Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

Hope you are not in too much pain as you wait for the foot surgery. Good plan to get back to being active once you have healed properly :hugs:

Another beautiful sober weekend awaits us - hope you enjoy it :heart:

It is not too bad as long as I dont abuse it, I can’t wait to get it sorted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you Jasmine

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Shopping day for me tomorrow. I will load my fridge with nice food, already ordered my drinks :slight_smile:


Sounds lovely my friend… enjoy :blush:

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They are so very nice, really recommend them :slightly_smiling_face:

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Never even heard of em. Thanks for sharing :yum:

Best CBD drinks I ever tried, plus they taste nice, you can buy them in different flavours, this one is my favourite xxx

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33 sober days, I like this number :slightly_smiling_face: I was shopping today for Christimas stuff and I was ok… until I wasn’t… massive craving, it just came from nowhere, maybe from the chaos around. Suddenly I wanted it to be ‘as it used to be’… shopping and then chilling home, sipping glass of red, wrapping up gifts, listening to music. I was cheating myself again… It wouldn’t be just so very nice at all… and even if it was, tomorrow morning I would (most probably) not remember any of it anyway, I would wake up feeling sick and scared and hating myself…


Do love the double 3’s!! Glad you played the tape forward and realized that the comfort you were seeking was not going to come from drinking. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4::hugs: ODAAT

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Best thing out of it is experiencing that it is possible to feel craving and not act upon it xxx

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Aah yes!!! It’s a milestone of its own…what a wonderful realization and discovery :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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How is your Christmas Eve going? We’re cooking up mountains of Polish food.


@Blanka hope you are doing well and enjoying your Christmas Eve

@SinceIAwoke sounds lovely and yummy…what are some traditional Polish dishes for Christmas?

I’m about to catch up on some work :smiley: and hopefully have time to do a mani/Pedi afterwards

@JazzyS @SinceIAwoke Im doing ok, yesterday wasn’t easy (cravings!!) All Christmas related, but no wonder since I don’t remember last time I didn’t drink alcohol at (also before and after) Christmas time… it must have been when I was pregnant so 20 years ago… Anyway yesterday I felt stupidly sorry for myself, maybe because I was very tired after work and didn’t think clearly. Today is so much better, home all day with my daughter and my cat around. Cooking, wrapping up gifts, eating, chatting… Christmas is so different without alcohol…nicer but also a bit uncomfortable… I was talking to my daughter about my addiction and that I am sober now. She is so very supportive, always has been… she always believed in me, even when I was breaking my promises to her… now she is so happy for me and that I joined ST community, that I found people who understand me


I was cooking ‘czerwony barszcz z uszkami’ today, and fish, but not ‘karp’, we had salmon instead :smiley:

36 sober days, thank you again :heart:


We were just talking about the carp, and how that’s part of the 13-dish meal!

We kept it simple, 4 different kinds of pierogi and Kabanosy sausage, with some delicious roasted Brussels sprouts (non-Polish). We finished with the sharing of the opłatek.

I am very pleased to hear that you are sharing your sober journey with your daughter. Transparency with family is not only a great source of support, it can provide the opportunity for healing.

My spouse is first-generation American of Polish parents. She has dual citizenship, and so do our two kids, through her lineage.


Im Polish, so is my daughter. We moved to UK almost 20 years ago, when she was a baby. I like to keep some Polish traditions, she loves it as well :smiley:


You are such an inspiration Jasmine :smiley: today you inspired me to get my nails sorted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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