Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1248 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse thank you šŸ©µ congrats on double digits no overeating/binge :tada:

13 days no sugar.
1 day no takeaways, no crisps, no binge-eating.

Therapy wasnā€™t too bad yesterday. However I had my zoom chat with the Safe Soulmates facilitator at 5pm, which was put in place to offset my binge urges after therapy, but it got really deep and I ended up disclosing some things that I feel a lot of shame around from my past, and then I really wanted crisps. But I managed to do some meditations, and then I decided to close my eyes and see if I could fall asleep, and I did, its now 2:45am. :raised_hands:t2:



174 sugar
38 UPF
45 gluten
24 dairy
11 overeating/binge

Still sick, no big chances for overeating with tummy pain and nausea.


Thank you for this @Faugxh
Can not enough food & nutritions affect recovery and injuries??? Based on your post the answerā€™s yes. ā€¦ :grimacing:
You know I canā€™t run as much as I used to since approx. 2 years ago when I injured my feet. And no matter how much I rest them or how careful Iā€™m when running, thereā€™s always a point when the pain is back. I tried lots of different things but I still struggle. Currently Iā€™m running only up to 5km distance, but Iā€™d like to run longer runs as theyā€™re my favourite. I had to give up dreams about running marathon as I currently canā€™t do even half. And not mentioning that my fast pace must be regulated too which sucks because sport is something I am good at and now I canā€™t show up my abilities due to this long lasting issues with my poor feetā€¦
Maybe itā€™s due to ED?
I usually eat a lot, but itā€™s mainly sugar. Although I was better last few days and managed to cut the sugar off to lower amount :upside_down_face: I found out that drinking lots of water stops me from over eating. So now Iā€™m overdoing my water intake instead :rofl:

Anyway, wanted to thank you, because I must make sure I eat enough of nutritions as it may be a root to recover. At least I can try.
I wish I wasnā€™t so scared of food :roll_eyes: and had a better knowledge whatā€™s normal in the eating worldā€¦


the main function of food is physical sustenance. keeping the body able to function. pleasure, emotional regulation etc - all these things are kinda on top.
if you eat suboptimally, your body will not be able to perform at its optimal level. that includes the brain and other organs, skin, what have you. and obvs also muscles, over time.
and yes, (muscle and system) recovery is highly affected by diet. carbs are the energy source our bodies need to repair our muscles and tissues. protein is the material, carbs the builders so to say. fat is the lubricant that keeps everything running smoothly, makes sure everything gets where itā€™s needed, that micronutrients are distrubuted, the brain well oiled (this is a metaphor, but fat is vital for cognitive functions).

I obvs am far from perfect myself. as I have told I have in the past often skipped that fourth or fifth carb meal of the day. I just didnā€™t think it was that important tbh. same as rest. I couldnā€™t get any, so I just told myself it couldnt be that big of a deal. stupid, I know. I seem to have the implicit belef I am invincible and the limiting factors donā€™t apply to me. working on this in therapy also.
well, I got an injury and Iā€™m pretty sure my overtraining (no rest) and undereating (in some ways, not that I am struggling to eat in general, those days are thankfully in the past for me) are fully to blame.

I can always just give this advice again: calculate your macros and try and stick to them. The Leangains Macro Calculator | you donā€™t need to calorie count, I donā€™t track either: just devide your macro needs into so and so many meals and make sure to eat those. like, a protion of protein is between 20-30g. I eat six or seven per day. bam. done. next.

we can all just do our ā€œbestā€. every little bit of insight and resources could make a difference to you. we each just have to find our combination so that we can do our own good enough.



Just some additions from a biologistā€™s point of view about nutrition:

  • Every single cell in your body is build with fats, carbs, proteins, vitamins and minerals. This means your body needs all of the above for every part of it being build, rebuild and functioning: organs, tissues, muscles, brain cells, bones, nerves, daily functioning, everything.
  • Your body can not make this stuff by itself. It needs you to eat them. We are animals. Thatā€™s how we work.
  • Your body needs that stuff every single day. You can not deprive it of neither of them, be it fats, carbs, proteins, or anything else, or it will stop functioning properly.
  • Your body needs real food. Real fats, real proteins, real carbs. Real plants, real animal products. Not meal replacements, not supplements, not ultra-processed crap.
  • Your body can survive for quite a time on all kinds of crap and work with all kinds of restrictions. But only for a time.
  • There is a big difference between survival, health and performance.
  • If you do not feed your body properly, if you keep restricting food, it will stop working properly. This might show up as fatigue, injuries, etc.
  • If your body is deprived it will look for ways to get what it needs all the time. Itā€™s about survival. Thatā€™s how it is programmed to be.

I know this journey here is not easy. Finding the middle ground is so fucking hard. Finding a way to love ourselves, love our bodies, trust ourselves around food.
Letā€™s do this together :people_hugging: :mending_heart:


Cannot like this post enough.

Especially :


Dude I thought you was a game programmer. You a biologist also? Respect.


Video games were always my passion, but after school I went to uni and studied first philosophy and german studies and than changed the later to biology.
I changed my occupations so many times, and did the craziest things, and now that Iā€™m old :wink: I decided itā€™s time to go for my passion full time.




