Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

149 sugar
13 UPF
20 gluten
— dairy
?? overeating/binge

Today I’m going to investigate my ‘missing’ satiety signals. Maybe it’s the dairy making it :thinking:? I’m very curious.


Good morning!
I had very good 4 days but yesterday I slipped. But must admit, could be worse. I’m not disappointed or something, 4 days is still great and yesterday I know why I did it and next time will try to avoid this situation. After dutch lesson I was hungry and still had 30min to bike home. So I went to the shop for something to grab. And of course in patisserie they have “take one get one free” so ofcourse I took 2 and ofcourse I ate both.
But from the good news - Im on intermittent fasting and I already feel much much better. Yesterday last meal was late (6pm) and now I still have almost 3h till breakfast, today I might not make it to 16h fasting cause I already feel hunger. My perfect eating window is from 9am to 5pm.
Anyways, another day with ugly weather. I need sunshine!
Much love everybody, be gentle to yourself :blue_heart:


Thanks for the tips, I like this point of view about satiety. I try and ask myself if I’m hungry or only eat once I feel hunger signs, but I probably only do that 10% of the time.


1 day no takeaways,
0 days for everything else.

I binged way worse than Wednesday yesterday, twice! The sugar in my urine is the highest result possible. I am twitching badly all over. Haven’t been able to stay awake since 4pm yesterday, I call this a sugar coma. I have a bad migraine, my whole body hurts. I don’t want to do this to myself anymore, despite strong cravings.

Tonight I will be at my Dad’s for one of my step-brother’s birthdays, and I will likely have to eat with them. I don’t know where we’ll be ordering from, but I hope to make a decision that doesn’t harm me too much.

I am very much looking forward to getting back on track from tomorrow, and for these consequences to subside.



Food journal / experiment checkin.
So after an abstinence of 10 days I decided to do a provocation experiment with dairy. The same way I did with gluten a few weeks ago. And with basically the same result. Dairy is a total trigger food for me. At first it just masks my satiety signals so I won’t know when to stop eating and I‘ll overeat. Then it will mask my hunger signals so I don‘t know if I am hungry or not. Then on to cravings, massively increasing cravings, irrational behaviours, bingeing, significant mood changes, trouble concentrating, overstimulation and understimulation, digestive issues come later. This stuff was not made for me. So like with gluten, I‘m off dairy. I‘ll reset my dairy and overeating/bingeing counters this night, and tomorrow will be day 0.
Quite an experiment I should say.

@CATMANCAM We‘ll be binge counter twins tomorrow then :smile:
@Mischa84 Your progress is looking good! Just for my own curiosity: What are your experiences with different fasting and eating windows?


1 day no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.
0 days no takeaways.

Relieved to be feeling a bit better than I reported earlier. I still have a migraine but that’s to be expected.

Ate a thin crust gluten free pizza with my family this evening. So not a big deal, but I am relieved we won’t be gathering again until Father’s day mid June.

I can now focus on getting back on track with everything.



Day 1224 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


150 sugar
14 UPF
21 gluten
0 dairy
0 overeating/binge


Sending strength to get back on track!

Two weeks no binging! Just some regular sized snacks or treats. Also went for a run and did some weights at home.


About IF, I’ve tried 16:8 only. It’s not so difficult for me cause actually I’m not skipping any meal, just eating supper earlier and bigger lunch. I know that some ppl skipping breakfast but it’s not for me. I’m waking up at 6 and till 9 I’m only on coffee and water, but it’s like this if I’m not fasting anyway :slight_smile: IF is keeping me away from mindless evening snacking and from snacking in general. Eating window is limited so you have to fill it up with nutritional food otherwise you will be hungry quickly.
I would recommend everybody to at least try.


