Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

I drink coffee only in the morning hours, usually 1 or two cups. I feel usually sick if I have it in the afternoon so I don’t drink it :smile: I drink black tea but from 4pm onwards only decaf. Or herbal teas.
I used to have the same problem like you when I used to drink more coffee btw. So I stopped drinking it for two weeks. First few days were awful, I almost couldn’t function which only showed how addicted I was to it and then I got back to normal. So I am careful with coffein :blush:


Well done to you too @CATMANCAM overcoming your own crisps devils and breaking the pattern by choosing a different program. It’s all these small things which we need to pay attention to. It is sometimes hard because the brain will try to persuade us to stick with the old habits. I guess we just have to go through the discomfort of acting against it… :woman_shrugging:t4:


If you feel like your sleep patterns are related to your eating patterns I’d suggest the following questions:

  • On the days where you eat up until bed time: Do you eat more on those days then on those where you stop eating earlier? If so, I’d suggest eating more throughout the day. It might be you are just not eating enough.
  • If on the other hand it is not a matter of volume but only of distribution - you eat an all days the same amount, but distribute your meals differently - I’d suggest eating far more carbs in the evening. Not getting enough carbs in the evening can result in anxiety and trouble falling asleep.
  • If this also does not help, another option might be, you are not getting enough carbs through the day.

Just my musings on the matter. Hope you find more sleep soon.


@CATMANCAM These are really good news friend! You are meditating, you are letting feelings work their way, you are switching behaviours as to not fall in the same trap, and you even went out for a walk! I am so impressed :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :grin:

Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal today, ate slowly and mindfully. Really like eating like that. The food is good and I can actually enjoy it. Have been feeling somewhat nauseous for a few days now. Wondering what might be going on.


Checking in.
I had some sweets today but I feel fine about it because I burnt lots of calories and needed to refill them. I also ate lots of carbs and protein, because I know that I need that more. I didn’t classify any of my eating as binge :relieved:
I also didn’t finish my last food at 8pm but just a while ago, again - more for sake of fueling back calories. So I’m ok with it.
Tomorrow’s probably my rest day. Not 100% sure yet though, depends on how I feel.

I’m pleased with my eating today and that I’ll be hopefully able to call it day 4 tomorrow :blush:


@Jana1988 yes, let’s keep fighting these devils :muscle:t2:
@acromouse thank you :blush: could the nausea be related to your emotions perhaps?

13 days no takeaways.
5 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Mostly peaceful day again, apart from a little restlessness. Went out for my walk again. Even just managed to watch an episode of the program I’d been avoiding. Progress. :raised_hands:t2:



Day 1240 : No binge today. :blush:


4 days without binging. Maybe I’ll manage to get a week in :four_leaf_clover::pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t3:


166 sugar
30 UPF
37 gluten
16 dairy
3 overeating/binge

30 days no UltraProcessedFoods. That is a great freedom for me. I hate that junk. It always makes me sick in one way or the other. And it is specifically designed to make you overeat.
My digestive upset is still on. I have my eyes on the culprit. If I am right all of this will be over by tomorrow the latest. I‘m just very cranky today.


Everyone here is doing so great I’m really happy to see that!

I ate some chips (fries) yDay w truffle mayonnaise and they were super tasty. It was even my suggestion to get them. I never ever want to eat fast food but was a special occasion. I enjoyed them and had no negative after effects. The bomb, guys.

Habe a strong day y’all and do what’s best for tomorrow-you :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Food journal checkin. Felt so sick today. Did not keep my journal. But I think I have identified the culprit and am feeling much better already. I managed to listen to my signals and eat mindfully though. I had some kinds of strange emotional upsets where my addict kept suggesting eating, but I came back to „am I hungry?“ every time and did not eat unless actually hungry. Cravings or whatever passed. All is good.


@acromouse congrats on 30 days no UPFs :tada:

14 days no takeaways.
6 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I didn’t get to sleep until 2am this morning, and I had a bad nightmare that’s been hard to shake all day. This would usually be a trigger but not today. Also I woke up with the worst migraine and nausea that took until 4pm to clear. Didn’t think I was going to be able to get out for my walk because being vertical made the migraine start throbbing and the nausea way worse, and also because heavy rain was predicted. However, the migraine subsided and the forecast changed, so I did get out for it, so pleased about that, my lungs aren’t happy with me though.



Day 1241 : No binge today. :blush:

I hope you feel better soon, @CATMANCAM. :people_hugging:


@CATMANCAM I’m really sorry love you had to go through such an ordeal. I’m also glad to hear you seem to be doing better :mending_heart: and already picked up your peace and did good things for yourself.

167 sugar
31 UPF
38 gluten
17 dairy
4 overeating/binge

I’ll be leaving for five days tomorrow for Berlin. I think I’m well prepared food wise. But also a bit anxious about the unknown food environment there. Today I will practice my sobriety tools, prepare as good as I can and let tomorrow take care of itself. One day at a time.


Food journal checkin. Kept my food journal and used my recovery tools today. Had a really nasty migraine going on. I suspect my period is around the corner. This also affects my satiety signals and cravings. My stomach felt uncomfortable several times today, but I still felt hungry, or at least not satisfied. This is an ongoing experiment.


@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:
@acromouse thank you, enjoy Berlin :blush:

15 days no takeaways.
7 days no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I didn’t think I was going to be able to get out for my walk today, the weather has resumed it’s dull state, and I just did not have the urge at the time I’ve been going the previous 3 days. But…I had my Zoom chat with the woman from Safe Soulmates, and she gave me quite a firm push, and I did end up going, even though I really didn’t feel like I wanted to. I’m glad I did now though.

What has gotten me through this first week, is the porridge I was having, that became it’s own problem last time when I did well. I ordered it, knowing it would be it’s own problem again (because I can’t control myself with any real food), but also that it would give me a higher chance of not bingeing. Evidently, it has served it’s purpose, but I don’t like how I don’t feel in control, and I have also gained 5lbs since the 4th! I have 2 days worth of it left, so I am looking forward to resuming my meal replacement diet, feeling more in control, and getting back on track with my weight-loss.



Well done Cam! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 1242 : No binge today. :blush:


Good morning, everyone.
I had to reset my clock yesterday, because I binged on some sweets (of course, sweets is probably the only thing I binge at)…
I ate sweets a lot but I managed not to binge on them for 5 days. Yesterday, I was thinking about why my urine never gets ear, it’s always very yellow, it didn’t used to be like this always, so I’m finding it weird. I also have lots of issues with urinary infection past few years, I basically can’t get rid of it no matter what I do and how careful I am. I thought it’s mainly because I don’t drink much (I am very bad!), but yesterday I wondered if sugar could possibly have some influence too. Because I felt like I was better when I didn’t eat it.
I asked Dr. Google and that confirmed that besides others, sugar can indeed influence urinary infections in terms of making them more often…
Obviously Ed got scared of not eating sweets so enrich my decission to stop eating them with the idea of starting today and so yesterday I could enjoy the ‘last’ bits right? So I binged.
It’s going to be hard, I have no plan on mind how to avoid or pass dangerous situations… For example today and tomorrow we’ll very likely have treats in the office and they’re always displayed right in front of me desk, so I’ll have to get through these days looking at them and not having any :smile: Maybe I must keep on mind my poor blooder and health. Now I do it for health. Not only how I look like. That should be enough reason, right…?
I mean, I always tried to believe that I do it for my health, but I’m not sure how much trueth was there. I think I lied to myself. I am unfortunately obsessed with my body image :weary: I wish I would think differently but didn’t manage to change it so far…
The racional reasons don’t work for me when trying to chanhe the way I think. Usually something must happen for me to "understand " the higher perspective, rather than following my shallow motivation.


168 sugar
32 UPF
39 gluten
18 dairy
5 overeating/binge