Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1 no binge :pray:t2:
And here we go again :relieved:


Wow! THAT is HUGE friend!!! :clap:t2::people_hugging::partying_face::muscle:t2: This is such a great step you took there. I admire your courage. You can truly be proud of yourself.

@Jana1988 :crossed_fingers:t2: Fingers crossed for an abstinent day today for you. Sending you strength :muscle:t2:

163 sugar
27 UPF
34 gluten
13 dairy
0 overeating/binge

As I already wrote yesterday I ate following some kind of need, but it was not physical hunger. I donā€™t know what it was, I did not take the time to investigate it. I know part of it was a fear that I might be actually hungry but that the hunger is not registering cause I felt so unwell. Some fear of not getting fed :person_shrugging:t2:
My definition of abstinence is not to eat when Iā€™m not physically hungry and to stop eating when I feel satiety. By this definition I overate and thatā€™s why Iā€™m resetting my counter. Next time Iā€™d like to take the time to investigate.

I attended a RD meeting in the evening and there was this idea brought up of what helped us to hold centre. For me these are: Taking time before I sit down to eat, to tune in with myself, if Iā€™m hungry and how I feel. Eating without distractions. Eating mindfully. Eating slowly.

I think Iā€™ve fallen into the trap that things were going too well. I thought I could put away those recovery tools and go back to my old habits. Today I want to reprioritise these things that help me hold centre. One day at a time.


This! This seems like it was helpful. Reach for a meditation instead of a crisp ā€¦ or a cake ā€¦ or any of the other foods. Proud of you @CATMANCAM for recognizing the benefit you were getting from the meditations. You do a good job of taking care of yourself. Glad youā€™re feeling better from all of the sugar.

I need to keep the reach for a meditation in mind. First of all it takes time. When one bite can lead to 1000. We all know how that goes. As they say ā€¦ the struggle is real.

@acromouse thinking about you through this difficult time of change. Glad you have the community here with you and that youā€™re able to organize a lot of your thoughts.

Hugs, all. Congrats to all for each binge not taken.

@Jana1988 we hear about all the alcohol surrounding us, etcetera, yes, but as we all. know , what about all the foods, particularly sweets?? Theyā€™re all over the place. And not many people think about how they could be a major huge problem for some people.

For years I stayed overnight with a friend in her home. I would get there and her whole entire kitchen was full of cookies, cake, huge boxes of donuts, sweet rolls, pastries, candy bars. The entire counter. Iā€™m a sugaraholic. I ( donā€™t )want it. And one bite leads to wanting sooooo much.
I asked her once to pleeeeeeraaase not get all of that for our visit because I would get up in the night and try to eat it all. I told her I had a problem with sweets. Sheā€™s an understanding person but she said that she liked all of that and enjoyed it herself and wasnā€™t just getting more because she was having house guests.
Added on the fact that she liked microwaving the Kingā€™s Cake for Mardis Gras for ten seconds.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Three huge Kingā€™s Cakes were brought over.

I love my friend and respect what she was doing. In other words I was not angry at or upset with her.
Although it was like getting alcohol to an alcoholic.

Sheā€™s at present in her final days, I will mourn her, miss seeing her and all of her sweets / pastries.
Because of circumstance I havenā€™t stayed there for a few years.


I so can relate to your story of your friend :people_hugging:.
My mother in law is a sweet, loving and kind person. Iā€™ve known her for about 30 years. Every time we are at their place there will be tons of cake and sweets there. Thatā€™s her way of showing us how much she cares. I know that. Many mothers, women, grandmas, aunts, etc are like that. They want to show their love with food.
And she has a really hard time accepting I donā€™t want any of her offerings. She keeps asking me. And I really feel sorry I can not accept her way of showing kindness and love. But it would destroy me.
Every time I relapse on sugar I know I have to stay away from visiting my in-laws for at least a month until I feel strong enought to say no.


Yesterday was my sonā€™s birthday. We made pizza and cheesecake. Fortunately the kids devoured the vast majority so I could just enjoy a little as celebration. I have been doing some YouTube weight training videos and although I am sure it is far too early to actually have any change I ā€˜feelā€™ stronger. Feeling like I am taking care of my body rather than abusing it.


Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal, took my time assessing my hunger and satiety, eating slowly and mindfully. There is a part of me that thinks that there are more interesting or important things to do than paying attention to eating. But I disagree. Now I am trying to say no to this voice while Iā€˜m eating.


@acromouse thank you šŸ©µ I do feel quite proud because I have never been able to tolerate distress without using unhealthy coping mechanisms, so this is very new for me.
@Alisa thank you šŸ©µ the struggle is definitely real :people_hugging: Iā€™m sorry about your friend :mending_heart: thank you for sharing part of your story šŸ©µ
@Misokatsu well done for the weight-training, I am hoping to start back in the gym soon myself, so thatā€™s some motivation for me, thanks :blush: :muscle:t2:

11 days no takeaways.
3 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Today has been much like yesterday, lots of emotion swirling around inside of me with no release. I meditated a lot. Allowed the feelings. There was also a few brief moments of calm and peace, there wasnā€™t yesterday, so that was helpful.

It is only day 3, and I am already having cravings for crisps and TV. Itā€™s because I found new episodes of a show I love, when I was engaging in bingeing earlier this week and started watching it, and I hate leaving things unfinished, but I donā€™t feel able to watch without crisps. I managed to nap for almost 2hrs, so that passed some time, but thereā€™s still a while to go before the shops close, 1.5hrs. Part of me feels like I should just focus on not having takeaways or eating/drinking anything sugary for a while, rather than crisps and binge-eating too, but thatā€™s just my addict trying to get what it wants.



Donā€™t listen to that voice. It is lying :lying_face:
Listen to a meditation, read here on the forum, vent, curse. Donā€™t listen to the sneaky little shit.


Day 1238 : No binge today. :blush:

Good job sitting with your feelings, @CATMANCAM! :blush: I know hard that must have been! :people_hugging: You got this! :muscle:


164 sugar
28 UPF
35 gluten
14 dairy
1 overeating/binge

Today Iā€™m going to say no to this voice that tells me that there are more interesting or important things to do than paying attention to eating. Instead Iā€™m going to take time before I sit down to eat, to tune in with myself, if Iā€™m hungry and how I feel. Iā€™m going to eat without distractions. Iā€™m going to eat mindfully. Iā€™m going to eat slowly. Iā€™m going to invest in the things that help me hold my centre. One day at a time.


2 days no binge
So I had sugar yesterday (and already today too) :roll_eyes: because of course there were cakes in the office. Some left overs from a previous day and then my colleague brought fresh ones saying theyā€™re for me because I missed out on what was there the day before :woman_facepalming:t4: I mean - itā€™s actually really lovely of him, shows he likes me, but maaaan, not helpful :smile: I donā€™t feel comfortable talking about ED at work so I just had someā€¦
Good is, that I didnā€™t binge on them and nor on the stuff back at home. Normally Iā€™d have it as a great excuse why I could binge at home later, saying to myself that I can as well just eat lots of sweets and then start from a zero, but I didnā€™t and Iā€™m glad.
But it wasnā€™t easy either. I was home alone and watching some movie and I was thinking about food soo much. Almost the entire movie. I finished it without giving into my cravings and then went to bed. When I had the cravings I was telling to myself ā€œIf you now give in, you will only make this habit stronger. Instead, you can resist and weaken it. Every time you resist, it will become easier. And eventually it will go away.ā€ And so I somehow did it :pray:t2:
Today I ran and exercised in the garden (itā€™s a lovely sunny day here) and after my workout I could see my ABS and I felt so good about it, thinking about how even more amazingly looking could my body be if I didnā€™t eat all the shit :rofl::rofl::rofl:


@Jana1988 So many wins in one day! :muscle:

Food journal checkin. Kept my journal dilligently today. Took my time with mindful and slow eating. Even managed to be mindful with eating while my daughter was telling her stories, which I usually find very difficult.


Today, I finished my dinner at 8pm which Iā€™d like to have as a cut off time for food so I can then have 8 hours before another food. But I still wanted something else and was craving some snacks. To get rid of the feeling I decided to walk my boyfriend to underground station as he was going out tonight. On my way back home I was thinking about crisps we have at home and I was thinking to have them. My excuse was that I have a big ride on my bike tomorrow so I need some energy and why not to pre-load myself. I was thinking about you, @acromouse and about how youā€™re checking with yourself whether youā€™re hungry or not. So I did the same and I found out that I am actually very thirsty. By the time I got home was 9pmā€¦ I still craved somethingā€¦ I decided to make myself a cup of tea, drink it and if I still fancy something afterwards, then have it.
Now itā€™s 10pm and Iā€™m slowly finishing my tea and my cravings are gone. I definitely donā€™t want to eat this late anyway, so I passed another triggering dayā€¦
So far it feels more like I was rather lucky than that I developed some skill, or found some useful tool. I am scared to manage only out of luck, in the same time Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m passing days and evenings without binging as I hope that it leads me towards my goal to make it permanent :pray:t2:
Tomorrow is a big day, because I do have a big ride and I will need to make sure that I eat enough but that I donā€™t slip into binging. Itā€™s a very slippy border between these two (or how do you say it in English, hopefully you know what I mean :smile:).


Day 1239 : No binge today. :blush:


3 days 7 hours: No binge :upside_down_face:


@Jana1988 I really like how you managed to listen to yourself and you found out that youā€™re actually thirsty. Thatā€™s a great step. Keep listening :ear:t2:

165 sugar
29 UPF
36 gluten
15 dairy
2 overeating/binge

Today Iā€™m going to invest in the things that help me hold my centre. Iā€™m going to take my time. One day at a time.


Iā€™m still here. Still on IF but during the days eating my stress out. Maybe today Im gonna be stronger.
Have a good day people :green_heart:


Do you have issues with sleeping when IF??
I thought it would bring better sleep but for me itā€™s the opposite and I donā€™t get it :woman_shrugging:t4:
If I stack my stomach with food until just before I go to bed, Iā€™ll unlikely have troubles to fall asleep. But once I eat my last food min. 2 hours before bed time, Iā€™ll find myself absolutely restless and having real trouble to fell asleep, which brings me anxiety and anxiety brings me cystitis and so itā€™s just a rabit hole to a very long night of tossing and being frustrated and anxiousā€¦
It happened to me yesterday and today I have a big ride on bike and I am already tired :roll_eyes::see_no_evil:


Sorry to hear that :frowning: Unfortunately no advice in this subject. Iā€™m one of those lucky people whos falling asleep right after hitting the pillow. Doesnā€™t matter when and how much I would eat before.
About being tired - are you drinking coffee? I am big coffee drinker (I used to drink 5+ coffees per day) but I started to notice this huge energy crashes few times daily when I felt like I will really fall asleep if only i put myself in comfy position. I still drink 2, sometimes 3 small coffees but I added matcha tea to my daily routine and now my energy level is pretty stable during the day. I would recommend it to you to try. I donā€™t like taste of green tea in general and matcha is sort of powdered green tea and has this eathy taste but Iā€™m adding maple syrup and itā€™s delicious! I swear! And it is super healthy.
So now I drink let say 2 coffees and 2 matchas and Iā€™m less of a zombie :slight_smile:
Good luck on a bike ride! Take care! :blue_heart:


@acromouse that made me laugh, but itā€™s true, thank you :blush: congrats on 2 weeks no dairy :tada:
@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:
@Jana1988 sitting through a movie without bingeing is hard work, and also for tuning into your body after the walk, well done! :muscle:t2::tada: good luck for today :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:

12 days no takeaways.
4 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Yesterday was calm and peaceful all day. I even managed to meditate without any guided meditations, all kinds of memories flooded through my mind from childhood, but I just let them come and go.

In the evening again I wanted to get crisps so I could watch the program I like. Instead I watched a different program, and I did not go to get crisps.

I also went for my walk yesterday for the first time in weeks. So thatā€™s something.