Hey @Mischa84
Yes! Only when I did IF I actually managed not only to stay away from binging and over eating for the longest time (over 2 months) but I also eventually stopped thinking about food in the evenings because it simply wasn’t an option. It was the only thing which actually worked for me. Maybe also because in my eating window I didn’t restric on any food and had whatever I wanted whenever I wanted… My initial worry was that I’d get mad and eat only sweet stuff, etc. but surprisingly after few days in IF I craved mainly nutritional food, like if my body realised that otherwise it would have to survive on sugar only :woman_shrugging:t4: So I am with you on this one 100%! Just as I mentioned before, I need longer eating window due to my extremely active life. But it’s okay, everyone should set it up in the way it’s convinient and so they can actually stick with it. My advice would be to even set up 12:12 for beginning so the habit can be owned first before experimenting and adjusting :blush:

Other than that, I’m pleased that you’re on track now!! :clap:t2::pray:t2::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Today in the morning, when writing my diary, I identified 4 mistakes I repeat day to day and which maybe causing me to fail all the time when trying not to binge or over eat…

  1. Eating in front of TV, laptop, phone, etc. (distraction) - yep, I still do it!
  2. Eating being in a hurry (or feeling like I’m in a hurry)
  3. Not having any plan what and when to eat (helps snacking a lot)
  4. Eating sugar, lots of sugar!

I decided to implement the opposite of each of the points above every week starting today. So until next Saturday I will make sure that when I’m eating I’m not under any distraction. That means it should take me 4 weeks to get rid of these “bad” habhits.

Today I had my breakfast sitting on the sofa without my phone and other devices and I made sure they’re also far away from me so I can’t just reach for them.

I need to do something about my eating, it’s starts to eat me alive ahahaha. It’s always easier in the first half of the day, evenings are night mare, but implementing my steps one by one seems manageable. I can’t see that I should have much problem to stick with my point number one :pray:t2:


@Mischa84 This sounds like a really good tool to set some rules your brain won‘t try to negotiate endlessly about. Like something that will give you some peace. Really like that :+1:
@Jana1988 It really does sound like a good plan. You have clear actionable and measurable goals and you feel like you can manage them. I‘m very curious where your journey will bring you :smile:

Food journal checkin. I kept my food journal today and ate mindfully.
After yesterday‘s cheese binge I had this thought that there are three types of food for me: foods I can‘t stand (brussel sprouts come to mind), foods I don‘t especially care one way or the other (salad), and foods I really love (steak!).
But then there is one other category, foods that get me high, the addiction category. So if I eat sugar or gluten or cheese I can‘t even tell you how the food tastes because some kind of power overtakes me and I just want to shovel that stuff inside me for as long as I can. And if there are ten pieces of cheese cake and I take one I‘ll eat them all, no way of stopping myself.
And not only will I binge on them, I will be off for some days after, like today: irritable, restless, bored, looking for some distraction, any distraction, dissatisfied with everything, not really knowing or feeling what I need but just craving and looking for something, anything to give me that kick again. And if I don‘t get it I get depressed, anxious, resentment builds up.
This whole thing really feels like I‘m on the discovery channel with myself as the main test subject.


Thanks @acromouse :blush: So far so good… I had few times the desire to go and grab my phone and now during dinner I badly wanted to switch on telly. Ed was teying to persuade me that it doesn’t matter and that it’s silly what I’m doing but I said to myself, come on, I don’t want to be the one who can’t manage even a day! And so I didn’t give in and I just ate my food without any external distractions. It’s so much more boring and suddenly I don’t have a desire to eat as much or as often :thinking:
It’s shocking how much I’m influenced. I went to spin my bike earlier in the day because I got new pedals and wanted to try them out. When I came back home I was starving but I also really wanted to wash my bike as long as it was sunny out there and that made me actually annoyed that I must eat. Must. Before I’d spend hours of over eating after I did activity, today I just did it because I understood that I must eat and that I don’t want to be hungry too much as it could lead to over eating or binging. Really interesting stuff…

Btw, your realisation of trigger food and how it affects you is fascinating. Thank you very much for sharing because I feel the same about chocolate, I just never really thought about it :thinking: I also can’t have just a little bit. No, I want it all and as you say, after I ate it, I don’t even know how it was… It’s such a nonsense…


@acromouse congrats on 150 days no sugar :tada: 2 weeks no UPFs :tada: and 3 weeks no gluten :tada:
@Misokatsu congrats on 2 weeks no bingeing :tada:

0 days for everything.

Before I went to my Dad’s last night, I had it in my head what I was going to order if we were ordering from where I thought we would be, but they decided to order from somewhere else so I had to decide on something else. Unfortunately it left my brain unsatisfied that it didn’t get what it wanted, so I ordered a takeaway for lunch today, but there was a minimum delivery requirement so I also ordered dessert and a big bottle of coca-cola with sugar in.

Then this evening my addict convinced me that having odd counters would annoy me so “we may as well reset everything” so I went to buy crisps and ate those too which is definitely a binge because they are big bags.

Then I craved something sugary even though the glucose from lunch at midday had only just cleared from my urine, so I’ve just been to buy and have eaten 2 ice creams and a small can of coca-cola.

No more f***ing chaos!

Now to successfully endure the miserable and irritable depression of the first week or so, and all of the strong cravings.



Day 1225 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


Ahhh, my brain tricks me with stupid shit like that too!


Oh no! I feel sorry that your dining plan didn’t go through…and I understand why you then went “crazy” and binged. I do feel you, @CATMANCAM , I know how this all works.
But look, it’s ok. It was just one more binge in your life, it’s not going to destroy the world and nor you, because you’re here, you’re strong and keep trying and you’re capable (like all of us) :heart:
You can take this EXPERIENCE as a learning curve. Now we know that we need to be ready for everything. Next time you will know that assuming the type of a restaurant to order from isn’t a way to go, because it can change and maybe you should think about more options for different cases. Maybe you don’t have to think about certain meals but you can think more in general, like what you’d like the food to give you, what nutritions you’re looking for, etc.

We’re with you :pray:t2::hugs:


Binging: Day 1 !!! :partying_face:

My common sense is telling me not to celebrate as there were couple of days 1 which then went to trush :wastebasket:
But it’s a positive thing for me and makes me happy :blush: So I am celebrating :crazy_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Jana1988 Congrats on your firest day of no bingeing! :partying_face: Your common sense in this instance sounds more like your addiction to me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It does not want you to feel victorious. Not even that little bit.
I just had this thought that with your four step plan you could also make a counter for your steps. So you would have a counter now for distraction free eating or something. I think this would be worth celebrating and you could focus on this smaller goal that is actually feasable right now. But this is just a thought. And it obviously irk your addiction :wink:
And just for the record: I absolutely do not think this is silly. On the contrary I know for a fact that it is an important part of the process. Think about it: You can not change a behaviour if you are not awere of it. To be aware of what you are doing you have to pay attention. You can not pay attention if you are surrounded by things that are set up to distract you like the telly, phone, or whatnot. And really that is what you are doing now: Starting to pay attention to find out what is actually happening. And you already had several insights into the whole issue! So :+1: for your steps plan and sticking to it even when others do not understand. We here do.

@CATMANCAM Hey friend. I get it. It is so f***ing hard to get back. A binge will always set me back so badly. Even my two day stint with cheese left me irritable, in a bad mood, with cravings for all kinds of distractions and with bouts of depression and anxiety. I totally get that now your whole system is really messed up and regaining equilibrium is reeeeeealy hard. Is there a plan you can make for the first day, first three days, first week to endure the hardships of withdrawl? Like self care, boundries, distractions, comfort, emergency ideas in case of bad cravings, limiting your access to getting triggering foods, people you could lean on?

151 sugar
15 UPF
22 gluten
1 dairy
0 overeating/binge

As I had real difficulties registering satiety and hunger signals yesterday I have no idea if I overate or just felt digestive discomfort.