Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@acromouse thank you so much :blush: and congrats on 250 days no sugar :tada:
@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:

20 days no takeaways.
16 days no sugar.
2 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Somehow I did it! I watched the final of one show, and 2 episodes of the other show. Then I fell asleep. Thereā€™s just the final of the other show left to watch, itā€™s a 1hr 35min episode, so of course my addict is screaming at this point. Iā€™m not going to give in to him, I donā€™t want to reset now Iā€™ve finally got a couple of days going. Iā€™m feeling so much better mentally for it. I think my mind must have finally had enough, because I havenā€™t had any cravings yet. I hope this continues, because it really is a new kind of peace. :raised_hands:t2:



Thatā€™s so motivating! Well done for it!
Maybe writing down how good you feel today and read it before you watch your next final show?
But you just dit something you didnā€™t think you could do and lookā€¦you just did!
You can do more then you think you can :facepunch:


@CATMANCAM Congrats friend on building a streak and staying in peace :peace_symbol: Keep at it. And no matter what today may bring: You already build 48h of peace.
Just saw @SoberWalkerā€™s suggestion. That is a brilliant one. Try it!

251 sugar
115 UPF
122 gluten
21 dairy
4 overeating

Staying mindful. Letting life.


Day 1326 : No binge today. :blush:


252 sugar
116 UPF
123 gluten
22 dairy
5 overeating

Staying mindful. Letting life.


@SoberWalker @acromouse thank you both :blush:

21 days no takeaways.
17 days no sugar.
3 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Another day stacked, and I even watched the final of the other show last night! I did experience cravings, but not until I was halfway through the episode, so I knew I could finish the rest. This feels like such an achievement, Iā€™ve truly surprised myself. Feeling grateful. :raised_hands:t2:



Day 1327 : No binge today. :blush:


22 days no takeaways.
18 days no sugar.
4 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I fell asleep at 18:30 last night, so I escaped any potential cravings and I now have another day :blush:



@CATMANCAM That early bed thing seems to be a real thing with your cravings. Congrats on another great day!

253 sugar
117 UPF
124 gluten
23 dairy
6 overeating

My hormone induced anxiety and stress are back. Iā€™m torn between distracting myself and trying to stay mindful. I want to make the stress go away and at the same time the stress makes me feel nauseous. I know this will pass. I just hope it wonā€™t affect my trip tomorrow too much.


Hi guys, having a bad day. Purged (ā€˜successfullyā€™) for the first time today. I felt rlly good after, which was unexpected, and scary and disturbing and i feel like im definitely going to do it again. I overate after coming home from holidays, and im not used to the feeling of being that anymore since starting my abstinence, and feeling so full of calories made me panicky and i didnā€™t know what else to do but purge.

Iā€™m in a new relationship with a great guy, and i want to tell him that i have a fucking eating disorder, that ive been trying to lose weight since i was 8 years old, but i cant bring myself to dump it on him. When im abstinent im super careful what I eat, which he (and everyone) else has noticed. He just thinks Iā€™m really healthy, when actually the opposite is true. I donā€™t know how he would support me, or if i even need his support really. I just want him to know this about me, but at the same time itā€™s a terrifying level of intimacy that i mightnt even be ready for.

Also heā€™s just been through a long, difficult period and i really just want to be a person in his life who is supportive and uncomplicated and not sick or saddled with heavy, crazy baggage. I donā€™t want him to have to deal with my baggage! I want to be someone who carries their own baggage. I really donā€™t want to be someone in his life who is sick and ā€˜needs helpā€™.


Day 1328 : No binge today. :blush:


254 sugar
118 UPF
125 gluten
24 dairy
7 overeating

On vacation.


Iā€™m traveling right now, so I canā€™t write anything long.
Iā€™m sorry you are going through all these emotional turbulences.

Regarding your new relationship: There is a difference between being honest and emotionally dumping on someone. So maybe you could consider for yourself where your middle ground is there.

And one more thing: There are no uncomplicated people without baggage. Thatā€™s a myth. We are all human. We are all complicated. We all have experienced suffering.

Sending love your way :people_hugging:


@acromouse thank you :blush: itā€™s a game changer :raised_hands:t2: congrats on your week of no overeating, especially during you hormonal upheaval :tada: enjoy your vacation :grinning:
@s00z3 I hope you will find the strength to tell your new partner. Iā€™m no expert, but relationships should be mutually supportive, and open and honest communication is usually best in the long-run. Sending strength šŸ©µ

23 days no takeaways.
19 days no sugar.
5 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was craving a specific takeaway all day yesterday, but I thought of my counter and didnā€™t want to reset. I fell asleep early again, so avoided my 8pm cravings too. Itā€™s because I can take my medication at my usual time, because Iā€™m not staying up late to watch the show I was watching for 8 weeks. I much prefer this. :blush:



Now it is the summer vacation I am home all day with the kids. In the high 30s most days, so staying in the house. I am eating a little more than I would normally, and no running, so am feeling a little panicky about weight gain. But trying to focus on no binging and eating healthily.


Day 1329 : No binge today. :blush:


24 days no takeaways.
20 days no sugar.
6 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I havenā€™t slept for a single second. I hadnā€™t watched TV in the lounge for atleast a month, but I have been trying to work it back into my routine. I had the urge at 8pm to start the latest season of one of the shows on my catch-up list. There were some technical issues, but I somehow resolved them, and so I watched one episode. The problem was, before I got the urge, I felt tired, but because I didnā€™t let myself go to sleep, I missed my opportunity, and now, insomnia. However, I am pleased to report despite being awake for 24hrs now, I have suffered no cravings.



255 sugar
119 UPF
126 gluten
25 dairy
8 overeating

On vacation.


Day 55 of low carb breakfast, but Iā€™m not doing so well with getting my walks in. Itā€™s hard for me to get motivated right now. But Iā€™ll try again now that itā€™s the weekend and maybe it will re-motivate me.


No binge day 0 :roll_eyes:

Stupid chocolate :chocolate_bar: