Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Cravings are today way higher than they used to be before my cheese episode. Honestly it’s so enlightening.


Food journal checkin. Only write one entry today. Too tired today. I am sick and have to take care of my sick daughter. Nothing serious just too tired for anything. But I stayed mindful with hunger and satiety. Registered cravings in the afternoon, but they could not take any hold on me. I know they just call but don’t deliver anything worthwhile just suffering. Did not overeat. Not much appetite anyway.


@Jana1988 thank you :blush: it is really helpful to be reminded that one binge does not equal the end of the world, especially today, when I was so sure I was going to be with 1 day when I did tonight’s check-in. 🩵 Congrats to you on your day 1 :tada:

@acromouse thank you :blush: I have a new book that I got through today until 5pm with, so I can keep reading that. For distraction I can look at memes here as they can sometimes humour me, which also helps mood-wise. Sadly I don’t have anyone in real life that I’m close to, so it’s just me and my two cats, but they are good company and always know when I’m struggling. I’ll be okay, I will always keep trying. I need to remind myself more that giving in to my cravings leads only to more suffering and more cravings, I need to stop feeding my addict, literally! Feel better soon 🩵

1 day no crisps.
0 days no sugar, takeaways, binge-eating.

I feel so much shame coming here everyday lately with more resets. Part of me wasn’t going to post today and just wait til I (hopefully) have a full 1 day for everything tomorrow, but I know that’s my addict trying to isolate me and trap me in it’s web of lies. So here I am.

I was doing fine, all the way up until 5pm, I even did my morning routine today for the first time since the 16th (I never usually miss more than one day in a row). But then an ice cream van came round, and what should have been day 196 since I last had one, became day zero. I also had a can of coca-cola with sugar in.

But that is not all. Having the ice cream was not enough for the addict, no, it wanted everything to be reset (again), so I ordered THREE of what I had yesterday, but no desserts and no more coca-cola, (I’d only just had sugary stuff). I was struggling to finish the second one, but forced myself to eat the third one too, to make myself feel ill so I wouldn’t want it again.

So that’s it, and it is bugging me that not every counter has been reset but my mouth is sore from all the crisps last night so I don’t want more of those right now.

I have therapy, and then the dentist straight after, tomorrow, which I am dreading because I have to have a filling redone and a clean, and I find both extremely invasive and painful. The good thing is, I usually like to look after my teeth when I’ve been to the dentist, so that will hopefully get me off to a start with my sugar counter atleast.

I will not stop trying. If I made it til 5pm today, I can make it til bedtime tomorrow.



Day 1226 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM Just out of curiosity: Do you remember what helped you through the first days on your last long streak? Fingers crossed it starts today🤞🏻

152 sugar - 5 months
16 UPF
23 gluten
2 dairy
1 overeating/binge

Today marks my five months freedom from sugar. What a freedom that is. Makes me very happy :blush:


Just wanna express my support for you guys here. I see the struggle and it’s hard. :heart:
I’m currently going through a bit more intentional time again and doing good. I even bought different foods, I ate prawns the other day and have sweet potatoes at home. That is always huge for me, when I make more than zero effort w food and buy sth slightly different.

I ate restaurant food the other day cos it was an occasion. It was pricey and from a good restaurant and I had looked forward to it. Totally not worth it, would have liked a home made meal so much more in the end. :woman_shrugging:t2: but it didn’t have any negative consequences, neither mentally nor habit wise. Just indifference. I’m glad about that.


2 days without binging.
Today I am at work and so I eat at my desk… I am not sure how should I do it so I don’t eat when I’m working. It might have to be a rule only for when I’m at home :confused: I’ll see what I can do but perhaps not much…


@Faugxh I find eating out somewhat overrated.
@Jana1988 Yeah, eating in different environments brings different challenges. Are there ways for you to take intentional eating breaks through your work day?

Food journal checkin. I don’t feel as sick anymore and I picked up my food journal at least for two entries. I can recognize hunger signals very well, satiety still not too well.
On the one hand I want to escape from feeling sick, coughing, not being able to have the kind of day I want to and my addict mind wants to escape through eating and food. On the other hand I don’t want that fight anymore. I know food can not solve any proble. I know it will not make me feel better in the long run. I know I can’t escape discomfort or sickness or any of this. This is just life.


@acromouse well, I still had the old diet company porridges that I was enjoying, so my first days were with those. Then the company closed down so I ordered that other porridge thst developed into a problem, so I stopped buying that, and by the time it was all gone, I guess I’d gotten far enough away from my bingeing and buying food from the local shops to binge, that I was able to stick with it. Then the counter was motivation by then too. I do have porriges from a different diet company that I’ve gotten used to now, and still some shakes left over from the old company too. I think I will be okay if I stay off the takeaway websites. I think it wasn’t a good idea to try having day 1 on therapy day. Hopefully I will be on day 7 by next session, and won’t want to reset again. Congrats on 5 months no sugar, thats amazing! :tada:

2 days no crisps.
0 days no sugar, takeaways, binge-eating.

I have felt such heavy shame all day. I couldn’t even hold my head up during my therapy session, let alone look at her.

Then my dentist appointment got moved to tomorrow because the dentist had only just landed back in the UK 30mins before my appointment.

I don’t know what to do except keep trying, and ban myself from browsing on the takeaway delivery website. I went on and off there 3 times adding things in the basket then deleting, and in the end I ordered. That’s what I am conscious of now, and now that I know it, I can do something about it.

I will not go on the food delivery websites!


