Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Jana1988 thank you :blush: my mind did go there with it’s wanting to celebrate my 4 years AF with crisps :man_facepalming:t2: I can relate because my cravings usually start at 8pm, but thankfully I’ve been falling asleep befofe that and it is really helping. Congrats on 1 day :tada: I wish I could be like you with sports, I’m currently gaining weight even though I’m in a calorie deficit every day, sports would help I’m sure, but I’m still terrified of the changing room :cry:

33 days no takeaways.
29 days no sugar.
15 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Cravings were not so bad yesterday. It’s getting to me that I’m gaining weight though. I’m just trying to trust the process.



What about exercising at home for the beginning, would that be something you could and like to do?
I don’t go to a gym at all and I do my workouts and HIIT sessions at home.
I also run and cycle which I do outdoors, but you can have treadmill.

I am on day 0 again. I told you not to celebrate with crisps and then I ate some myself at like 9pm :joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


And what about leaving your house in sport clothes with a sweatsuit/tracksuit over it when it’s too cold ore feeling uncomfortable for you?
You can shower at home too.
I never use a changing room when I train and I train 3 times a week outdoors.
And otherwise like Jana mentioned: at home. You can do a lot with minimal space!!


@CATMANCAM Do trust the process my friend. Your body, your metabolism, your heart and mind do their jobs in their time and the numbers on a scale are just one - and definitely not the most important - criterion in judging your well being and health. And not to be dismissive in any way, but for your body being free of binge-eating for two weeks is not too long in terms of adaptation. Compare it to being sober from other substances. I feel like we often have very unreasonable expectations when it comes to eating behaviours and food. Stay strong, keep going!

264 sugar
128 UPF
2 gluten
2 dairy
4 overeating

Back from vacation, back to my usual eating habits.
This vacation with its long train rides, lots of changes of location, all kinds of acitvities like hikes, bike rides, exercise classes, city walks, family gatherings around food, etc. was a very interesting and successful testing ground for my abilities to keep to my sobriety, where and how far I want my flexibility to be about foods I eat in special circumstances, and how I can sustain my eating plan in changing circumstances.
I learned a lot and am very satisified with the outcome.


Still eating pretty well. The kids are at home and it is hot, so we often eat mini icecreams in the afternoon. They are not leading into a binge which is good. If I feel like I am just wanting to put something in my mouth, I bought some concentrate to make flavored water, which makes a nice change from buckwheat tea or ice coffee.


Day 1339 : No binge today. :blush:


I remember us talking about that back in January. I think it would be imortant to build a habit of movement and a low threshold one. You love routines and you have many trackers, I think the habitual level is an important one for you (me too).

And the movements should be simple for the time being. Walking. Even if it’s in the flat, from room to room. Better outside ofc. But you could get a threadmill and walk at home.
Lifting arms sideways, to the front, straight and bent at the ellbow, holding small weights or just the arms. Lying on the floor and lowering your legs from perpendicular towards the floor and back up. Lying on your belly and lifting both arms and legs. These kinda movements anyone can do and they increase your calorie output and muscle mass a little. Bodyweight exercises they are called. :slight_smile:
Yoga is very beneficial and can be done at home.

Just some suggestions. The most important thing is to get into it. Make a start. Find something you can enjoy.

I’m w you on changing rooms tho. I never shower anywhere outside. I’ve recently been using the public gym regularly for the first time ever, since my injury, and I just go back home to shower :smile_cat:


@Jana1988 @SoberWalker @acromouse @Faugxh thank you for all of your suggestions. I do want to start walking again, but at the monent my back is very back, I’m waiting to see the specialist about it, as I’ve been in physio and rehab for a year now and it’s only got worse. The main thing I want to do for exercise is the gym and swimming, I know I just need to start going again, but the fear is real after the incident in the changing rooms, and also, that’s always my issue, making a start. I may try some beginners Yoga at home, to see how that feels, though I really don’t have a lot of floor space and my cats are very curious when I’m on the floor doing my rehab exercises :joy_cat: I can try some bodyweight exercises too with light weights which I do have. Thanks again :blush:

34 days no takeaways.
30 days no sugar.
16 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday I had peace from any cravings. I fell asleep very early again. Today I am going to the cinema with my 5yo niece, but there will not be a large popcorn or large sugary drink involved!



@CATMANCAM Enjoy the cinema :film_projector:
@Misokatsu My daughter recently gave me one of those bottles with a straw you can carry around with you as a present. I was really surprised to find out that with that bottle I actually drink more water through out the day, thus I am less thirsty and less wanting to eat. I realized that more often then not I am not hungry when I want to put something in my mouth but actually thirsty. So your flavored water idea sounds very reasonable to me.

265 sugar
129 UPF
3 gluten
3 dairy
5 overeating


Day 1340 : No binge today. :blush:


35 days no takeaways.
31 days no sugar.
17 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I survived the cinema without popcorn or a sugary drink, I’m not sure if I’d be able to stay strong if I went on my own. I would like to go to see another film next week, but I just don’t know if I could trust myself, so I think I will wait until it comes out on a streaming service. It felt good just now to change my counter from ‘summary’ to ‘days’ for sugar. :blush:



Wow @CATMANCAM Going to a cinema and not relaps is a biggie. Well done you! :clap:t3: I absolutely love seeing your numbers rising, it’s so nice, you deserve it :gift_heart:


I have over 9hrs without binge, I keep relapsing. It’s one urge and I just give in, no resistance, nothing. I just go and do it.
I also hold on hope in everyday, especially in the morning, that today will be different, better.
The good thing is, that tomorrow is my partner’s mum going for holiday for 11 days and it means she won’t refill all the sweets in cupboards and we’ll be for over a week without it (unless we buy them ourselves). Both of us (me and my partner) don’t want to eat these sweets anymore, but we continue eating them just because they’re constantly here. None of us has exactly strong willpower…
I can’t way my partner’s mum to finally leave and have a peaceful house for over a week :heart: It’s a holiday for us too :joy::joy::joy:

I must admit, I think about food a lot lately, I don’t know why. I just want to eat all the time. Almost like if I want to replace other emotions with food. It might be that I am semi-injured now and can’t do much running and cycling and it makes me feel uneasy and uncomfortable, because I want to do it.
Perhaps something to really think about :thinking:


@CATMANCAM Nice to hear your niece was such a good influence on you :wink: Well done friend!
@Jana1988 You’ll get there. You’ve been sucessfully binge free before and you will get there. It’s a great idea to take the chance of your partner’s mum being away to start with a clean house. Make it a special day. Go through all the cupboards. Throw away all the junk. Partner up with your significant other. Start fresh. Make it a special retreat for your body and your soul :heart:

266 sugar
130 UPF
4 gluten
4 dairy
6 overeating


Thank you @acromouse :gift_heart::pray:t3: Your support means a lot.


Day 1341 : No binge today. :blush:


267 sugar
131 UPF
5 gluten
5 dairy
7 overeating

After being on and off vacation for the last weeks I got back to my sports programm yesterday. This resulted in more fatigue - my body has to get used to it again - and increased nutritional needs.
This is an interesting situation in regards with binge eating and overeating. Excerting myself, being truly hungry and having this discrepancy in nutritional spending and eating triggers all kinds of fears: of deprivation, of bingeing, of overexercise, of loosing control over my eating, etc.
As I have been doing this recovery thing for several months now I feel like I am getting more skillful around these kinds of situations. I feel like I have more of a margin of tollerance when it comes to how much I eat, how I can feel around food and hunger before I spin out of control.
I like exploring this area and I am confident this is the path to ‘normal’ eating.


@Jana1988 thank you so much :blush: I really hope these 11 days will help you get back on track and get out of the loop again, you deserve it too. 🩵 Definitely empty the cupboards of any leftover sweets like acromouse suggested, then it’s a clean slate to build your days on :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@acromouse haha, thank you :blush: and this sounds like more progress for you :raised_hands:t2: congrats on your week :tada:

36 days no takeaways.
32 days no sugar.
18 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Narrowly escaped ordering the takeaway I’ve been craving for the past 18 days last night, I actually played the tape forward for once, and then fell asleep. :sleeping:



I hear you and feel the same way. I had a busy morning, moving boxes, going up and down stairs, so was starving at lunch, and ate probably twice what I usually would. But then naturally wasn’t so hungry at dinner. And this was not a binge and restrict that I pretending was normal. The lunch and dinner were both balanced meals.


Day 1342 : No binge today. :blush: