Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Misokatsu congrats on finding an alternative :clap:t2: :tada:
@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush: I did tell the therapist and she did try to help, but the shame was too heavy. I will hopefully be able to talk about it much easier next week if I can get a streak going :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: I’m so glad your husband is supportive 🩵 Well done on 3 whole days and changing your habits :clap:t2:
@Mischa84 well done for sticking to your IF :clap:t2: I also enjoy the slightly hungry feeling :blush: and your body certainly is not a garbage can, I will tell myself this too.
@acromouse thank you so much, that was really touching to read. It’s so surreal to see myself from other people’s perspective, it makes me wonder why I see myself so very differently. Thank you again, your words truly mean a lot 🩵
@Faugxh thank you also 🩵

3 days no crisps.
1 day no sugar, no takeaways, no binge-eating.

Hallelujah! I am currently having cravings for a takeaway, but I came on here instead of going on the sites, and I saw that my timer was at 1 day. So I did it, my first 24 hours again. :raised_hands:t2: Hope is restored. Now to repeat this ODAAT.



I live in Texas, USA. :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM Great work :raised_hands:

Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal, practiced mindfulness. My emotions today have been all over the place.


Day 1228 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


154 sugar
18 UPF
25 gluten
4 dairy
3 overeating/binge

My mood is very low today. I’m going to keep my food journal and practice mindfulness. Since this infection began I don’t have much appetite.


@acromouse I’m sorry about your low mood :people_hugging: and I hope your infection clears asap 🩵

4 days no crisps.
2 days no sugar, no takeaways, no binge-eating.

I have been feeling like I want to eat a lot of food. So, urges to binge. Especially late this afternoon when I checked my post and am now faced with an extremely stressful appointment on 9th May. I am trying to minimise the stress, because it’s partly to do with not having reliable phone signal where I live, and it’s a telephone call that I can’t miss or rearrange if I do. When I go to therapy on Monday, I am going to see if I have signal there, because although sitting in my car for potentially 4 hours isn’t great, it would be better than missing the call.

Just one hour after I had lunch, I was craving a takeaway, and my addict was trying to convince me that it was fiiiine because it wouldn’t be classed as a binge if I “only” got a certain amount, but I reminded it that I will not be resetting any of my counters at it’s will. So I had another meal replacement product instead.

I am strugggling now with cravings for a pack of 10 cigarillos, because my addict knows it’s not getting any food, so it’s trying to sabotage my nicotine cessation journey now. It has been 508 days since my last cigarillo. Gah!



@CATMANCAM Those afternoon cravings are the worst! Hold on friend. Share here on the thread, vent, don’t let the addict win! And congrats on keeping the streak. :clap:

Food journal checkin. Only journaled one meal: breakfast. Lunch was hectic with several people trying to phone me and supper I somehow forgot or I don’t know. My brain is not very reliable right now. Hormones are driving me nuts with cravings. Especially those afternoon ones. And it’s not even food cravings. Just a general feeling like I want to ‘feed’ something inside me with anything. Very exhausting. I could breath through them today while rowing, yoga and meditation. But during a meal they really are a challenge. I was paying special attention to my satiety signals and it worked out well enough. I just know I have to be very mindful in the evening.


Day 1229 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


155 sugar
19 UPF
26 gluten
5 dairy
4 overeating/binge

Mindfulness and yoga all the way today. One day at a time.


3 days without binging. However have been doing a lot of grazing so still eating too much on a daily basis.

I am trying really hard to manage my stress but it is becoming overwhelming. Buying a house, my car won’t start and no one has figured out why, my IBSD has been flaring for over a month, my TMJD is bad every day. My addiction tells me that eating will lessen the blow but I know it’s not true. Might switch to weekly therapy if I can. Going to see if I can do some mindful eating.


Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal mostly. Ate mindfully. Listened to signal. I have started taking some antibiotics and they always upset my digestive system, so I‘ve been feeling all kinds of unwell now. I don‘t really know if I am hungry or not. But no bingeing or emotional overeating and not interested. Compulsive, mindless eating gives me nothing.


Yesterday marked happy 5 days no binging under my belt :blush:
I slipped a bit from eating without distraction and used my phone whilst having a dinner yesterday and today again when having a quick snack while ago. Sometimes I feel so busy with all things I need to do that I believe that it is more convinient to get on with some stuff during eating. But nope. It is not the way!!!
I’ll be better :blush:
Regardless my slips I didn’t binge and that what matters to me most.

Trigger warning :warning:
As I got some good news at work today I offered to buy take away today so I know that I shall be careful so my celebration don’t turn to disaster… Hope to be able to mark here 6 days tomorrow :pray:t2:


Day 1230 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Yay, great job on 5 days, @Jana1988! Keep up the good work! :muscle:

So sorry you’re not feeling well, @Passerina_cyanea. I hope your jaw feels better soon and that your IBS eventually slows down as well. :people_hugging:


156 sugar
20 UPF
27 gluten
6 dairy
5 overeating/binge


@acromouse I can really relate to that need to fill something inside feeling, I’m dealing with that at the moment too :people_hugging:

5 days no crisps.
3 days no sugar, no takeaways, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterday’s numbers…

I had less cravings for most of the day, until 18:30 when I decided I was going to binge yesterday and today, so that my counter would be a multiple of 5 like my others are. :man_facepalming:t2: However, the Universe stepped in because the next thing I knew I woke up at 11pm in the dark with my curtains open, I was so relieved. :raised_hands:t2:

Today so far I already have the voice telling me I should binge today so my counters are all multiples of 5. It’s just a stupid excuse and who even knows if I’d be able to get back on track straight after! It’s not worth the risk.



Happy Friday all

Pleased to say that I have 6 days without binging :clap:t2::partying_face: I am so so happy!
The universe was busy yesterday @CATMANCAM My takeaway was cancelled (not sure why) after we already waited for 30 minutes so there was no takeaway in the end and I had just something small. It was already 9pm and so I’m actually glad that it was never delievered (plus I saved money :moneybag:) :grin:

Today is Friday and my boyfriend playes poker on Friday nights so I’ll be home alone. It used to be my binge feast but I believe that today is my first Friday in ages without going nuts.
I’ll plan carefully through the day what to eat so I don’t feel hungry and in deficit later. I am in very good and positive mood :relieved::relieved::relieved:


@CATMANCAM @Jana1988 Your stories are just great :heart_eyes:. I love it when the universe intervenes and saves us from our own shenanigans :joy:


Day 1231 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


157 sugar
21 UPF
28 gluten
7 dairy
6 overeating/binge

Yesterday at game night there were all kinds of snacks - salty and sweet. I asked for them not to be placed directly in my constant line of sight. And I brought my supper with me. Whenever I then actually saw one of those snacks, my brain registered for a very short moment that this was something of general interest - more then the furniture for example - but then moved on deciding that it’s nothing to be engaged in. No cravings, no internal discussions. I’m very happy about that. My brain has relearned :blush:

On the other hand I had that train of thought that I did not belong here, cause food is not a drug, that I was ok again, that I could handle life on my own, that I should stop being ridiculous and hanging around on an internet site full of addicts… On and on. Do you see a pattern? But then I read what @CleanHeart wrote: “just got to be acting like today is day 1.”

So. Today is day one. I’m a food addict. I’m powerless over compulsive eating. I don’t know how to control sugar, gluten, dairy and UltraProcessedFoods. I don’t know how to control compulsive eating if I eat without being hungry and don’t stop eating if I get satiety signals. I can not do this alone. But I’m lucky. I don’t have to do this alone. I’m not alone. I’m here. One day at a time.


Food journal checkin. I‘ve been beset by waves of exhaustion and brain fog today, so I only made two part entries in my food journal. Just couldn‘t concentrate at all. But I stayed mindful enough during my meals to register my satiety signals and not overeating.