mind still has something to watch out for during eating which I find easier to do then being just mindful.

Food journal checkin. I only made one entry today for my scales before breakfast and then forgot the rest. I was both with lunch an supper preoccupied with so many other things I just forgot. But I stayed mindful enough through the meals to register my signals which is a win. My period started yesterday and today I feel bloated and constipated but I did not add overeating to that today.


@acromouse we are gathering at my Dad’s house on Friday, they are planning to order pizzas. I am thinking I could have a side dish just so they don’t pressure me to have a whole pizza, I’ll have to reset for takeaways again, but hopefuly it wouldn’t escalate further. Congrats again for double digits no UPFs :tada:

7 days no crisps.
5 days no binge-eating.
0 days no takeaways, no sugar.

I was doing fine until I got an email saying I’d earned a £12 credit from the food delivery website, then before I knew it I’d placed an order without even thinking about the consequence of resetting. It was a small order, an individual meal, so no binge, and I didn’t eat it like a monster like I do when I’m in binge mode. The sugar was an accident, because it came with mini apple spring rolls, but it turned out they were covered in a brown sugary substance so I’ve reset both counters. I’m not feeling too bad about it right now, I just need to be mindful not to make any more orders, because that’s why I got the credit, because I ordered so many times last week. It was nice to each real food though (as a change from my meal replacement products), and in a controled manner.



Day 1221 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@Jana1988 I hope you’re getting some more sleep soon. I can imagine how prolonged exertion can mess with your sleep. Take care.
@Mischa84 2 days of food prep and no overeating is great :+1:t2:
@CATMANCAM Good job not bingeing on your food.

147 sugar
11 UPF
18 gluten
10 dairy
6 overeating/binge

Today I will honour my satiety and hunger signals. Today I will work through my emotions with more skilful means than food and eating.


Food journal checkin. I kept my food journal for today and ate mindfully. I had a very interesting experience. This evening at supper I felt signals from my stomach signalling that it was full enough quite well but there was a kind of override involved, some feeling of needing far more calories, needing more food, more fat, more carbs. Usually I would get these kind of feelings always in connection with hormone troubles. I recently lowered my hormone dosage. Since then I have been feeling my perimenopausal symptoms worsening. So I assume that this episode of overeating was due to hormones. I will up my dosage back again tomorrow and see how it works out.


0 days for everything.

I had a small takeaway at 20:30, even chose the zero coca-cola over the full sugar one, so that would have only been a takeaways reset. However, I then went to the shop at 21:30, and bought 2 regular sized bags of crisps, 1 small bag of popcorn, a regular bar of chocolate, and a regular bag of sweets, them ate them all when I got home. This was minor in comparison to my usual binges, but I’ve reset my counter just like I would if I had one line or one drink etc.



Day 1222 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


148 sugar
12 UPF
19 gluten
— dairy
0 overeating/binge

After 10 days of no dairy I’m going to retest it again. Want to try out if it has any special effect on me. I’m starting with clarified butter.


Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal though forgot to write it down for supper with my husband visiting. Had the same strange experience like yesterday with lunch today. My stomach was feeling uncomfortable but I was not getting proper satiety signals. I am slightly confused. I can‘t say like that if I am overeating. I am mindful through the whole process, so I consider it an interesting question and will keep observing and will set my overeating counter to ??.


Day 1223 : No binge today. :smiling_face: