Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Great job! Eating nothing that you want will lead to a binge, but eating things that you really want also leads to a binge. Finding those mid safe foods is hard!

PMS time right now, and I was totally in snack mode this afternoon. I ate several healthy snacks and iced coffees to keep my mouth occupied until dinner. Then ate dinner normally. My daughter made me a little ice cream parfait after dinner, as she likes to do. Good ‘normal’ eating, I feel.


Thanks, I appreciate that!


Day 1:

No binge eating


Day 1346 : No binge today. :blush:


@Sissychris39 Great job on getting through the first day!

272 sugar
136 UPF
10 gluten
10 dairy
2 compulsive eating


41 days no takeaways.
37 days no sugar.
23 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Therapy went okay yesterday, she says I seem much more settled since not seeing my family since the 5th of July. I feel it too, though I will have to see them this week at some point as one of my step-brother’s had his bday on Sunday, and my brother’s bday was yesterday. So I’m hoping there won’t be pressure to eat anything with them, and that the visit itself isn’t too triggering like it usually is.



Day 2

No binge eating


I just finished my “binging session”.
I can go through the whole day without binge and I’m doing well, being on track and motivated, then evening comes and all efforts, promises and willpower go to bin.
I managed long periods without it and it always felt great. I was saying to myself that anything happens, I can’t return to this stage. But here I am once again, unable to resist to my cravings and urges. It almost feels like if every time after I slipped they’re stronger and harder to overcome.

I am so tired of this. I am so bloated with pain in my stomach. And it’s every night like this. I don’t feel much better in the morning either. It’s not good for my body or mental health. Why can’t I get out of the cycle??


You can’t beat yourself up because it will make things worse. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “I’ve got this” and then I fell off track. This is like my millionth try to stop. It might work this time, but maybe it won’t. I try to be in the moment and not focus on the past or future. That’s been helping me, and hopefully it works for you.


Day 1347 : No binge today. :blush:


@Jana1988 I really feel for you :people_hugging: as you know, earlier this year I had 55 days going, and really thought I wouldn’t relapse, but at Easter I did after pressure from family to eat a takeaway with them, and that triggered my ED behaviours and I was spiralling and feeling how you feel now. It took me months to get back on track, but I finally have, and you will too, can you make it so there’s nothing to binge in the house?

42 days no takeaways.
38 days no sugar.
24 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday was peaceful, and I managed to go for a walk around the first lake. I had to sit on one bench for 5mins about halfway round, but overall I was pleased, so now I know I can continue with this walk. :raised_hands:t2:



@Jana1988 Sorry the hear you are suffering so much :people_hugging: If willpower is not working do you feel like there is some part of you that needs some care or compassion? Sometimes just being nice to myself helps a lot. Sending you love :heart:
@CATMANCAM & @Sissychris39 Congrats on building your streaks!

273 sugar
137 UPF
11 gluten
11 dairy
0 compulsive eating

My gut biome is messing with me. This should be over in a few days when my meds settle.


Day 3

No binge eating


Day 1348 : No binge today. :blush:


@Sissychris39 3 days sounds good! Keep at it :muscle:

9 months - 274 days no sugar
138 UPF
12 gluten
12 dairy
1 compulsive eating

Today marks my 9 months freedom from sugar and 9 months of my recovery journey. Thank you all for having my back all that time!


@acromouse thank you :blush: hoping your meds settle soon :crossed_fingers:t2:congrats on 9 whole months of freedom from sugar :tada: amazing! :star_struck:

43 days no takeaways.
39 days no sugar.
25 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was getting angry and feeling like I wanted to binge everything I’ve been restricting yesterday, but I walked to the shopping centre and bought the healthy lunch that I get on Mondays after therapy, and then I felt completely fine after I’d eaten that. I just wish I could afford to get it every day. My back wasn’t good, it was already hurting by the time I’d walked there, and was agony all the way home, so I couldn’t get back out for the walk I did the day before, but still did the same amount of steps so it’s okay, just frustrating. I received a text yesterday asking me to call today to schedule my appointment with the specialist, so I’ve just booked that and it’s on the 10th of September, so that’s hopeful. The past two days have been the closest I’ve been to going to the gym so far, so maybe big things will happen today, but no promises.



Feeling less crazy around food. It (the crazy) felt quite short this month. Grateful for that.


Day 4

No binge eating


Day 1349 : No binge today. :blush:


44 days no takeaways.
40 days no sugar.
26 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Awake early, despite not being able to sleep until late last night. Because of not being able to fall asleep, my insatiable appetite kicked in, and the cravings for all kinds of takeaways and crisps were almost impossible to ignore, but I thought about how I’d really feel if I had to reset any counters, and how long it would take (?) to get back on track, and that worked.

I managed to do my walk around the first lake, had to rest my back on a bench again halfway, and for the rest of the way I had to walk so slowly and was in a lot of pain. I know I need to keep doing it, along with my rehab exercises, so I will.
