Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Today I ate half of a turkey sandwich from my job,
And some broccoli and baby carrots.

Dinner will be fettuccine with broccoli and choice of grilled chicken or shrimp.

I think this is a healthier food day :blush:

Edit. Can’t eat now. Maybe later. But at least I had some veggies and some turkey


Thanks so much! Good reminder that I have the tools to do this, just need to use them. Doing meal prep tonight :smile:


Day 8 of not binging with food. It’s not still really healthy but at least I am not overeating as a mad man


Day 1303 : No binge today. :blush:


Walking 3/7 Days
Day 29 of low carb breakfast

I think I only walked this evening because of this checkin thread! Accountability is a good thing, lol.


@CATMANCAM ‘f**ck it’-mode is hard. I’m sorry it got to you. Always good to see you are not giving up :+1:
@Passerina_cyanea Good job on starting meal prepping :+1:
@Bomdhil You on a streak!
@Kareness I’m glad the thread - meaning this community - helped to motivate you. :grin:

229 sugar
93 UPF
100 gluten
79 dairy
3 overeating

Yesterday I started a test with butter. I did not feel triggered or experienced any cravings. I’ll keep testing. So my diary counter excludes butter at the moment.


@acromouse I’ll never stop trying! Congrats on triple digits no gluten :100: :tada:

1 day no takeaways.
16 hours no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

Well, yesterday I had another fk it moment and bought binge “foods”. I am now even heavier than I was yesterday, which obviously isn’t a shock. I am back in the Obese Classs III category with a BMI of 41.4. I need to sort my head out and refocus. I have therapy this morning so that may or may not help, depending on what I talk about.

I’ve rebanned myself from the 3 local shops again, if I have a hard rule that I just don’t go in them, there will be no “just _ _”, and therefore no risk of returning home with way more than what I went in for.



Thanks @acromouse . Day 9. I ate more fruit today and almost no sweet


Had a handful of cheese popcorn today from my little ones snack bag.

Eating when you don’t want to is harder than it sounds. :disappointed:

Edit: Bought a slice of pizza so I can say I ate something more than popcorn

Edit 2. Made slow cooker birria tacos for the family and had 2.

So now I have had a full day of food :slightly_smiling_face:


2 days no takeaways.
8 hours no crisps, no sugar, no binge-eating.

I already broke my rule
 I went to the shop and bought 2 big bags of crisps and ice cream. The cravings were too strong. I think the misery of this pain from my tooth extraction on Saturday, is what lead to me seeking comfort and using “food” as a self-soothing behaviour. So today, I am going to keep on top of my pain relief.



230 sugar
94 UPF
101 gluten
0 dairy
0 overeating

My butter test was very successful. The first day was ok. But yesterday I craved that stuff so badly and I overate until I felt really uncomfortable: stuffed, buzzing, brain fogged. The night was also not very restful. So I am clear on that and can keep to my counters.


Day 10. I started the breakfast with fruit. A good start


I ate some rice with chicken and spinach (posted in the food thread) unsure on the calorie count
A chocolate worth 290 calories :scream:
Then some baked lays about 100 calories worth.

Plus probably 500 calories in drinks today

I’m going to try to eat something else. For more calories. Just trying to convince myself. Maybe some more chips


@Bomdhil Congrats on double digits :muscle:

231 sugar
95 UPF
102 gluten
1 dairy
1 overeating

Yesterday I realized I was entertaining thoughts of “right eating”. Like if something like that ever existed beyond my mind’s insistence that it should exist. Eating only the ‘right’ food, only eating at the ‘right’ time and for the ‘right’ reasons, feeling the ‘right’ way before, during, and after eating. Having only the ‘right’ thoughts and emotions around it. :person_facepalming: Brain farts all together :poop: :wind_face:


@Bomdhil congrats on double digits :tada:

13 hours no takeaways.
11 hours no crisps.
10.5 hours no binge-eating.
1 hour no sugar.

I feel so out of control. I need to get my focus back. Still in so much pain, back at the dentist for a review in an hour. Might be why I’m still engaging in my self-soothing behaviour. I will get back on track asap. My addict keeps telling me not to post here until I’ve racked up a week or so, but I know that he would take advantage of the lack of support, so here I am, starting again for the gazillionth time.



@CATMANCAM thank you. Day 11 here. Yesterday I almost falll eating ice cream


Day 1306 : No binge today. :blush:

We got hit with storm beryl and we were out of power/internet and water for a few days, though water seemed to come back a little sooner than power/internet did. We are on a boil notice as far as I know though. Hopefully that will clear up soon. :purple_heart:


Today i ate 2 bowls of rice with orange chicken, some watermelon, and I got a small fry when I picked up a happy meal for my little one. And another half cup of white rice with stir fry veggies


@Aleyadaisey I very much hope this post-storm situation clears up and you can get back to normal soon :crossed_fingers:
@Bomdhil Good job on not falling for ice cream :+1:
@CATMANCAM Good job on not listening to the addict voice in your head. Do you have a plan or steps for today how to work on your recovery?

232 sugar
96 UPF
103 gluten
2 dairy
2 overeating


@acromouse thank you! Ice cream is very tempting in summer time.
Day 12 of not binging with food