Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

260 sugar
124 UPF
131 gluten
30 dairy
0 overeating

On vacation.
A combination of a long hike, later then usual dinner, being very hungry, getting distracted by all kinds of stuff during dinner and a general sense of stress led to me not recognizing my satiety signals on time and stuffing myself. Reset and repeat.


@Misokatsu itā€™s so true, with each completed task comes more motivation. I just really struggle with the initial spark to make a start.
@acromouse congrats on 30 days no dairy :tada: itā€™s very hard to stay on track when out of your usual routine :people_hugging:

29 days no takeaways.
25 days no sugar.
11 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Well, after I checked-in on this thread, I caught-up and checked-in on the main daily check-in thread, and I was here for a total of 3hrs! I was eventually able to start my cleaning jobs at 15:15hrs. I did get quite a lot done in the space of 2hrs, but I hit a wall and still had so much to do. I tried to go to bed early, but I was so anxious about today that I couldnā€™t sleep. I only managed to sleep from 12am-2am, then 4am-5am, and I still had a long list of jobs to do, so Iā€™ve been at it since 5am until an hour ago. So almost 4hrs, with short rest breaks in-between jobs, for my back. I pushed myself to my absolute limit with my back, and almost didnā€™t make it to my bed from the kitchen (only a few meters). But everything I usually do for inspections is done! :raised_hands:t2: If I had the energy and my back wasnā€™t so bad, I would also go around and polish all the surfaces, remove all the cobwebs, and clean all the windows, but I simply canā€™t. The time-frame they gave was 9:00-15:45, so they could arrive at any time now. My mind and body are so relieved, and I will feel even better after theyā€™ve been.



Good luck w the inspection, Cam. Procrastination and growing doom and depression are huge symptoms for me too, I struggle w all these a lot. I know for me they have to do w toxic expectations and perfectionism. So eventually w image of self and image of how the world is.
It helps to have routines in place. It helps to have techniques that can break through the stone of dread. But none of these are fail-proof for me either. Itā€™s gotten a lot a lot better over the years for me. But itā€™s still a battle, a hard one these days again for sure.

Much love! Good on you that you managed today. And may it get easier for you also. :purple_heart:


Day 1335 : No binge today. :blush:


Walking 4/8 Days
Day 61 of low carb breakfast


@Faugxh thank you :blush: Iā€™m sorry you struggle too. šŸ©µ I tell myself every time that I will keep on top of it between inspections, so it doesnā€™t become so overwhelming, but thus far, I havenā€™t. Even though I really love it when itā€™s clean.

30 days no takeaways.
26 days no sugar.
12 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday I had no cravings, the inspection person came at 11am and was gone by 11:22. After that, I was at peace, and my body appreciated the rest. I currrently have the usual feeling that it has been so much longer since I last binged.



261 sugar
125 UPF
132 gluten
31 dairy
1 overeating

On vacation.


I finally looked through 1 of the 3 big boxes of old photos my dad found when hs cleared out their garage. A f**k load of awful emotions. I always looked so happy before the abuse :pleading_face: , especially when in photos with my mum, who passed away when I was 8. I now feel like crying, screaming, punching, kicking, smashing, I have murderous rage and ultimately, I feel like binge-eating! I really donā€™t want to though, so I thought I should do an extra check-in here. Argh!


Go and do some of it. Punch and throw a few pillows, cry, yell. Vent on one of the threads here. Do something nice and kind for yourself. You are NOT alone :heart:


I am still on day zeroā€¦ :grimacing::roll_eyes: so annoying, I feel currently powerless to resist my urges and temptations :neutral_face:

However, I am honestly pleased to see that you other guys are doing well, especially @CATMANCAM 's numbers are nicely rising after quite a long time of desperation. Well done! Keep it up :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover: Youā€™re awesome.

But also others, @acromouse , @Kareness , @Aleyadaisey etc. - youā€™re all so inspiring :hugs:

I am happy to see this and it gives me hope that I may join the numbers soon, too again :pray:t3:

Take a good care my people and have a lovely weekend :heart:


Day 1336 : No binge today. :blush:


@Jana1988 Sorry you are having such a hard time. What used to work in the past for you? Are you working your program?

262 sugar
126 UPF
0 gluten
0 dairy
2 overeating

On vacation.

Yesterday I decided to eat a meal my aunt prepared which contained a small amount of gluten and dairy. It was a conscious decision to partake in a family meal on the last day of my stay here. It had nothing to do with triggers or cravings.
This might give me some cravings in the day to come but I am not concerned.


@acromouse thank you for responding last night. šŸ©µ I canā€™t cry else I definitely would have. None of the other options were suitable because it would scare my cats :scream_cat: but in the end, I fell asleep, so all was well :raised_hands:t2:
@Jana1988 thank you :blush: you will get there again, :people_hugging: itā€™s taken me months to get back on track after having 55 days earlier this year. Are you doing your no eating after 8pm rule?

31 days no takeaways.
27 days no sugar.
13 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Somehow, I made it another day. I really thought I was going to have to reset for sugar and binge-eating last night, but thankfully I fell asleep shortly after my last post. :sleeping: I did dream that I binged, and when I woke up I had the guilt, but itā€™s always nice when the realisation hits that it wasnā€™t real. :raised_hands:t2:



Nearly two weeks, well done!


Day 1337 : No binge today. :blush:

Great job on nearly 2 weeks no binging, @CATMANCAM! Keep it up! :blush::muscle:


@CATMANCAM Well done. Sticking to that early bed time routine looks good.

263 sugar
127 UPF
1 gluten
1 dairy
3 overeating

On vacation.


@Misokatsu @Aleyadaisey @acromouse thank you all :blush:

32 days no takeaways.
28 days no sugar.
14 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was craving crisps all day yesterday, as soon as I woke up, until I eventually fell asleep around 7pm. I slept probably too well last night, and have not long been conscious. Today so far, no cravings. Feels good to have 2 weeks free from binge-eating. Against all odds! :raised_hands:t2:



Congratulations on your 2 weeks :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
(Do not celebrate with crisps !! :smile::smile:)


1 day no binging! :four_leaf_clover:

@CATMANCAM I was doing no eating after 8pm for very long time. As long as I was doing that, I did not binge, ā€œonlyā€ overate time to timeā€¦
But then I donā€™t know what happened and my 8pm rule went to the bin and I started binging too :neutral_face:
Yesterday, you asking me about this, made me somehow not to eat after 8pm again. So here I am with a day without binging. Itā€™s an easy explanation - I donā€™t have time to binge through the day (nor desire really). Itā€™s only evening/night issueā€¦

Another issue for me is my active life. I am really crazy in comparison with a normal person and I do activities in high level. I love it and I canā€™t do otherwise. Whatever sport I touched so far - I turn to be really good at it. And because I am in sports clubs, I get pushed to improve my performance. With my competitive personality, I get highly motivated to achieve things in short time for which others for quite a long time. God knows why, but I can do this. Although it often turns to injuries at some point, because I donā€™t build up.
I am trying to say, that I can burn insane amounts of calories on week basis. Weekends are always extremes, because thatā€™s when I do the highest volumes. I tried to learn how to eat and fuel myself properly, but turns put that no matter what I do, I always crave sweet stuff a lot. I would perhaps need a help of nutritionist, but donā€™t want to spend my money now, as I am at a process of buying a house :house_with_garden::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Blah blah, I need to work things out. How to eat, how to be good at sport but not over stretch myself (I got a swollen knee now lol)

But in my mind I am good lately. Even with the binging, I feel happy overalls :house_with_garden:


Day 1338 : No binge today. :blush: