Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

37 days no takeaways.
33 days no sugar.
19 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was craving crisps so bad last night. I couldn’t sleep so I experienced the insatiable hunger from my evening meds. I was worried it was going to overpower me, but I had a good look at my counters and reminded myself how hard it has been to get back on track. There were insecure thoughts about the ‘never again’ concept, but I reminded myself there will be hard days, but it’s not worth relapsing over, ever.



@CATMANCAM I’m sorry to hear your meds have these side effects on your hunger and satiety. As if life was not difficult enough without that :roll_eyes: Glad to hear you made it through the cravings though :muscle:
@Misokatsu Thanks for validating my thoughts and giving me the perspective that it’s not about this one meal and what a balanced meal can look like.

268 sugar
132 UPF
6 gluten
6 dairy
8 overeating


Day 1343 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse I know right :roll_eyes: but thank you :blush:

38 days no takeaways.
34 days no sugar.
20 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I couldn’t fall asleep again last night, so once again, I was faced with the insatiable hunger. I also hadn’t eaten much throughout the day which is unusual for me because I dont usually skip meals due to fear of bingeing later on. I looked through the second box of photos, there were thousands. I even came across 4 photos of my first abuser, but although I felt angry and sad, I didn’t feel the need to “use” anything to deal with how I felt, quite the opposite, I couldn’t eat, so that was new. There’s one box left to look through, maybe today or tomorrow before I see my brother next week, as I am giving him all the ones without me in (because they don’t show my niece photos with me in as a child because I’m trans).



@CATMANCAM I really am sorry to hear your family treats you so badly. If you had had reconstructive surgery after an accident or changed your hair cut or your style of clothing or looked differently for any other reason would they deny you to be seen aswell? This kind of hurtful BS makes me really angry. You deserve to be seen with all your facets friend, in all your magnificence :star2: We all do.

269 sugar
133 UPF
7 gluten
7 dairy
9 overeating

Was at a game night yesterday. There are usually all kinds of processed sugary or salty snacks on the game table. In the beginning of my recovery I asked for those items to be removed from my line of sight.
I still find the packages annoying. They are brightly coloured and my brain thinks that they are somewhat important without being able to provide a cause. They are designed that way. So it’s not really my brain’s fault.
But I absolutely do not care for the contents any more. To be honest whatever is offered and eaten there I find mostly disgusting. I usually bring my own dinner with me and am really glad that I can eat a healthy and tasty meal that will make me feel good afterwards instead of this processed crap that would make me feel bad in all the ways possible.


@acromouse thank you 🩵

I am 5hrs and 20mins away from 3 weeks with no crisps or binge-eating, but right now I can’t see myself reaching that milestone. I am craving crisps so bad. I hate this. Nothing has really happened today apart from a conversation with my WhatsApp friend about the mortality of my cats, which I suppose is very triggering since they are my entire world and reason for staying alive. I’m trying to resist but I feel like I’m half-way out the door. Writing here like last time I felt so compelled.


We are here for you. And you are actually doing something new. You are writing about this cravings before you cave in. That’s a great step. Can you distract yourself maybe?


I’m about to do some meditations, hoping they might help calm this craving brain :crossed_fingers:t2:


Do you have some meditations you especially enjoy?


I use the Calm app, and there are 3 different teachers that do a daily meditation each. I’ve just done one about patience, and one about self-esteem Vs self-worth, the next one is called Unfixate, so it might be the best one for right now! I do have some favourited ones that I could turn to if I need more :blush:


Good luck Cam! Fuck them crisps and shit they won’t do you any good or help with anything at all!

You have enough.
You have enough.
You have enough.



Day 1344 : No binge today. :blush:

It seems that the photos are very triggering to you, @CATMANCAM. I’m so sorry, you didn’t deserve the abuse or being treated badly by your family. As for the trans part, you deserve to be proud of who you are as a trans person, regardless of anyone else telling you otherwise. You are valid. :people_hugging:


Walking 5/17 Days (kids started school)
Day 70 of low carb breakfast


@acromouse I hope I can eventually come to this same UPF-repulsed state, it must feel so freeing.
@Faugxh thank you :blush: during the day I was distracting myself with 3 episodes of the podcast. I only have 6 episodes left now out of 35, the next one is about addiction. Thanks again for recommending it 🩵
@Aleyadaisey thank you :face_holding_back_tears: 🩵

39 days no takeaways.
35 days no sugar.
21 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

(Somehow!?) I made it to 3 weeks with no crisps or binge-eating :raised_hands:t2: thank you for the support last night. I feel bad for posting here when I’m struggling incase it triggers anyone, but it has helped the last 2 times so thank you again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I fell asleep early during the 3rd meditation, then woke up at 10pm when the shops close.



@CATMANCAM Congrats on whole three weeks! And honestly friend, posting here about your struggles is a very imporant part of the recovery process. If you don’t share your struggles here they will stay with you alone. If you share them on the other hand others can learn from your journey. We can learn how to deal with struggles, we can develop self compassion. So please come here and share. We all need that.

270 sugar
134 UPF
8 gluten
8 dairy
0 compulsive eating

While the new dosage of my meds has to start working properly I am beset by all kinds of digestive issues and especially cravings to eat out of compulsion. This will pass in a few days when my gut biome will reach a stable state. But until then it is what it is.


Day 1345 : No binge today. :blush:


Hour 16

I’m afraid I’ll go back to binge eating, but I have to stop thinking ahead so much and take it one moment at a time.


@acromouse I’m sorry your meds are messing with you, I hope your stomach settles asap :people_hugging::crossed_fingers:t2:
@Sissychris39 welcome to the thread :blush:

40 days no takeaways.
36 days no sugar.
22 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I woke up craving straight away yesterday. I had to make a decision, so at lunchtime I went to the local shop and bought an individual thin crust pizza, so I didn’t have to reset any of my counters, and I enjoyed it. I know it’s not the healthiest option out there, but it was 5 times less calories than the 5 big bags of crisps that I’d have bought otherwise, and also way better than the specific craving for a takeaway that has been relentless this whole time but has now been satisfied.



Thanks so much, and keep up the great work!


@Sissychris39 Welcome to the thread and welcome back to TS. Good idea to focus on one moment at a time.

271 sugar
135 UPF
9 gluten
9 dairy
1 compulsive eating

Yesterday was already better and I did not experience any strong compulsion. And I decided to rename my counter from overeating to compulsive eating. I feel like this reflects my recovery goals better: not acting on urges compelling me to eat when I am not hungry.