Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Thank you for sharing :heart:
Please. Don’t delete. In every one’s experience is something for someone.


@Jana1988 That sounds very challenging indeed. I should be grateful that I don’t have to deal with her in my own house. And try to be grateful for her presence for my husband’s sake.

@CATMANCAM I wonder if anyone with Ed eats just because of the food. Surely the whole reason it is a disorder is we don’t treat food like food, we use or as a coping mechanism for something else.

@diamonster I like the analogy of the dog. Especially when the dog has been walking to heel for a while, it is easy to forget seeing another dog or a rabbit can easily set it off again. In other words, when Ed symptoms have been ok for a while it is easy to get complacent. But sn upsetting day, or unpleasant feelings can bring it back again.


Day 3 of walking
Day 8 of low carb breakfast.

We’ll see how I do with the walks this week with my working from the office and long commute.


Day 1282 : No binge today. :blush:


@Faugxh :heart::heart::heart: You’re such a lovely person :heart:
Thank you very much for this message. Not only I’m sure will it help to the correspondent, but makes me see how difficult things can be and how easy it is to give a wrong advice, even if meant in good intentions. The problem is that myself never walked that path, I cannot ever understand how one in depression feels. I only can (and I did) judge based on my own experience. And maybe sometimes would be better to stay silent and only offer words of support if I have no idea about the situation and state of mind… :relieved:

I can see how I could cause damage to @CATMANCAM by not understanding his condition and it’s only “lucky” that you’re in this group and that you went through hell, so you can show compassion and offer words of understanding and assurance that one is not alone :heart:

I want to apologise for wrongly thinking but mainly expressing that the theraphy might be not good to sort out the ED. And for not understanding how hard it can be for one to go out. I really have no idea, because I wasn’t through anything like this…

I didn’t mean anything in harmful or bad way :heart: I always try to understand and help, but as we can see - not always I get the capacity.

Wishing all the best for you @CATMANCAM :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Also, thank you for opening up in this thread @Faugxh :heart::heart::heart: You’re so beautiful and wonderful :purple_heart: I’m glad you have much better life today and I do love you and your story :heart::heart::heart:


Happy to announce 14 days without binging :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::hugs::hugs::hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Jana1988 wow, it does sound like torture your living environment :tired_face: I’m glad you have set a goal when to move out, even if you don’t find a house you like to buy. It definitely doesn’t help my depression not being able to go out, when I do manage to go for my walk around the lake I love it, especially when the sun is shining, nature is so healing, but that’s not happening very often this year, the weather isn’t very bright, and I just have this overwhelming fear that it’s not safe outside. Please never feel like you have to stay silent, I always see the good intentions in everyone’s replies and appreciate people taking the time to respond :blush:🩵 but wasn’t yesterday 13 days :thinking: I thought today was 2 weeks for you, if it is, then huge congrats :tada:
@Misokatsu I agree. It does make me wonder what kind of patients short-term CBT would be helpful for.
@Faugxh thank you for seeing me :face_holding_back_tears: I relate heavily to everything you said, I’m so sorry you’ve similarly suffered and I’m so glad this therapy has helped. I do have some hope and can’t wait to get started with it again. I’m ready to go deeper with it. 🩵

28 days no takeaways.
3 days no crisps.
2 days no binge-eating.
1 days no sugar.

I am so proud of myself. My family did have a takeaway last night, they had Indian food, which I love and haven’t had for years, but I managed to stay strong. I took something to eat with me and had that whilst they ate, then I played with my eldest niece all the way up until my brother and his family went home. :grinning:



208 sugar
72 UPF
79 gluten
58 dairy
20 overeating

You guys are rock stars :star_struck:


Thank you for your kind words :blue_heart::pray:t2::hugs:
Oh yes, you’re right, I have 2 weeks :smile::smile::smile: I put it wrong :woman_facepalming:t4::rofl::rofl: Now corrected :blush:
Congratulations to you for having your numbers up!!! Especially after take-away evening with family and them ordering your favourite! That’s brilliant :clap:t2:


Thank you for sharing this. You have been through a lot, but are a great example of how putting in the work can make things better. Very easy to say, excruciatingly difficult to do, but possible. I hope it brings you hope Catmancam


@Jana1988 @Misokatsu thank you both :blush:🩵

29 days no takeaways.
4 days no crisps.
3 days no binge-eating.
2 days no sugar.

I can’t believe I made it another day without bingeing. Between 9 and 10pm was the worst, the last hour that the shops near me are open. I live quite close to a huge shopping centre as well but that closes at midnight so I am definitely safe now, and I won’t be ordering a takeaway either.

I can’t sleep tonight so far, I have had high anxiety all day, so I thought I’d check-in to make it feel more real.



Day 1283 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 4 of walking
Day 9 of low carb breakfast.

I didn’t want to walk tonight but forced myself!


209 sugar
73 UPF
80 gluten
59 dairy
21 overeating

Three weeks of not bothering with overeating :smiling_face:


@CATMANCAM @Kareness @acromouse @Aleyadaisey

You all doing so great! Keep it up :pray:t2::clap:t2:

I have 15 days without binge. That’s awesome!
I think it was yesterday, I looked at the goals, you know where you have first 5mins, then an hour, week, 2 weeks, 20 days, etc. up to years and years milestones and for the first time ever I realised that I could have that…
Before, it was unimaginable that I wouldn’t binge ever again. Even when I mamaged not to binge for a month (so far my longest), I never saw the “binge-free” as a lifestyle. Not sure what’s different this time but it feels good - the idea of the possibility.

I wish I don’t slip and I stay on this path. @Aleyadaisey is really motivating with her high numbers. I can’t even imagine she’d one day have to reset. She’s the stability and a proof that things are possible :four_leaf_clover: I don’t worry about anything else now (like giving up sugar, etc.). My goal is to not binge forever. Because that makes my life great :blue_heart:


Day 1. I feel horrible, my mom made food for me and it was so good i wanted more but i felt really guilty and now i Just want to purge :((
No binging + No purging Is a win i won’t Always feel this way i hope
I’m watching a movie with my mom and sis now


Hey, you can get through this. It was made with love so it had to be delicious. Don’t feel guilty (I know, easy to say).
If you purge, you make it actually worse and more likely to gain weight rather than if you just accept that you ate more than you wanted and left it be. Next food can be planned better :blush:

Btw I had bulimia for years, so I know how it feels… :neutral_face:


Thanks so much, you’re right actually my mum Always Puts a Lot of Love and effort into it i want to enjoy it + my Weight flucuates a Lot it’s annoying i will do better tomorrow i’m Glad there Is someone to understand my Situation i Hope you can Get a easier relationship with food tho!


Day 1284 : No binge today. :blush:

Thank you @Jana1988, I am so happy to hear that! :purple_heart:


Thank you @Lucfurfur
I had a theraphy and I decided to do every step of it no matter what and that helped me to set myself free.
When I had bulimia it was driving my life. I wasn’t able to think about anything else but only food. The time between meals was just waiting for another food without any real interest in anything else. And when I finally got to eat, I often over-ate and binged because I felt guilty. I hated it, but felt like it’s necessary for me to do it so I wouldn’t gain weight. I can honestly tell you that it didn’t help me to maintain my weight anyway… I hated myself for what I was doing and the self-talk was always toxic and humiliating. I felt like if the world knew the trueth about me, people would be as disgusted as I was…
Towards the end I was exhausted by the never-ending cycle of eating and purging, I knew I’m destroing my body and I feared loss of hair or teeth like I saw that happens if someone purge a lot or for long. So I braved up and shared about my bulimia with my boyfriend which was perhaps one of the hardest things to do, but I needed to feel accountable and also to be able to talk to someone.
My boyfriend was lovely, he didn’t but he tried to understand as much as he could. In the end he found me the theraphy.
This theraphy taught me how to eat normally again. The hardest part was not to purge (obviously) and to just eat as often as I agreed with my therapist, even if I wasn’t hungry at times from the beginning. The goal was to get enough nutritions in so I wouldn’t have the strong need to binge. And without binge there was no purge. I also wasn’t restricting myself from any food and when I slipped and binged, I had to stay away from purging. Soon the need to binge went naturally away. My body realised it’s not going to starve, so I managed to eat normally. I was also writing notes about every food, how I felt before, during it and after. That helped me to notice patterns in my disordered thinking and soon I knew my triggers and what’s ED thinking and what’s me.
I had 6-9 months when I got a small bloated belly like if I was pregnant. I didn’t like it and you can imagine that after few months I believed that I’ll stay like that forever. I fortunately wanted to be healthy enough to just accept my new body imagine and get on with it. I remember thinking that I’ll be rather fat than going back to binge and purge cycle again. In the end my body relaxed into the idea of normal and regular eating and got even better shape than ever before.
It took years before I physically accepted all different kind of foods. Lots of it made me bloated or gave me acid reflux long after I stopped purging. I thought I damaged something. Maybe I did and it repaired, our body is amazing :heart:

Today, I still hang out here, because I still binge. I had few times when it was so bad that a thought about purging crossed my mind. But I’ll never forget about how hard it was to break the pattern and get out of it and so it’s never ever going to be an option for me.

I hope my story can help you to find some similaraties and encourage you to do steps towards healthier lifestyle :pray:t2: :four_leaf_clover:
If you need anything, text me :blush: