Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

Thank u!! I will definitly look into cbt. I have done dbt but don’t know the difference btwn the two. But I will definitly take a look! :slight_smile:


Still learning a lot of things about BED. Wanted to binge about 10 min ago and found myself in the kitchen wondering what to eat (I wasn’t even hungry either). Instead of the sugary items we had, I took out 20 baby carrots amd some salad dressing and ate that instead. This will be a work in progress. Not sure if I am really helping the situation by still eating, but I feel like it may be good progress instead of eating something that would’ve fed my addiction to food and made me feel awful mentally. Idk. Any thots on this? :slight_smile:


For me, ‘binging’ on safe food takes the shame and fear out of the equation, and shame and fear usually leads to more binging, or restriction, then binging. I also will purposely give myself a bloated feeling with fruit or veg or tea if I want to binge. But because it was ‘safe’ I can eat normally the next meal, and get right back on track.


Thank u for this! I relate to this in the sense that I don’t feel as bad when eating “healthier” options :slight_smile:


Eating a lot of carrots does not make your body crave more, usually… I don’t know about the salad dressing that you’re using. If I were to eat the same amount of calories in a cookie for example I would want more cookies. Cheetos and Cheez-Its have something in them that makes you want more. If you search my name, you will see an article I posted about the addictive nature of some foods. Some foods have substances in them that make us crave more food. And we all know that a lot of food types just make us crave more food … like a rabid animal. If I were to eat pasta or macaroni and cheese or something like that I would just want to keep eating and eating it and eating it.
You’re doing great discovering what you are discovering. Being aware, and looking at the whys, will take you far.
Carrots are safe.


Day 492 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 59 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely :100: I agree with u! And thank u for the insight and compliment. I chose carrots bcuz what I’m noticing is that when I want to binge eat, I will go for pastries or chocolate or candy or other more addictive foods and I eat so much of it that I feel sick and gain weight just bcuz I have eaten sooo many calories and not able to burn them off. So I just decided today to force myself to eat carrots for a substitute. It didn’t really curb the craving for what I truly wanted but it kept my hands and mouth busy I guess. And then I chewed gum. Got irritable until supper. Tried to slow down to eat. I wanted hubby to finish 1st and so I slowed myself to keep pace with him. And now I’m okay. But it’s incredible at how Im truly seeing how much my mind is consumed with food in 1 way or another. I don’t like it obviously. But I am trying.


Checking in
Had the urge to eat a bunch of random sugary items this morning for breakfast for some reason. I decided on a banana smoothie with some protein powder that I recently bought. And I’m feeling full but not overly full (which I guess is due to the protein). Just trying to find ways to feel full so that I don’t tend to want to binge. Of course that doesn’t get rid of eating out of boredom, but again… trying to find ways to feel full so that I don’t want to overeat.


Day 493 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 60 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1 again :expressionless:
Ate last night
Will be back tmw

Nutritionist appt on May 12 to start treatment/recovery from ed (yay)


Good luck on your appointment, I hope it goes well. Sorry to hear you relapsed though. Don’t give up.


Checking in
Last night was not a good night for binging. I had done well for all 3 meals and even got thru an earlier urge to binge by eating celery and dressing. After supper, that urge was full force. We ate subway for supper. I chose healthier options etc. That was fine. But I also ate a whole footlong sub. Wasn’t full. But my mind started obsessing over wanting to eat more. Waited for hubby to go for a smoke and then literally ate as much as I could for 10 min while he was smoking outside. I have no idea what brings these thots on?! I don’t get it. I might need to try and stop and pause when the thought comes up. And journal. Idk maybe that would help give me enuff distraction? What do others do when these thots come up?


Day 494 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 61 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


You can try doing art as a temporary distraction until the urge passes. It’s not permanent, but it may calm that urge down until you can get through the rest of the day or night. It doesn’t have to be museum worthy, you can do abstract art, cute art, collages, nail art, dark art, realism, anything really. Journaling your thoughts may help as well. :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much! ! Made it to day 2 and will keep checking in here to help myself out at least a bit i think!


Quick question!
Just curious… is there a difference btwn overeating and binging? I’m trying to figure out whether what I did last night was plain overeating or of it was a Binge. I usually can tell when I flat out decide to engage in binging but last night seemed different. So im just curious :slight_smile:


I am struggling with this too now that I’m sober. When I was drinking I would have horrible binges many times a week. Now that I’m not drinking anymore, I don’t feel that insane desire to binge. But I did on Friday and it was bad. But it wasn’t as bad as I have been in the past. So I’m confused if it was a binge or just some serious over eating.
How the heck have so many people here gone so long without binging? I need some tips because I would love to be binge AND alcohol free


I feel this 100% I’ve always had such disordered eating in one way or another. I have found since getting clean I’m eating for all the wrong reasons, emotional eating boredom eating, overeating on portion sizes, binging (which usually happens late at night), but yesterday I did well over all, ate supper, and then I ate a few other smaller things for a “snack”. I wasn’t hungry tho. But I also didn’t have the same emotion or anything behind my snacking… so idk what that was lol I wonder that too! Like how people can go so long without binging!! Drugs and alcohol are slightly diff in the fact that it is 100% abstinence (for me anyway I just don’t do it). But with food… u need to eat. So I guess it’s figuring out HOW to eat? I have no clue lol we can do it tho!!!


Binge eating is overeating+feeling out of control. You also avoid eating with other people around, and may feel shame around eating. Usually there is some sort of trigger for a binge, such as not eating enough during the day, or emotions such as boredom or stress. A lot of binge eaters also hoard food. Overeating is just eating too much.