It might look so typed out here on the thread, but my whole life people have been asking: When will you settle on something?
The question never made sense to me, but this was always kind of an expectation. Like nobody took me seriously. That I would finally ā€˜findā€™ something Iā€™d be satisfied with. I donā€™t think they had video games in mind though :rofl:


14 days no sugar.
2 days no takeaways, no crisps, no binge-eating.

Psychologist therapy today was good, I found the courage to end it (finally). I had healthy real food for lunch which felt amazing.

The eating disorder service got back to me, following their team meeting, and said the lead psychiatrist will be getting in touch with me to arrange a review meeting. So that will hopefully be promising.

I do keep wanting crisps, I think itā€™s because they are such a safe bet, as they are consistently the same, so my addict gets exactly what it wants every time. Iā€™m focusing on the consequencesā€¦

My blood glucose and cholesterol have both came back very high, the diabetes nurse is going to be calling me to discuss, so Iā€™m hoping I have signal when she calls. Iā€™m quite sad about this as for 55 days of the last 3 months that the test covers, I didnā€™t consume any sugary or fatty foods, but I can only focus on what I can do moving forwards.



Truly wonderful news! :yellow_heart:


Jana. I remember when you injured your feet. I know that you took very good care of yourself and got back into stuff when you thought that it was time to.
Iā€™m sorry you are not back to 100%,
able to do what you want to do, and at the level where your dreams are.
That is understandably frustrating and upsetting.

Iā€™m guessing that youā€™re in your mid-30s. I would think that you probably have a good 50 years of being able to do what youā€™re able to do activity/ sport wise, and that your overall ability will be/ stay substantial.

Good chance 60 years.
I know it sounds like a lot but times change.
By the time youā€™re in your 80s, it will probably be ā€œthe new 40ā€™sā€.
Point is look at the big picture.

You injured yourself and you have not regained 100% recovery. Youā€™re careful not to push yourself too far as in doing the marathon because it hurts too much if Iā€™m getting this right.

Time heals injuries. Of course, not all of them.

As you are able to it might be beneficial to get the best evaluation of what is causing the problem. and what if anything you can do to make it better.

I know that you have done a lot so far to do exactly that but as the years go on, hopefully youā€™ll have more opportunity to do more of the same and hopefully get a better picture of what the problem is, and what if anything you can do to make it better.

Itā€™s my hope and my wish for you.

My big wish is that when youā€™re in your mid 80s and even when youā€™re at 90 that youā€™ll be able to do what you want to do.

In my mind you will be able to.

Hopefully somewhere through the years, youā€™ll figure out something on your feet or they will just get better on their own. Think positive and think for the long term.

Good nutrition is important for the complete functioning of our bodies.

What you eat or donā€™t eat is not going to be the maker/ breaker of your foot healing.

Thereā€™s nothing that you have done wrong as far as eating goes that has caused your foot not to heal 100%.

Big hugs for you. Patience for whatā€™s going on now and hope for changes in the future where you can get back to where you were.


Day 1249 : No binge today. :blush:


Amen to that. We are all here for the long run but tend to focus on short term ā€šwins or lossesā€˜. Thanks for the reminder :blush:

That is a very good expression of ODAAT and focusing on stuff we actually can do something about. I will keep that in mind when self criticism rears its ugly head. Thanks for that.

175 sugar
39 UPF
46 gluten
25 dairy
12 overeating/binge

My tummy bug is not gone yet but I was able to eat more already yesterday and I know my body has been in survival mode this last week. This means it will want to make up for the lack of good food in the following days. I want to be very mindful around food and eating today cause I know this time after such a long period of restriction can lead to all kinds of overeating triggers.


Thank you so very much for your kind words @Alisa Theyā€™re comforting to read and making me feel warm. Your kindness simply touches my heart, what a deep thought and a genuine pray for me from a ā€˜strangerā€™ :heart:
I feel much better immediately after reading what you wrote and I regained hope and a bigger perspective thanks to you.
I canā€™t express my appreciation enough :heart:
Just, honestly, THANK YOU :pray:t2::relieved::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


3 days no takeaways.
0 days for everything else. :cry:

I have my review meeting at the eating disorder clinic on the 24th, I really hope they are going to be able to help me.

Iā€™ve just ordered half my body weight in porridge. Just regular gluten free instant oats, not the same one Iā€™ve been getting, as itā€™s too expensive, but this should help.



Day 0 of overeating. Chocolates took the best of me. :sob::disappointed:


Day 1250 : No binge today. :blush:

Take care of yourself, @Jana1988. I know not being able to exercise sucks. But try to rest and let your body heal as much as you can. I hope you feel better soon. :people_hugging:


I just want to send my love to everybody in this thread :four_leaf_clover: Today is a new day and new opportunities to do better than yesterday :smiling_face: Have a lovely Thursday and keep sober from your addictions and food :heart:

I have 4 days without binging :hugs:

Yesterday was first evening when I really craved something sweet. There were biscuits and ice-cream in the kitchen but both of these gibe me IBS. I almost had it, then I found grapes in the fridge and opted out for them. Had few and was satisfied. Success! I will make sure I always have something healhy in the fridge from now on for these moments.
I also still have some gummy bears left in the cupboard since Saturday and didnā€™t touch these as I like to have them only as a snack for my bike rides. I am impressed with myself that theyā€™re still there :slightly_smiling_face: