Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

Lovely to see that your reactions are different and much more at peace :pray: Sorry for the not so easy day friend. We do have some like those but we gotta remember that drinking will not give you any relief. 4 weeks tomorrow – you rockstar you! So excited for you! Keep fighting the good fight :muscle:


Thank you Jasmine, yes, feeling so good is well worth the fight xxx

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Guys, guys!! Guess what?! I made it! 1 month today :smiley: how amazing is that! Thank you for being here for me :heart:



Heck yeah!!! 1 month milestone is awesome…so very happy and proud…many more milestones to celebrate my friend… keep going strong :muscle:t4:

@SoberSassy @JazzyS Thank you for helping me XXX


Congrats on 1 month

Thank you :grinning:

28 days in a row, no weekends or evenings off! That is how it’s done! I’m massively proud of you.


31st sober day, it is a bit like my new normal now… apart from brief thoughts about having a drink I feel strong. I thought today that I feel ready to challenge myself more, do things I always wanted to do but alcohol got in the way… isnt it too early to step outside my comfort zone? I know emotions (good or bad) are not good friends of an addict…


Start small and be creative. Sober=normal=that is wonderful!

Start small… you might be right Dan… xxx

Ive always struggled with perfectionism, when feeling I am not doing great in whatever I wanted to do or be I tend to blame myself. Thats why I am afraid of doing things… even things I want, Im afraid that if i wont do them great I will disappoint myself and punish myself by jeopardising my efforts to stay sober

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I love that its becoming a new normal! This is a wonderful feeling. Enjoy your new sober life my friend but remember to keep your guard up as this is when our addiction tries to trick us (a crafty bugger that addiction).

I also love that you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and give new challenges a try. Like Dan said - start small and tackle with loads of fun and open arms :wink:


Yes, I will start small xxx

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One of the things I loved about getting sober was realizing that no matter what else I did right or screwed up in a day, if I went to bed sober, it was a good day. That was a win.

I didn’t struggle with perfectionism, as I hid behind it. Fear of failing kept me from starting. But, I got sober at 45. Stopped smoking at 48. Sensing that there was more possible, and feeling fat from eating my way out of smoking, I started exercising then and ran my first 5k at 51. Since then, I progressed little by small to 10k, then to sprint triathlon, then to Olympic distance triathlon. And I very nearly always came in last in my age group - I did snag second in my group at a race where there were only 3 of us in it! I took a break two years ago to heal some injuries, and this summer I will return to the sprint distance.

When I do a run down the road from home, I pass by my neighbor’s place about a quarter mile along. And every time, I remember the first time I road a bike that far and thought I was going to pass out. 50 something years old, and sweating and crying after a quarter mile on a bike. But I kept at it. Sports training is life training. You have to train your thinking more than your body. “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t - you are right.” “Nothing to do about it but to do it”. “The only way through is through”. “Do or do not, there is no try”.

And so I resolve to run again, starting with one mile if I need to. I will find a way to breathe through this long COVID lung junk, find a way to move into and through the nerve pain that always comes into my right foot. There is a 5k winter run series, first run is January 19, then Feburary 8th and March 15th. I have done this series 3 years in a row now, and will be ready for it in 4 weeks. I have been maintaining my bike riding on the trainer at home and in the spin studio. I will ignore the flab on my middle and head back into the pool, and start with just a half hour of easy laps. I used to pool train up to a mile and a half, and open water swim with groups starting in May or June of up to two miles. I will be ready to race in August.

See what you started, Blanka?!?! Thank you.


OMG Dan - thank you so very much for sharing this!

The whole post is a beautiful inspiration which I needed to read just about now. This part especially spoke to me.

Rooting for you my friend and excited for your 5k run in a months time!


Thank you Dan xxx another lovely story, I loved reading it as much as the story about you getting arrested :wink: and your writing skills Dan! I almost seen you on your 9th beer in your car and ‘an apocalypse of cops’… you can write my friend xxx


You will run and you will be the best Dan :star_struck:

I love working out myself, I used to work as a fitness trainer years ago and will def come back to my fitness routine asap… unfortunately I need to take it easy now, waiting for my foot surgery in February, I will be bedridden for few weeks after… but anyway, I will be all good from April or so