Also, my dad rang me at the drop of a hat, saying he had a van full of stuff he needed to store in my garage, so I’ve just been helping him with that. Before he left, I told him I cannot have food with them on special occasions anymore, as I’ve been bingeing a lot again since I did at Easter. He said ‘I understand’. So that’s that conversation out the way.



Is there a way to download a porn blocker like the SAs have and set it to everything food related?

@acromouse totally. I don’t eat out more than maybe four times a year. It’s a nice “special thing” to do for an occasion. I just don’t enjoy the food haha.


Was craving something sweet last night, but made a cup of hot chocolate instead of hitting the biscuits. And then brushed my teeth do I couldn’t have anything else. :joy:


I’m not very tech-savvy but I’m going to look into it because it would atleast give me a pause, to stop and think with my rational mind.


I think these things are pretty straight forward. I can also ask my ex what he uses

Edit Blockerhero he sais is good.


Day 1227 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on your 5 month mark, @acromouse! Super proud of you! :tada:

@CATMANCAM So proud of you for communicating with your dad that you’re struggling with binge eating. That is not an easy thing to do. But admitting you have a problem is a step in the right direction. :muscle: And hopefully your dentist appointment goes well. Maybe tell your therapist about the shame you’re feeling too on your next therapy session so she can help you process it as well. You deserve to feel better. :people_hugging:

@Misokatsu Great job Miso! Every win counts! :muscle:


Congrats for your 5 months no sugar @acromouse !! That’s just insane for me :exploding_head::smile: Wow, I’m happy for you :heart:

@CATMANCAM I think that it’s a great decission to communicate with your dad. I’m glad you have such relationships that you feel comfortable to share and mainly that he hears and understands you :heart: So nice! I bet it took a bit of courage to start that conversation, well done!
I also had to communicate to my partner that any time I eat I need the telly off because he came the other day and wanted to switch it on when we were about to have a dinner. I can’t blame him, it’s a habbit we both built up. Unfortunately he also understands and is not bothered at all and respects my needs… :blush::heart:

@Faugxh Thank you for sharing your insights and giving us update about how you are :heart: I am so happy to see that you’re doing well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You deserve the best!

@Misokatsu You cheated the cravings :smiley: Well done you! A tool to add onto my list - brush your teeth early so you’re tempted less :smile::smile: I like it.

@Mischa84 How are you doing with your IF? And overally, how are you?

Sending love to you all guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day: 3 no binging :pray:t2::blush::blush::blush:

As said, I had to eat in front of the PC yesterday when working which is not ideal. But it was interesting. It made me notice that I have no idea what and how much I eat if I do other stuff when eating. I mean, it makes perfect sense but the reality and realisation hit me like if I had no clue :smile:

I must admit, I didn’t like it and I tried to concentrate on food more than the work :smile: Once I came home, I ate my dinner without any distractions again.
We had a cake in the office too. I had some but I didn’t binge on it! It feels so good when I can control myself :blush: I am really pleased and happy!

Oh and on Sunday I did another big bike ride and I didn’t use it as an excuse to binge either. All good stuff finally coming my way :heart:


153 sugar
17 UPF
24 gluten
3 dairy
2 overeating/binge

After realising yesterday how I was trying to escape the discomforts of my situation through all kinds of means, it became clear to me how this obviously affected my satiety and hunger signals as this was all overlaid by cravings to escape through food.
Today I’m going to work on the acceptance of my situation and mindfulness of my attempts to escape.


Thanks for asking Jana, all good here :slight_smile: Since I started IF I didn’t make any exceptions, going strong 16:8. It’s so nice to go to sleep with that little hungry feeling, when belly slowly starting to rumble and is not just full and bloated. When I’m not fasting I’m never hungry, never have empty stomach. Not only bcs of snacking but I realise how much I consume by eating food my kids didn’t finish… Some unfinished sandwich, banana etc? Mama gonna eat it. But not anymore :slight_smile: I hate to throw the food away but my body is not a garbage can either.
I’m not very strict with sweets now. Im on my period now and you know how it is… But I try to minimise the damage :wink:
So, long story short, I’m happy and satisfied with my eating last week or so.
Have a good day or good night my favourite ppl :blue_heart: Now when I think about it, we are mostly from Europe people active in this thread, right? Actually I don’t know where @Aleyadaisey is from and ofcourse @Misokatsu far far away as well :slight_smile:


I like that :slightly_smiling_face: and I really am glad to read how you are taking control :+1:

@Jana1988 Same goes for you girl. The way you are paying attention to your own patterns and discovering so many new things about yourself :+1:

@Misokatsu Like the tooth brushing trick :toothbrush: :joy:

@CATMANCAM You are great! Really, you are. Life is hard. For all of us. But the challenges we face on a daily basis differ greatly. A lot of people do not have the strength to even attempt a change. You have. You already have changed so many things in your life. Looking at your counters I see alcohol, cocaine, vaping. Looking at your shares I see how you are putting in the work every single day. You are not looking away, you are instead looking clearly at yourself and your patterns. You are not staying in self-pity, instead you are coming up with new ideas how to change your patterns. You are not isolating, instead you are sharing here. You are not standing still, instead you are working so hard. I get the shame and the guilt and all the sucky feelings. But you are a hero, putting on your hero outfit every day and doing what you can. That is great! Whenever I feel like diving into self-pity I think of how you persevere and this always gives me new strength. Cause I know I am not alone. You can be proud of yourself friend :hugs:


I really second all of this. I think about you this way too, @CATMANCAM