Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Aww thank you, it might have, but it’s too late I’m afraid :pensive: I’ll bookmark it though :smiling_face:


Day 1311 : No binge today. :blush:


@CATMANCAM Yes, crisps, ice-cream, and whatnot will make you feel differently than you feel at the moment you crave. So will TV, running, sex, violence, a hug, some other substance, basically everything and anything. This is how human feelings work. How ower experience of being alife works. There are feelings we like, and others we don’t. We want to keep those we like, and get rid of those we don’t. Everyone wants that.
The thing though is: It does not last. You will feel differently the next moment after crisps, or running, or a hug. But you will feel differently the next moment aswell. So how do you choose how you respond to feeling differently every moment?

237 sugar
101 UPF
108 gluten
7 dairy
3 overeating

I tend to overeat on day 3 so I’m going to be especially mindful today :smile:


Day 1312 : No binge today. :blush:


238 sugar
102 UPF
109 gluten
8 dairy
4 overeating

Still on the eating mindfully train. Still a challenge.


7 days no takeaways.
3 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Setting myself the challenge of not having anymore resets for the rest of the month. I don’t know how achieveable it is but I haven’t had much success since the streak of 16 days that ended 30th June. Let’s see :eyes:



You can do it! :heart_eyes::hugs:


Day 1313 : No binge today. :blush:


It’s a good challenge. Wishing you success. @CATMANCAM


@CATMANCAM Let’s go for that challenge :muscle:

239 sugar
103 UPF
110 gluten
9 dairy
5 overeating

Mindfulness has been a good choice, so I am going to stick with it.


My mind is so all over the place when it comes to food I don’t know if I ate good, not enough or to much :no_mouth:

I think I should just lay low for a while and see if things get better on their own

Today I ate a grilled chicken sandwich, two servings of baked fries and had a full sugar Coca-Cola. Then had a chocolate candy as well.


Day 1314 : No binge today. :blush:

You got this, @CATMANCAM! You can nail that challenge on the head! :muscle::blush:


Thank you all for the encouragement :blush:

9 days no takeaways.
5 days no sugar.
3 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

My challenge is underway. I crave crisps so badly at night, especially when I want to watch TV. Weds night I almost ordered a takeaway at 11pm bcuz the shops were closed so I couldn’t have crisps, and yesterday I thought about getting an ice cream from the ice cream van, but both times I told myself no, because of my challenge, so I think I am liking this tactic :smiley:



Happy Friday

1 month & 16 days without binge :muscle:t3:

Yesterday I over ate a little. But nothing horrendous, so I’m in peace with it.
I’m glad that I haven’t binged for so long! I feel much better in my body and mind :relieved: I’m not thinking about food all the time, my day is filled with other stuff.

I know that my eating habits are :poop: and that there’s space for improvement in that. I need to put more effort into planning and preparing meals. I eat quite lots of crap (read sugar), but at least I don’t binge on it…
My “friend” sugar is something what bothers me for long time now. I don’t mind eating it, but not the amounts I do in every day. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for, but so far I always managed to have plenty of excuses why not to do something about it yet… :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Me and my partner are FINALLY in process of purchasing a house. My hope is that we won’t have too much sweet stuff in there and so it will be easier (maybe even natural) not to reach for it… Although convenient shops will be closer (damn)… :smile::smile::smile:

Overall I feel really good and happy. Especially today as sunshine and warmth finally reached the UK too!! :sunny: Hope it will last for a day or two :pray:t3::rofl:


@Jana1988 I am so glad to hear all your good news! About not obsessing about food any more, the good weather coming your way, and obviously about the house :+1: :partying_face: Sugar is a difficult one. You might start with just being mindful around it, to find out what your relationship with it truly is.
@CATMANCAM Way to go with your challenge friend! :muscle:
@Scorpn We all know how exhausting it is for our minds to obsess with food all the time. A total drain. I don’t know your history with eating related problems. So, have there been a time, when you felt like you had the right tools to help you deal with them? What has worked for you previously?

240 sugar
104 UPF
111 gluten
10 dairy
6 overeating

Still trying to eat mindfully, and to live mindfully.


Eating when im hungry until I am not hungry.
Not counting the calories, just the food groups.
Eating when my kids are/eating with them.
Once upon a time I had a “eating daily” timer.

I just have to push away the negative thoughts and It’ll be ok.
:heart::people_hugging: Thank you for your post.


Day 1315 : No binge today. :blush:

Congratulations on 1 month 16 days without binging, @Jana1988! You’re doing amazing! Keep it up! :muscle::blush:


That does sound like a good approach. At least that’s what is working for me together with mindfulness. Sometimes I find it difficult to discern hunger and satiety, but it’s always an ebb and flow kind of thing. Whatever works for you, keep doing it. And share with us. Connection always helps :hugs:

241 sugar
105 UPF
112 gluten
11 dairy
7 overeating

Mindfulness is working, when I remember to do it :joy: But I’m getting more and more in the groove of staying present.


@Jana1988 excited to hear about you home purchase, I hope it all goes smoothly :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: and congrats on not bingeing for so long :tada:
@acromouse thank you :grinning: and congrats on double digits no dairy :tada:

10 days no takeaways.
6 days no sugar.
4 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

I remember feeling similarly before, but it feels like so much longer that I haven’t had crisps or binged. I remember this feeling when quitting other addictions too, but after some time the days add up and it starts to feel on par.

Part of me is angry at myself for declaring my challenge, but it must be my addict and he can FRO or have a hug instead of food.


