Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1316 : No binge today. :blush:


11 days no takeaways.
7 days no sugar.
0 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Well, Iā€™ve let you all and myself down yet again. I was triggered by the Complex PTSD Workbook I am reading, and I felt like I had no option but to binge. It was worse than ever, I bought 6 big bags of crisps, 2 punnets of strawberries, and some Greek yoghurt. I ate half of everything, but ended up eating the rest becaise I just wanted it gone, and was awake until 4:30am.

My challenge goes on though, as it did work quite well until I was caught off-guard. The first goal is to have 10 days on the 31st.

One positive is that I wasnā€™t tempted to get anything sugary, so I have a week for no sugar.



@CATMANCAM Sorry to hear you got triggered so badly with your reading. You did not let anyone down friend. Youā€™ve got that challenge still going on. Letting down would be giving up on yourself. And you are not doing that. Keep up the good work :muscle:

242 sugar
106 UPF
113 gluten
12 dairy
8 overeating

Staying present, giving up causing harm.


Day 1317 : No binge today. :blush:


243 sugar
107 UPF
114 gluten
13 dairy
9 overeating

Today marks 8 month of no sugar and with that my recovery journey from compulsive eating and other compulsive behaviours I used to get away from my pain and discomfort. Staying present, giving up causing harm. One day at a time.


@acromouse thank you for your compassion and support šŸ©µ and congrats on 8 months no sugar :tada:

13 days no takeaways.
9 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

Spoke about some difficult childhood stuff in therapy earlier today, but surprisingly I do not feel any urge to binge. Grateful for that.



That time of the month when I just want to eat and eat. The heat is making me tired and I want a sugar rush for that too.
I ate several bread rolls even after I had eaten my dinner of veggie noodles. But I didnā€™t snack while watching a movie with my daughter, so hopefully it evened out in the end.


Day 1318 : No binge today. :blush:

Tw? Food & structure

I started going to an adult day program, they serve breakfast, lunch and a snack. All I have to do is make and eat dinner. That makes it so much easier to have structure. We are going on a field trip this Wednesday. We intend to go to the day program 5 days a week starting next week as well. I hope to make new friends too. :blush:


244 sugar
108 UPF
115 gluten
14 dairy
10 overeating

Iā€™ve been experimenting in the last week with smaller meals: starting eating with lighter hunger cues and stopping with less fullness. This led to me eating multiple small meals a day. Now on vacation I donā€™t want to haul all that food with me all the time. So Iā€™m trying to eat bigger meals to a higher satiety and eating less offen. Weā€™ll see how this will turn out.


@acromouse congrats on 2 weeks no dairy :tada: and double digits no overeating :tada:

14 days no takeaways.
10 days no sugar.
2 day no crisps, no binge-eating.

I very nearly just had a f**k it moment and got an ice cream from the ice cream van, I didnā€™t though, I ignored that idea and hid so he couldnā€™t see me. I always feel a bit of pressure because they both hover right outside my window for quite some time playing their very obnoxious tunes. Itā€™s my fault for getting an ice cream every single day they came around last year, but Iā€™d have thought theyā€™d get the message by now!



Unfortunately, I had to reset my clock today (after 1 month 20 days). I binged on sweets today :grimacing:

I donā€™t feel devastated or terrible. Of course I am not happy and I wish it didnā€™t happen, but I have also hope that it was ā€˜just a slipā€™ and from tomorrow I will start building up days in my counter again.



Wow 1 month and 20 days is awesome. I truly hope you donā€™t let this make you feel bad. Personally I love counting no sugar days and resetting means I enjoyed a favorite something. Good food and or sweets maybe should not feel like a reward but years of programming makes it so. Letā€™s start again today. Day 2 for me.


Day 1319 : No binge today. :blush:


Hi @tailee17
Thanks for reply and insight :slightly_smiling_face:
No, I am ok with it and hopefully back on track today :muscle:t3: I know itā€™s not an easy and straightforward process and relaps can happen, especially with food which we need to consume and is and always will be surrounding us.
I envy you manage not to eat sweets. I am absolutely addicted to it :fearful:


@CATMANCAM Good job on resisting the ice cream van!
@Jana1988 Sweets are evil :grin: Today is a new day.

245 sugar
109 UPF
116 gluten
15 dairy
0 overeating

Yesterday evening I had intensive cravings, my attention slipped, my addict mind used the opportunity and I dug into the leftovers of dinner even though I was already full.
Today is a new day and with that lots of new chances to just be present with whatever might come up.


Day 1320 : No binge today. :blush:


Day 1 under my belt again.


246 sugar
110 UPF
117 gluten
16 dairy
1 overeating


Jana1988 I remember how it felt to reset after 56 days, so Iā€™m sorry the sweets got to you :people_hugging: lets keep trying :crossed_fingers:t2:
@acromouse always pleased to see your determination :blush:

15 days no takeaways.
11 days no sugar.
0 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Regrettably, I binged crisps last night, I canā€™t even identify a trigger apart from I was trying to catch-up on the show Iā€™m currently watching, but all I could think about was crisps, I was so preoccupied. Then the next thing I know Iā€™d eaten 3 big bags. Trying to recognise the positive that I resisted getting anything sugary, and Iā€™ll of course keep trying with the crisps.



Iā€™ve had an accident last week, dislocating my shoulder. Fell into a deep depr. SI, the whole shebang. In the days following trying to come to terms w the prognosis of maybe having to have surgery and be out of training and out of work (and so also w significantly less of my humble income) for many months, based on my MRI results. Really felt like my world was ending. Trying to metabolise that into: this is my new reality. Gotta deal w it.
I didnā€™t eat in the darkness. Utter despair. But I knew I had to eat. So made a new macro plan according to my new energy output (fewer movement, no work no lifting, but also in recovery from my injury) and been sticking to it. It helps to have the framework. Even I wobble w how much is what and when to eat what in psychic crises. The plan limited that overall feeling of utter loss of control a little bit and gave me a bit of agency back. Which helped my overall emotional condition to improve too. Iā€™ve been eating maintainace/slight surplus for recovery and muscle mass preservation.
An hr ago I finally got to talk to a surgeon and he said I donā€™t need surgery unless the shoulder would dislocate again which it doesnā€™t look like it will cos it was trauma induced and there are no injuries to the bones or anything really bad going on in there. Iā€™ll probably make a full recovery if I put in the work w physiotherapy, nutrition, all that. Which ofc I plan on doing.

It feels good to be able to share this.

I read all your posts and am cheering for everyone of you!