Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Aleyadaisey I’m glad you are safe 🩵
@acromouse my plan is always just to keep trying, and keep meditating, though I am behind on some meditations so I will try to catch-up today. I also have the Ultra Processed People Audiobook I would like to start listening to.

1.5 days no takeaways.
1 day no sugar.
13 hours no crisps, no binge-eating.

I binged on crisps again last night, but I am pleased I was able to resist buying anything sugary. Tonight I hope I won’t go to the shops at all, which should be possible as I ideally need to have an early night as I have an early train to catch to visit my WhatsApp friend.



Today’s intake (will update as I go)

1 12oz sugar free red bull
1 cake pop
3 shots of espresso
Tripocal citrus drink
Slice of white cheddar from eggs n cheddar box

Making the most unhealthy dinner :pleading_face: but it’s a kids favorite

Ground beef, salsa, sour cream, Velveeta, and shredded cheese as a dip, and tortilla chips on the side.
10000 calories :sob:

I didn’t eat much today though so I will have some :slightly_smiling_face:

Started eating and got nauseous . So i gave it to my daughter. I know nothing is wrong with the food. I guess it was just too heavy… I’ll try to have something lighter in a while


Day 1307 : No binge today. :blush:

@acromouse @CATMANCAM Thank you both. :purple_heart:


2 days no takeaways, no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Very happy to have made it past that elusive day 1. I feel focused again. I am visiting a friend today, a 2.5hr train journey both ways. Travelling used to be a trigger but I will be prepared.



@CATMANCAM Glad to hear you made it through day 1. Always a hard one. If you happen to listen to this UltraProcessedPeople Audiobook, I’d like to hear what you think about it, if you’d like to share. Happy travels :railway_car:

233 sugar
97 UPF
104 gluten
3 dairy
3 overeating


Day 1308 : No binge today. :blush:


234 sugar
98 UPF
105 gluten
4 dairy
0 overeating

My mood - especially in the afternoon and evening - has been so bad the last few days. Overeating is not making any of this better but it is an old pattern and yesterday I felt so desperate I kept stuffing myself. Today I’ll try to be more mindful with my feelings and thoughts and not increase my discomfort by stuffing myself.


Still doing well with having one sweet treat a day. I think it needs to be scaled back now, maybe just sweet treats at weekends or if we get something as a gift.
I am always getting my 5 a day at least, and lots of liquid in this hot weather.


@acromouse sorry about your mood :people_hugging:🩵

3 days no takeaways, no sugar.
2 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

It was a nice visit with my friend. We had a salad. My back was absolutely f**ked even before I left home in the morning, and even more so after the 2.5 hour train journey, so I could only manage about 20mins walking before we had to head back. They had already had their proper morning walk so it was okay, I just felt like I’d let them down as they are used to walking miles on their walks.

I did experience strong cravings for crisps last night, but I didn’t act on them, so I’m pleased about that.



Day 1309 : No binge today. :blush:


1 month and 11 days no binge :heart:
Yesterday I had a b’day dinner at steak house and I didn’t binge. Big time!! So proud and happy :blush:


Wonderful updates, guys! :heart: and happy bday, Jana! :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:


Happy Birthday, Jana! Congrats on your birthday dinner and your month plus no bingeing. I’m happy for you. Proud of you. Learn a lot from you and your thoughts and ideas. Have a wonderful year ahead!




@Jana1988 Congrats on your huge streak! Thanks for sharing your progress with us. And if this was your birthday that was celebrated yesterday: Happy birthday friend, and many happy returns :tada: :partying_face: :gift:
@CATMANCAM Glad to hear your visit with your friend went well despite all the troubles around it.

235 sugar
99 UPF
106 gluten
5 dairy
1 overeating

I’m back to mindful eating. This together with the hunger/satiety scale has been the most effective tool for me in the past. Portion sizes were helpful at the time where I could not discern hunger and satiety signals. But thankfully this is much better now.
I’ve been practicing mindfulness meditations for decades now, but found it extremely difficult to be mindful around food and eating. Usually in meditation I would use the breath as an anker. This does not work for me while eating. I started experimenting with sounds as an anker around food and eating and it seems to be working much better. I’m curious how this will develop over time.


@Jana1988 belated happy birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@acromouse thank you :blush:

4 days no takeaways.
3 days no crisps, no binge-eating.
16 hours no sugar.

Cravings to binge crisps were intense all afternoon and evening yesterday, but somehow I stayed strong.

After 19 days, the ice cream van finally got me yesterday, I had an ice cream and a can of coca-cola, so I had to reset for sugar.



Day 1310 : No binge today. :blush:

Happy birthday @Jana1988! I hope you had a wonderful day today! :birthday::tada:


236 sugar
100 UPF
107 gluten
6 dairy
2 overeating

Staying mindful while eating is still a challenge, but I like challenges :muscle: :grin:


5 days no takeaways.
4 days no crisps, no binge-eating.
1 day no sugar.

I’ve been very fatigued from my day of travelling to visit my friend, it was hard to stay awake yesterday, I mostly kept falling asleep. So I wasn’t too bothered by my cravings which was a relief. I could easily fall asleep again now but I want to catch-up here, then go to collect some medications.



I feel like I can’t do this :sob: I feel so depressed, and all I want to do is binge crisps and watch a TV show I like, and I know it would make me stop feeling how I feel. It’s so hard trying to resist when I feel like this because it does “work”, it’s not like with alcohol and cocaine, as they stopped “working”, but crisps always work. :pleading_face: I thought I would post here before I do anything, just to see if it helps. I usually would have had therapy today but she’s off this week, maybe I’d feel okay if I had had it, who knows. Ugh. I also have an online meeting with the psychiatrist at 9am tomorrow for the psychodynamic psychotherapy, so I’m probably subconsciously anxious about that too.

