Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse congrats on 3 weeks no UPFs :tada: and 1 week no dairy :tada: you are doing so well! Donā€™t believe your mind when it tries to isolate you, you belong here as much as any one of us do :people_hugging: I hope you feel better soon šŸ©µ

5 days no takeaways.
1 day no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I succumbed to the ice cream van at 5pm on Friday, then before I knew it I was at home bingeing my way through copious amounts of sugary food, 3 big bags of crisps, and 2 bottles of coca-cola with sugar, that Iā€™d gone to the closest shop and bought. That shop is now on the banned list, as well as the other 2 nearby shops. The only shop Iā€™m allowed in now is the grocery store I get a healthy lunch from, on my way home from therapy on Mondays, oh and definitely no more ice creams.

My counters will now all be multiples of 5 at the same time, like they were when I almost made it to 56 days of no binge-eating, so as irrelevant as this may seem, it pleases my neurodivergent brain. I believe this will help keep me on track because I donā€™t want to be out of sync again.

I will admit I have been on the food delivery website tonight, thinking Iā€™d just get a small takeaway from my favourite place, and I did nearly place an order at 22:44 but managed to stop myself for long enough til they closed at 22:45. I did look at food from a place that opens later but not for long. Now I need to remember Iā€™m not allowed on the website at all.



Day 1232 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations on 3 weeks w/out UPFS, @acromouse! :tada:

Just to be clear, food addiction is still considered an addiction. If it werenā€™t, OA, FAA, and EDA wouldnā€™t exist. So donā€™t listen to the part of your brain that tells you that you need to isolate. Recovery happens best with a support system, whether thatā€™s here or anywhere else. I wouldnā€™t have come this far without the support I got here, starting from day 1 to now. You may find this surprising, but I actually discovered this app through an eating disorder recovery community. I found it to be a helpful resource. As long as youā€™re focused on recovery, thatā€™s the important part. Plus, a lot of people here have other co occuring addictions.
If it helps, I used to be dependent on benzos.* But I donā€™t judge people here if they are only struggling with food addiction. So in short, youā€™re welcome here. :people_hugging:

Tldr : Youā€™re welcome here, donā€™t try to isolate yourself. :people_hugging:

Tw? Benzo dependency

*I wouldnā€™t go as far to call myself an addict of benzos but I wasnā€™t taking them in a ā€œhealthyā€ way. I was overusing them. I developed a tolerance to them over time and I eventually stopped using them altogether.

Congrats on 5 days without takeaways, @CATMANCAM! :tada:


Oh, I didnā€™t know you had ā€œissuesā€ with benzo @Aleyadaisey ā€¦ Congratulation not only on for how long youā€™ve stayed away from binging but also that you dealt with the ā€œbenzo thingā€ :clap:t2:

@CATMANCAM You will probably save chunks of money on that take away if you stop ordering it. Itā€™s quite a great benefit besides others which it brings :blush:
I donā€™t do much takeaways but I also struggle not to binge when I do. I guess itā€™s because the portions tend to be bigger than in a restaurant and I always crave sugar afterwards, no matter how full I amā€¦ It is just weird and I am not a fan of it. But will do occasional ones.
Iā€™m blessed that Iā€™m not into any sugary drinks, like coke. Theyā€™re not temping me at all. I only drink water, tea and coffee. I believe that if you manage to cut these out you would lower your sugar intake hugely. These drinks are the worse what I heardā€¦

@acromouse Congrats on your week of dairy and binge free! :clap:t2: And overally your counters look strong :muscle:t3: Thank you for sharing your observations and thoughts. Itā€™s nice to be on the journey with you :blush:


Unfortunately, I had to reset my counterā€¦ Sugar is killing me. Itā€™s what I binge on and I seem to really struggle with it.
I put cutting it down to last point on my list how to get better but I may have to reconsider it and move it up and just try to get on with it rather sooner than later. I didnā€™t know it, but realised that I am probably scared of this step and thatā€™s why I donā€™t want to deal with it. I am scared of failure, I never feel ready for this step of cutting it of, because I never feel strong enough to actually do it and stick with it.
Like @acromouse says, I must be an addict to sugar. Otherwise I canā€™t explain why I feel so powerless to do something about it. Itā€™s honestly so hardā€¦

So I am at a point when I donā€™t know if I should try to cut it off or what should I doā€¦? I want to do it but I am scared to say to myself that I am cutting sugar off from now on. I donā€™t even understand myself anymore :smile::smile::smile: Iā€™m not expecting you guys to answer me. I may have to find the answer within myself. This one is deep man :woman_facepalming:t4:


158 sugar
22 UPF
29 gluten
8 dairy
7 overeating/binge

Finally one week without overeating :blush:


Hi guys, me again :slight_smile:
Last 4 days no IF, total disaster. It started with ā€œIā€™m fasting so I can eat some doughnuts in the eating timeā€ and finishes with, well, we all know with what. Eating all kind of terrible things, especially late in the evening, when kids are sleeping. Also didnā€™t train much last week. It always goes together, no workouts - bad eating. All or nothing. Yesterday I managed to finish with this madness at 6pm so I try to put myself back on track. I already feel so puffed. And, I donā€™t know if Iā€™m right, but I always have a feeling that after few days of going crazy with sugar, even if I start eating healthy, Iā€™m still gaining weight for a few days. Like, when you make some intense workout, you still burning more calories some hours after. Same other way around.

This is so annoying. Every time I try to write here someone disturb me and Iā€™m losing my flow :sweat_smile: This is another reason why my posts are so chaotic.

Long story short - after 4 days total bender Iā€™m back, not giving up. I canā€™t say ā€˜lesson learnedā€™ cause I knew exactly what Iā€™m doing and how gonna feel afterwards. Lesson was already known. In theory its so simple - just stay away from sugar. Thing is, always at some point I think ā€˜but whyā€™. Slippery slope.

I had more.things in my head to share but itā€™s like in the bee hive here, maybe later will find some time to post. Have a good day my favourite ppl.


I know youā€™re not expecting an answer but if I may share what it was like for me.
Sugar is hard. I didnā€™t know for a long time what to do w it. Itā€™s in a lot of things, added. Itā€™s in fruit etc naturally. Will sweeteners make me want to have sugar? Or can they help? (I use them.) Will a ban on sugar extend to carbs? Some kinda of carbs? (For me, no. My activity level alone dictates my carb intake.)

These affiliated questions made it very hard for me for a long time to come to a practicable way of handling it for me. Was a lot of ā€œempty thinkingā€ and then also a lot of trial and error.

If I have sweets in the house, I will eat them all in a very short time, to this day. So I never have them around anymore. This year I even managed to put the Easter sweets away after a few days of overeating on them, before they were alle eaten.
Yesterday my mother wanted to give me my fav chocolate (kinder and yoghurette!) and for the second time only I declined and left it with them. It was easy cos I could point to the fact that I had just eaten 4 small bars in two min cos I was stressed out packing up my things to leave (and from being w the fam, even tho I love them a lot) and just said I canā€™t have them in my house, I have no control over them. They understood. But also not really. For them, overeating massively on sugar is sadly completely normal. My dad at one point had a piece of cake on his plate that must have weighed over 400g. And it was only one of three he ate. :frowning: makes me very sad for them.

I did have a little cake cos I wanted the taste and I did have my couple small choco bars, but I didnā€™t bring any back home and I think thatā€™s the game changer for me. I am not tempted to buy it cos it makes me miserable. (Thinking of it, I do have very rare phases where I buy it nonetheless, so I do sometimes rely on it to cope.) Iā€™m really very happy w this development. In the past I would literally continue to eat cake by myself, w a fork from the big cake in the pantry room. Cake is nice yā€™allā€¦ Compulsive eating is not.

These days I even consume pure sugar as fuel for training. Itā€™s dextrose tho and Iā€™m not tempted to have it outside of training.

I think you need to find your equilibrium, what you need to do minimally to make the sugar thing stick. Could be a hard and fast rule: only this kind of sweets, only one/two/X a day, only outside the home, ā€¦ But a rule you can accept and stick to. Main thing as always is to cover your macro needs. If youā€™re hungry and deprived, you will want the sugar not just addictively, but also legitimately and itā€™ll be even harder to battle the cravings. :people_hugging:

To finish my tale, yesterday I also got back to to eating normally back home after all the festivity food w my family, and did not emotionally eat myself into a coma from the stress and negative emotions of being at my family home. Which in the past was the usual thing that would happen.
I stuck to my plan of having a training sesh once home, let that also structure my time/dictate leaving time cos I can only do that so late in the day, and ate normally after (still a good portion obvs lol). Big success for me, Iā€™m very proud of that. Usually/in the past my eating was a train wreck around visits. Took a lot of therapy to get here. The feelings are still there, mostly guilt and feeling responsible for other ppl and their happiness and sadnesses, but less, and I donā€™t need to eat on them anymore (it does happen, but a lot less). But I also donā€™t think for a second I could have gotten this far without years and years of therapy, I know how hard it is.

Sending love to all youse out there.


Just sharing what worked for me the first time I tried this: 30 days. Like sober January or something. In 30 days I experienced all the basic stuff around this addiction: withdrawl, cravings, lessening and cessation of cravings, how it effected my overall health, my mind trying to trick me. And after those 30 days I plunged myself into the sugar thing to experience how it is to eat that stuff again. My personal conclusion was: not for me, never again.
You will come to your own conculsions, but maybe a 30day sugar detox will feel easier.


Thank you! :smiling_face:


Food journal checkin. Did not really keep my food journal today. Canā€˜t even tell why. Somewhere between forgot and did not take it seriously enough. This attitude has been going on for the last few days. This also have been the days where I was suffering from the side effects of the antibiotics I have been taking. I just did not have much energy or a clear enough mind to care. So Iā€˜m hoping Iā€˜ll be able to pick this up tomorrow.
My hunger and satiety signals registered well enough and I listened to them so thatā€˜s a win.


@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush: and congrats on quitting the benzos :tada:
@Jana1988 I agree, the drinks are basically pure liquid sugar, I only have them when Iā€™ve lost all sense of control when Iā€™m impulsively buying binge foods, I definitely used to be way more addicted to them but since being diabetic I rarely have them anymore. Hopefully not again now :crossed_fingers:t2:
I like the suggestions from Faugxh and acromouse about creating some boudaries around sugar, or a timed detox to see how you feel at the end of the tineframe about if you want to continue on without it. Wishing you luck as you figure it out :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@acromouse congrats on your week of no overeating/binge :tada:
@Mischa84 youā€™re not alone šŸ©µ
@Faugxh thank you for sharing part of your story and congrats on the progress youā€™ve made :tada:

6 days no takeaways.
2 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Really feeling the after effects of the sugar in my body and brain today, fatigue, muscle aches, and brain-fog.

Today I have deleted my accounts on both of the takeaway delivery websites. I feel much relief.



Day 1233 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Thank you, @CATMANCAM! :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM Hope you can recover soon from your sugar effects :crossed_fingers:t2:

159 sugar
23 UPF
30 gluten
9 dairy
8 overeating/binge

Iā€™ve been feeling anxious and depressed for the last few days, clearly side effects of the antibiotics. I hope this lifts soon :pray:t2:


Have eaten a few more sweet things than I would like the last couple of days, but not the amount that I would be ashamed to admit to, so I am just going to brush it off and move on. Now my period has finished I will get back to exercising too.


Food journal checkin. Today I actually used my food journal to sort out my feelings and thoughts and that really helped me not to turn to food as a coping strategy. I realised all my mental and emotional confusion and found different ways to deal with them. Sometimes just writing down stuff helps processing it.


Day 1234 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


Thatā€™s a nice number Aleyadaisey
You just keep goin!


160 sugar
24 UPF
31 gluten
10 dairy
9 overeating/binge


Still teying to get back on track. Iā€™m realising that it takes more and more effort to manage it and itā€™s easier and easier to slipā€¦
I donā€™t want life like thisā€¦


Oh my dear. I am so sorry to hear that. This is very hard. Very hard. I really know that. Whenever I would relapse it would take me weeks, months, years to get back. Thatā€™s why I finally came here. I was so desperate. I needed help.
We are here for you to help. :mending_heart:
Letā€™s start with self care. Is there something you can do today to be nice to yourself? :bath:
What is it that you need to get better?
When you had this nice streak going on, what worked?
Donā€™t give up, love. :hugs: :people_hugging: