Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Aw, Cam. I can totally understand how that interaction sent you spiraling. As Alisa says, it says everything about them and nothing about you.


Are you getting advice from a Dr or nutritionist about the number of calories you should be consuming?


I donā€™t feel comfortable commenting on other peoples eating decisions, but I feel also very concerned about the amount of calories you are talking about. I can only ask the the same question as @Misokatsu: Do you have some kind of professional support with this?


Iā€™ve deleted the post, because I think it may be triggeringā€¦

But my primary care doc has basically said weight should reduce quickly to help with other things, to be fair it also gained quicklyā€¦

Iā€™ve been eating mostly vegetables and some meat. Not much fruit or carbs :pleading_face:


1000kcal is too little for any grown up person no matter your weight even if you weighed 600lbs on a weight loss journey :joy: I think that is the matter. And I think youā€™re hiding a need to restrict behind the intention to lose weight rapidly. I think that was more the matter than any triggering here. :slight_smile:

Best to calculate your daily required calories w a reliable online calculator and then reduce that by a few hundred. Not by half or more.

Welcome back to the thread and keep posting! :-*


Day 7. I am doing smooth. Heat is helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


Youā€™re probably right. I didnā€™t even consciously decide to restrict, but it is an old habit. Eating disorders have a way of slipping back in when Iā€™m feeling rough. It could be because I donā€™t feel like I have a lot of control in other things, and subconsciously I wanted that controlā€¦

I will increase to 1500


Couldnā€™t agree moreā€¦


Today I have eaten a half bagel with a slice of provolone and some shaved turkey while at work. I took the inside of a turkey provolone and a bagel and split it with a friend.

For dinner I am making chicken pot pie. And if I feel hungry after, I will grab some veggies and dip them in ranch.

Not a great ā€œfood dayā€ but not the worst


Day 1302 : No binge today. :blush:

Chicken pot pie is very similar to what we had today. We had chicken & dumpling soup. :slightly_smiling_face:


Primary care doctors are not always the most well versed in weight loss (or what should be fat loss actually). If possible get a nutritionistā€™s advice, or I also agree with Faugxh, both with the target for calories and that people with disordered eating use a genuine need to lose weight or exercise as an excuse to use disordered eating behaviour.


@Bomdhil Congrats on a whole week! :partying_face: :sunglasses: Well done :+1: Keep it going.
@Scorpn Welcome to the thread :wave: Chicken pot pie sounds interesting. Itā€™s not a common dish where I live. What do you put into it?

228 sugar
92 UPF
99 gluten
74 dairy
2 overeating


@Faugxh @Jana1988 @Alisa @acromouse @Aleyadaisey @Misokatsu thank you all for your compassionate replies, I appreciate you :face_holding_back_tears:šŸ©µ

@acromouse coongrats on 90+ days no UPFs :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on your week :tada:

3 days no crisps.
2 days no binge-eating.
0 days no takeaways, no sugar.

Checking-in with yesterdayā€™s numbersā€¦

I weighed myself yesterday and Iā€™m the heaviest Iā€™ve been this year so far. Instead of making me resist the takeaway I was craving, it backfired,ā€œf**k itā€ mode was activated, and I ordered one. I was able to limit myself, so it wasnā€™t a binge, thatā€™s something, but instead of ordering the zero sugar coca-cola, I chose the original one. Now, back to no takeaways again, I made it to 394 days before, so I know I can do it, and that helps.



Shredded chicken breast, cream of chicken soup, mixed veggies, and pie crust. Very simple. Also good with the filling and biscuits (or savoury scones- which I think actually sounds more appetizing):blush:


Trying to get control of myself. Iā€™ve sort of spiraled in response to big life changes (new job and home) and itā€™s really hard to make good choices. When I eat itā€™s like another person takes over my body and mind and I canā€™t do any of the things I should be doing like evaluating my hunger or eating mindfully or anything. How do I stop my addiction from taking control?


Hmmā€¦ Just do the best you can.

For me, if I grab a big container of something and tell myself Iā€™ll only eat a little, I usually have too much, but if I portion it out before I sit to eat, I rarely go back for more.

Having a variety or flavors and textures can help tell your mind youā€™ve had enough.

Drinking enough water throughout the day


What are the things that worked for you in the past?


Yeah typically I buy pre-portioned things of snacks so I donā€™t have to think about it. But sometimes I decide to pick up like a bag of candy or chips while Iā€™m at the gas station. Lately I have been able to just eat 1 or 2 servings of it and then force myself to throw away the rest. But I would like to just not buy it in the first place cuz itā€™s a waste of money and calories.


Tracking calories helps me a lot, Iā€™ve only been doing it sporadically. The best success Iā€™ve had was eating 1200 calories a day for a decent deficit, but this past year or so I have been doing 1345 which is easier to meet.

Not eating out or buying junk food would definitely help. Good meal prep and meal planning for the next few days.


Good meal prep and planning is fundamental for me as well. So for me this would be where Iā€™d start.
I donā€™t count calories, but Iā€™d also make sure that the amount of food I am aiming for is not too low, as restrictions often trigger and cause bingeing behavior, and can be part of an endless restricting/bingeing-cycle. So this would be a question Iā€™d ask myself as well.
Keep us updated on your journey :+1: