Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

I did it, a month without binge! :heart::partying_face:
I hope in more months to come :pray:t2:


@acromouse I have thrown away alcohol, and even cocaine a few times before, but never food, unless it’s rotten. I’ve even eaten food out of the bin before because I felt bad that I’d thrown it away when it was still edible.
@Jana1988 amazing! Congrats on your month :tada: so happy for you :partying_face:

44 days no takeaways.
2 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was convinced I was going to get an ice cream from the ice cream van yesterday, but I waited 30mins and it didn’t come round, so I made myself something instead and then fell asleep very early. When I woke up at 2am I was so relieved, which proves to me that I don’t actually want it.



@CATMANCAM I’m not saying this to argue with you or some such.
I was brought up in a place and time where food actually was scarce and good food a consequence of long, hard labor (my granddad plowed his field with a horse and cut the wheat with a scythe). So throwing away food is bascially impossible for me. But, crisps are not food in my opinion. They are a product specifically designed to make you consume and crave it in huge quantities. The same way cocaine is a product made from the coca plant and alcohol is a product made of wheat or some other plant designed to make you consume and crave it. Just because alcohol is drinkable and contains a lot of water I don’t treat it like clean water.
At least that’s my perspective on these things.
And being saved by the ice truck not coming around is a win :+1:
@Jana1988 You go girl!!! Congrats on a whole month. What an achievement :medal_sports: :trophy: :tada: :sunglasses: :muscle: And we know how much hard work it took you to get there!!! How do you feel?
@Misokatsu Yes, the shame, the hiding, the stealing. I don’t keep rice or peppers hidden in my drawer, but I did so with my trigger foods. Good reminder, thank you. And :+1: on listening to your body.

224 sugar
88 UPF
95 gluten
72 dairy
2 overeating


Thank you :blush: I feel so relieved and more freedom now when I feel like I have a choice not to eat based on urges and cravings. It’s not that I don’t have them anymore, unfortunately yes, but I can stop myself and think it through, rather than just act on them. And they don’t feel as strong as they used to…

There’s also a bit of fear that one day I will go back to binging, 1 month is an achievemnt for me for sure, but it’s just a month in the end. Food is everywhere and it takes only one bad decission. From past experience I know that when I fall back to binging it always get really bad and even more impossible to return on this path. But I’m trying not to think about it too much and be rather happy with where I’m now :blush:


Day 5 of not binging with food




Day 1299 : No binge today. :blush:

Congratulations on 1 month, you’re making great progress too, @Jana1988! :blush:


@Jana1988 Coming back from a relapse is difficult. We all know it. We all dread it. Every day we work on our recovery, we add a little bit to our resilience :muscle:
@Bomdhil Good job on stacking five days :+1:

225 sugar
89 UPF
96 gluten
71 dairy
3 overeating


Day 6. Thanks @acromouse . Having little in my fridge is helping me to choose well


@acromouse I completely agree with you, I really wish I could throw the not food stuff away too.

1 day no crisps.
0 days no takeaways, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I don’t know what to say. Yesterday was awful. I went for a haircut, then afterwards went to the shop next door to buy a zero sugar drink. On my way round to the counter a group of literal adults, completely blocked my path and started making pig noises at me and laughing their absolute heads off, so I turned around and hid in the European section hoping they’d leave, and while I was there I saw one lonely bag of the crisps I like from there, so I picked that up, then on my way to the counter I saw them at the till so I frooze and I was next to the sweets section, and picked up a pack of Haribo that I’ve never tried before. I eventually made it out of the shop and home, but they made me feel absolutely awful so I ate faster than I’ve ever eaten. I wanted more but somehow distracted myself until the shops closed, but I still wanted more so I ended up ordering £81 worth of McDonald’s food! I haven’t had for a loooong time. Worst. Binge. Ever. I wish the bullying I encounter on a regular basis wouldn’t affect me so much. I’ve been so unwell today bcuz of all the food and leftovers I’ve eaten. Tomorrow I start again of course, so I can hopefully live with improving health until my next birthday, and not die of obesity related health issues!



Ah man. Awful bday. Mine this year was also a total relapse but into old patterns of self hating thinking and blackest depression. Tomorrow is a new day my friend. You’re a lovely person. And we all here see that so clearly. Happy belated birthday! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:


Day 1300 : No binge today. :blush:


I am sorry, or rather disgusted that people like those bulies exist and can make someone’s life so miserable. It’s sad that anyone has such attitude…
It says more about them than about you, but I know how awful it feels, because I was also bullied and laughed at because of my weight and visage in my past.
Thankfully only small percentage of population are insecure bullies like this. Most of us have a brain and ability for emphaty and understanding.
Try not to think about the situation anymore. You’re here with people who love you and admire you for who you’re and what you do :heart: Keep going, not to prove anything to anyone, but for yourself and your own benefits :hugs:


1 month and 2 days no binge :heart::partying_face:


Despicable people. Says everything about them and nothing about you.
( What is wrong with them that they as a group would be like that … it is nasty herd mentality).
I am so sorry that you had that happen. I wish you could’ve called the police on them but realize you can’t.
I’m glad you’ve written it out here so that you’re not totaling suffering in silence. I am so sorry.
Wishing you good days with less to none of that.


@Jana1988 Still going strong girl!
@CATMANCAM I really am sorry friend your day took such an awful turn yesterday. Those people’s behavior was really disgusting. Sending you hugs, strength and sunshine :people_hugging: :muscle: :sun_with_face:

226 sugar
90 UPF
97 gluten
72 dairy
0 overeating

My PMS-induced food obsession got the better of me yesterday and I kept overeating all day. This will pass.


Day 6 no binging. I am tempted with :bacon: bacon :disappointed:


Day 1301 : No binge today. :blush:

I’m so, so sorry you got bullied, @CATMANCAM. Just know you didn’t deserve it, people are nasty and mean sometimes. Sending you hugs. You are enough. :people_hugging:


Walking 1/5 Days
Day 27 of low carb breakfast

I’m slow this week at getting my walks in. July 1-2 were my mega commute days and I think I fell asleep after work on the 3rd. The 4th was a really good walk, then tonight I was stressing about the news and wanted to watch when I could have gone for a walk. I’ll get some good walks in over the weekend. At least my efforts are paying off and I have lost some weight, yay!


@Kareness Your low carb streak is looking good! :smiling_face: Enjoy your weekend walks.
@Bomdhil 6 days are looking good :+1:

227 sugar
91 UPF
98 gluten
73 dairy
1 overeating