Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Be very careful here. I had bulimia and it was EXHAUSTING. I’d never go back to it and I’d rather be big than having to go through all of it again…
You end up in neverending cycle, not loosing any weight anyway, eating much more and spending more money for food, f*cking up your immune and digestive systems, your skin, teeth, hair - all will be in bad condition… It has millions negatives and no positive at all! It only seems like a solution but it’s not. You feel like you got rid of the calories you ate - not really, plus you will slow your metabolism down and it takes very long time to get it back up.

Please, don’t do it, trust me, it’s the worse …


Walking 1/3 Days
Day 56 of low carb breakfast


Day 1330 : No binge today. :blush:


25 days no takeaways.
21 days no sugar.
7 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday was rough, I was craving crisps big time. I didn’t give in though, else I would have forfeited my one week milestone, and I wasn’t gonna let that happen!



256 sugar
120 UPF
127 gluten
26 dairy
9 overeating

On vacation.
My current vacation is proving challenging food wise. But I also am learning strategies how to make sure I have the food I want to eat when I’m hungry and don’t have to rely on circumstances. Meal planning on the go is a whole new sport :wink: But I also am feeling like my sense of resilience is growing, and I don’t feel so limited by my food issues anymore.


Still day 0 no binging. I was really busy lately and also super active and then I really crave chocolate and always binge on it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Day 1331 : No binge today. :blush:


26 days no takeaways.
22 days no sugar.
8 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was craving the same specific takeaway yesterday, that I’ve been craving this past 8 days. I keep telling myself ‘we don’t do that anymore’ and reminding myself how much it would suck to reset that counter at this stage. The fuck-it mentality keeps creeping in a bit, mostly because I’ve gained some weight, so I’m going to try to weigh myself only weekly, instead of every day.



257 sugar
121 UPF
128 gluten
27 dairy
10 overeating

On vacation.


Day 1332 : No binge today. :blush:

@acromouse I hope you have a good vacation! :blush::ocean:


Walking 2/5 Days
Day 58 of low carb breakfast


@acromouse congrats on double digits for no overeating :tada:

27 days no takeaways.
23 days no sugar.
9 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Cravings were present but thankfully I fell asleep early. Later today will be double digits.



@CATMANCAM Getting to sleep early seems to be a good strategy for you :muscle:
@Kareness Good to see you back on the walking path :walking_man:t2:

258 sugar
122 UPF
129 gluten
28 dairy
11 overeating

On vacation.
I hit four month of abstinence from UltraProcessedFoods today. Not ingesting any of that processed crap is such a relief for my body, my health, my mental health and my overall well being. It’s like getting rid of a poison.


Well, it’s about to start getting way harder to get my walks in. My kids start school next week and I need to drop them off. So I’ll get a later start at work. And now it is starting to get dark earlier. I noticed how dark it was getting when I went for my walk at 7pm last night. I mght need to invest in a treadmill. My easy time of getting walks in is ending!


Day 1333 : No binge today. :blush:


Walking 3/6 Days
Day 59 of low carb breakfast


@acromouse congrats on 4 months no UPFs :tada:

28 days no takeaways.
24 days no sugar.
10 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I had a really rough day mentally yesterday. It’s my tenancy inspection tomorrow and I had no commitments yesterday, so I had planned to get all my cleaning done. This in itself is always very triggering because I can just never make myself do it, for all the will in the world! So the longer I couldn’t make myself start, the more depressed I became, all I could think about was bingeing crisps and TV, I really thought I wasn’t going to make it to double digits. Somehow, towards the end of the day when the Sun started shining around 3pm, I was able to do the kitchen, after that I felt much better. I have had 2 appointments this morning and I’ve not long been home. I wanted to check-in here whilst resting my back, but today I need to clean the bathroom, hoover the carpets, and mop the floors, so I am really hoping I can just crack on with it for once, so I don’t have to feel how I felt yesterday.



We often think that motivation is what comes before action, but actually, like you described, motivation often comes after action. Hope that the cleaning momentum lasts until you get everything done.


259 sugar
123 UPF
130 gluten
29 dairy
12 overeating

On vacation.


Day 1334 : No binge today. :blush:

Nice job on the walking so far, @Kareness! Keep it up! :blush::muscle: