Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse thank you :blush: Iā€™m glad youā€™re starting to feel a bit better, congrats on 50 days no gluten :tada:
@Faugxh sorry about the blackout binge :people_hugging: thank you for the reminder that I am not alone. Also sorry for all the stress :people_hugging: sending love and strength šŸ©µ

0 days for everything.

Well, I didnā€™t know that general carbs could increase my blood sugar so much so that my kidneys would start pumping it out into my urine at the highest level on the chart! Iā€™ve never tested before when I didnā€™t have anything obviously sugary, so now I have a medical reason for not having takeaway binges, this will help.

So last night, I conducted an experiment, when my urine tested clear from glucose, I ate 2 big bags of crisps, glucose appeared. I then ate a Mcdonalds but not a huge one compared to what Iā€™d usually get, and this morning, itā€™s testing at the highest level again.

I am going to stop putting my body through this now that I have awareness.

Iā€™ve also ordered a blood glucose test kit, so I can keep a closer eye on what my body is doing.



@CATMANCAM Of the three macro nutrients - fats, carbs, proteins - carbs increase blood sugar the most, fats the least. Basically: The more carbs in your food the higher the blood sugar spike. The more the carbs are processed and refined the higher the blood sugar spike as well. Added sugar is the worst offender here as you probably know. Carbs from whole foods release the least amount of blood sugar and they do this over time instead of one huge spike. Some people with blood sugar issues fare well on low or reduced carb diets or by getting their carbs from whole foods. Do you have a access to a dietitian to discuss a diet that would be conducive to your blood sugar issues?
@Bomdhil There you go with day 3. Sending love back to Spain.
@Faugxh Youā€˜ve got it girl. :heart:

180 sugar
44 UPF
51 gluten
30 dairy
17 overeating/binge

Iā€˜m more or less back to normal eating, registering my hunger and satiety signals and back to my food journal.


@acromouse thank you for the info :blush: the issue is, that I canā€™t buy groceries or keep any food at all at home, because no matter whether itā€™s healthy or not, I just binge it until itā€™s all gone. The oat flour that Iā€™m making into a form of porridge, seems to be okay in that regard, and I also donā€™t binge my meal replacement products. I really wish I could eat more real food. This is the main thing I need to assert at my appointment on the 24th with the AEDS (Adult Eating Disorder Service) at the hospital in Cambridge. It wasnā€™t this bad when I was under their care before, I was still able to buy groceries to some extent back then, but itā€™s all escalated. Iā€™m hoping I can access a dietician through them, alongside whatever treatment they can offer.


I understand what youā€™re saying because in general I just eat healthy food. Sometimes Way Too Much.
Iā€™m curious.
If you had a fridge full of broccoli and cauliflower would you eat it all up?
Iā€™m curious. Not trying to be funny.
Iā€™m glad youā€™re getting the blood glucose kit and will have that resource for awareness and data. And the upcoming appointment.


This is obviously a huge challenge youā€˜ve got there. I very much hope the AEDS can help you on your journey.


Hello guys
Sending my love to you all! :heart:
@Faugxh Oh no. Sorry you relapsed and binged. I guess it can happen any time. When weā€™re tired, or stressed - whenever our attentionā€™s taken away.

@CATMANCAM Crossing my fingers for your success. I know how strong urges can be and itā€™s sometimes (or maybe most of the time) like a brainless acting when they hit. Our brain makes us believe we have no control. We do, but itā€™s very very hard!

Iā€™m on day 8 without binging (wow).
Yesterday, I sat with my family and watched my mum eating a small chocolate with her coffee. She enjoyed it a lot. Yet, I didnā€™t touch the chocolate because I was still full from lunch. Before, I wouldnā€™t care if I was full or not. I would just eat the chocolate only because it was there and I can. So thatā€™s a huge success. And not only that, I left my chocolate for my mum because I know she loves this one a lot.

Later in the evening I was watching my mum eating some sweet nuts (in caramel or something). Then she had cheese and after some time she said she doesnā€™t feel well after all the food and she was calling herself stupid for eating so much. She went to bathroom and on the way back she picked up the chocolate I left for her and started eating it and I said ā€œI thought you just said you are too full?ā€ And she said ā€œYes, but Iā€™ll start eating better from tomorrow.ā€

I know for long time that I have bad example in my mum, my mum always complained about her body and sheā€™s trying different diets and failing them since I know her. Poor my mum has eating disorder and doesnā€™t even know it!
Iā€™m not blaming her for being a bad influence because she never knew and still doesnā€™t know but when I realised it helped me a bit. Although I ate okay for long time so it wasnā€™t really my mum who helped to cause my eating disorder.

Seeing my mum struggling like this helps me to see myself because I do exactly the same. Suddenly here is my mirror and realisation that I donā€™t want to spend my life feeling powerless, thinking about food, restricting and binging and I donā€™t want to believe anymore that everything in my life depends on how I look likeā€¦ :woman_shrugging:t4: I want to LIVE fully. Not in between my meals.

What helps me lately with food is asking myself one simple question; if I crave something I ask myself ā€œHow am I going to feel if I eat this?ā€

Most of the time I know Iā€™ll feel like :poop: because sugar and over eating makes me super bloated and sometimes it gives me IBS too. This simple question and honest answer stopped me from binging lately. Iā€™ll keep asking myself and choosing how I want to feel in my every day.


Iā€™ve struggled with this my whole life. In these posts here I see more of otherā€™s behavior, feelings about it, and different ways of dealing with it than I ever have before.
When I was three or four I knew if I ate pastries or something similar I would sleep better.
I appreciate and learn from every post.

People who donā€™t do it donā€™t understand at all.
( You ate WHAT??? How much? And why???)
( You ate the whole cake???)
Yall get it.

Iā€™ve thought about posting a HELP here but then thought no Iā€™d rather eat it instead. :woman_facepalming:t2:

I donā€™t eat the whole cake that often. Itā€™s more like eating way too many nuts like most the container or way too much yougurt. Light cheese sticks lately. Shouldnā€™t have them although they are handy here and there.
Cheese is a no no for me. Iā€™ll just eat all of it.
Repetitive, mindless snacking in the evening.


I feel you.

Itā€™s always the fear that we wonā€™t have enough. Is it not?
When I am preparing myself meal in the evening I am always worrying that it wonā€™t be enough. And only if I see many plates/bowls with food than I think ā€œThat could do it and if not, I still have ā€˜this or thatā€™ in the freezer/cupboardā€ā€¦etc. So weird.
If Iā€™d prepared myself a normal portion of food it fills me with anxiety that it wonā€™t satisfy me.
I didnā€™t realise this until I read your post. Only because I wanted to advise you to put for yourself a portion of nuts/cheese etc. which youā€™d find reasonable. But I donā€™t do it, why? Because of above.
Time to think about this.
Tonight I will do my best to plan my dinner and to know in advance how much I want to eat of what and do my best to stick with it.


:100: me always.

thatā€™s why also me always (well, not always, or yday maybe wouldnt have happened, so more like 95% of timeā€¦):

it feels good to feel understood. :people_hugging:


This is a very interesting exchange here @Jana1988 and @Faugxh. I used to have this feelings of not getting enough basically all the time.
I tried meal planing with portion sizes and such. For me this approach totally backfired. Whenever I have a pre-planned portion size (the portion size itself does not matter) or pre-planned meals my restriction anxiety gets triggered and I will overeat and obsesse with food all the time. No matter what.
What works for me is planning my meals in terms of what kind of food I would like to eat that day and having all the food available and prepared, or time to cook. I leave the rest to my hunger and satiety signals and concentrate on these and mindful eating. Sometimes I will eat in advance, even if I am not hungry but feel like I could eat and know that I wonā€™t be able to eat for the next X hours.
I find it very interesting to see here that different approaches can work so differently for different people. No one size fits all :wink:


Yes, I would eat it all, and I would eat it raw straight from the fridge. :flushed:


I had a very stressful day today and now I want some chocolate. I have some here in my room and like a second ago I would just have it. But instead I called my boyfriend first to say good night and then opened this app and read through here. Somehow this has changed my decission. I am a bit hungry, but nothing unbearable and itā€™s late and Iā€™m very tired. I feel like eating the chocolate now is totally unnecessary.
So it took just few minutes of distraction to overcome bad cravings. The distraction wasnā€™t planned, I just wanted to get on with the call first so I can enjoy the chocolate afterwards. I didnā€™t expect this positive outcome at all. I am surprised and pleased. I learnt something new. (Well, I guess I already knew this coping mechanism but forgot about it)ā€¦

Have a good night all.



@acromouse thanks :blush: day 4. I had a big temptation of binging in breakfast but I resisted


Day 1255 : No binge today. :blush:

Good job on 4 days, @Bomdhil! Keep it up! :blush::muscle:


@Bomdhil Well done friend!
@Jana1988 Thank you for sharing your moment of empowerment with us. :hugs:

181 sugar
45 UPF
52 gluten
31 dairy
18 overeating/binge


Thanks to universe which decided to save me yesterday night, I can say today that I have nice nine days without binging under my belt :blush:

Interestingly, when I woke up and opened my eyes, first I thought that I did binge and felt unhappy about it. I had to remind to myself that I didnā€™t for few times in the morning, how strange. But it feels good every time I remember that I didnā€™t eat the chocolate before my sleep yesterday.


The connection of anxiety with my addictions is clear. How do you deal with anxiety @acromouse ?

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Yeah. I totally get the anxiety part. I try to get away from anxiety with food.
So in an acute situation I will use either a general calming technique, like grounding or a mantra, or one of the anxiety guided meditations on InsightTimer.
General anxiety I try to be proactive about: a good daily schedule, movement, walks, exercise, sunshine, nature, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, connecting with friends and family, recovery meetings.


Day 5 thank you for the very good advices


@acromouse thank you :blush:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: it is indeed very hard. Itā€™s so good to see you doing well :clap:t2::tada:

2 days for everything.

I cannot believe how, knowing everything I learned over the weekend, and through more research today about diabetes, I still have a very strong urge to binge! Like itā€™s all my mind will think of. I feel like I need locking up for my own wellbeing, but I donā€™t think they offer inpatient care to people like me, on the severely obese end of the spectrum of eating disorders. I couldnā€™t leave my cats even if they did. I feel crazy. Knowing all the damage I am doing to myself and not being able to stop the urge. I am doing my best to resist, but I feel very weak against this enemy.

I typed that at around 6pm yesterday, but thankfuly did 5 meditations and then fell asleep. It is now 23:30 on Tues night, so I made it, but I was scared for what today may bring.

Things are looking very different now. I have been doing my blood glucose tests and some experimenting with different real foods, and have had mixed results, the porridge makes my blood glucose spike the highest, so I am returning the unopened other 45kg of it. I will use the rest of the opened bag sparingly. I even bought ingredients to make a healthy sandwich at 19:30 this evening, and my 1hr post-meal result was an acceptable level. It was the best sandwich Iā€™ve ever had in my entire life! I have been opening my fridge a lot, but so far Iā€™ve managed to resist bingeing the rest of the ingredients, as there is enough for 3 more sandwiches over the next 3 days if I donā€™t binge it all.

My plan is to experiment with different real foods and slowly reintroduce them to my diet, in a controlled manner. I am very happy and excited about this, I just really hope I can resist. Itā€™s so scary to think of how high my results would have been after my binges, and now I never want to find out. It actually keeps making me very emotional (in a good way) at the thought of being able to eat real food again.
