Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@CATMANCAM I hope the oats and your appointment at the ed clinic will help you :crossed_fingers:
@Bomdhil Chocolates are extremely difficult to ressist.
@Jana1988 Big win on the grapes vs sweets :muscle:

176 sugar
40 UPF
47 gluten
26 dairy
13 overeating/binge

Tummy bug still there. I ate more yesterday as I was feeling better and Iā€™m hungry. Now the symptoms have worsened. I hope this settles soon.
Had a sugar eating dream. The first one I remember since starting my abstinence. In the end of the dream I realised the food was infested with some kind of bugs and I had to throw it away. Weird stuff a mind can come up with.


@acromouse they are! They are my nemesis. Today I failed again

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Day 1251 : No binge today. :blush:


177 sugar
41 UPF
48 gluten
27 dairy
14 overeating/binge

So Iā€˜ve got two weeks of no overeating courtesy of my tummy bug :rofl: Honestly I still feel nausea and some pain once in a while but I am feeling good otherwise so I assume this just takes some more time.
Apart from the fact that this tummy thing brought my counters up, it has helped me to explore the difference between overeating and feeling full after a meal where I ate a lot cause I was/am hungry. I already in these past months discovered a difference between bingeing and overeating.
Now feeling very full can be consequence of overeating where I am using food as a coping strategy. But I can also feel full cause I ate late. I can feel full cause I have gone for quite some time with reduced food like now during this illness. I can also feel full cause Iā€˜ve gone hungry for a while and now I want to make up for that.
So I feel like there are some nuances here I want to explore. This is not a black/white show.


@Jana1988 congrats on choosing the healthy option :clap:t2: :tada:
@acromouse thank you :blush: that dream sounds horrifying! :face_vomiting: congrats on 2 weeks no overeating/binge :tada:

4 days no takeaways.
0 days for everything else.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

Depression. Shame. Canā€™t find much more to say than that right now. Not feeling well, my diabetes is not under control, there is glucose in my urine, and I havenā€™t even eaten that much sugar, awaiting a phonecall from my doctor today.



5 days no takeaways.
1 day no sugar, no crisps, no binge-eating.

Still waiting for my doctorā€™s phonecall. I decided to take an extra tablet of my diabetes medication earlier and my urine is now testing clear from glucose.

Iā€™ve spent the whole day catching-up here.

I should go out for a walk but Iā€™ve just got no energy, plus it will be even less likely that Iā€™d have signal when a doctor does call.

Iā€™ve got the urge to binge, of course I have, but I know I donā€™t want to, so it is meditation time.



Day 1 no binging. No chocolate :chocolate_bar: overload


Day 1252 : No binge today. :blush:


@Bomdhil Congrats on your day without chocolate!
@CATMANCAM Hold on there friend. Remind yourself that life can and will be different. I know itā€˜s hard. When Iā€™m in a mood I canā€˜t imagine it to change. We are ridiculous creatures like that.

178 sugar
42 UPF
49 gluten
28 dairy
15 overeating/binge


Glad you have a day under your belt and are trying to use tools to resist a binge. Always rooting for you. :purple_heart:


I guess I am past pms time as I am feeling much less obsessed with sugary or heavy food. My husband did a Costco trip, so there is tempting food in the house, but have been eating it normally so far. I wish I could bottle this ability to moderate that I have sometimes so I could bust it out when I am struggling.


@acromouse yes, impermanence. I am reading a book called Wabi-Sabi at the moment, and it speaks a lot about this. Thank you :blush:
@Misokatsu thank you. Iā€™m glad to read that you are doing well atm :blush:

6 days no takeaways.
2 days no sugar, no crisps, no binge-eating

Iā€™ve been awake since 23:30 last night. It is now 18:50 on Saturday evening where I am. I have a migraine and feel dizzy and nauseous, even worse when I stand up, my vision is also blurry. I havenā€™t been for my walk this week so far. Being hard on myself about that, because I was doing well for a beat. Stopping even for a day sends me right back off track.

I checked the ingredients of the ā€˜oatsā€™ and it is 100% gluten-free oat flour. Iā€™m mixing it in a bowl with cold water, then microwaving for 90 seconds, then stirring loads because it just turns into one big clump. Itā€™s edible but I think I also should mix it up a bit and have some of my meal replacement products to ensure Iā€™m getting enough vitamins and minerals. So far, I havenā€™t managed to persuade myself to opt for them though, I also donā€™t have many left. I might pick up some multi-vitamins from the supermarket on Monday.

Itā€™s craving time again, so Iā€™ll do some meditations then catch-up on the main thread if my eyes will focus for it.



2 days no crisps.
0 days for everything else. :sob:

FFS, idk what happens but sometimes a craving is so strong itā€™s almost like I dissociate and before I know it Iā€™ve ordered something. Then, while Iā€™m waiting for it, my logical mind becomes aware and doesnā€™t want it, I try to cancel it but it never lets me, I think of the weight-gain consequence, and how I feel afterwards (right now).

I really hate this. :cry: I thought the oats were going to keep me safe from myself, and now I feel like Iā€™ve got 50kg of oat flour in my spare room for nothing.

I will keep trying, always.



@acromouse thanks :pray:t4:. Day 2 no binging


Day 1253 : No binge today. :blush:


@Misokatsu Hormonal changes during the cycle have a great impact on my cravings as well. At the beginning of my cycle I eat far less, am satisfied far earlier and donā€˜t crave stuff. Towards the end this turns completely: lots of cravings, especially in the afternoon, and a deep need for high calorie foods. Itā€˜s a bit of a minefield.
@CATMANCAM Keep on trying friend. This is a long process. We are here for you.
@Bomdhil Keep up the streak.

179 sugar
43 UPF
50 gluten
29 dairy
16 overeating/binge

I feel like Iā€˜m at least slowly getting out of post-starvation mode after this tummy thing. This should level out my hunger/satiety signals.


Ah guys, needing a little love today. Just like some of youse have recently described, had a little black out binge earlier on chocolate and crisps before I even knew what happened. Itā€™s been a while since I slipped up like that.
Iā€™m having a stressful/challenging weekend socially emotionally and work wise plus my upping my carbs in general throwing things off a bit. Caught myself and will just go on w the day like normal. But yeah, it happens.

Much love to all of you! :heart: :boar:


Day 3 @Faugxh all my love and hugs from Spain


Ty :slight_smile: so nice of you!


Day 1254 : No binge today. :blush: