Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

awe love - so happy to hear that. I do love freshly done nails. I am still getting my work done so may need to do mine in the morning but way more excited now knowing that you were inspired to do yours :wink: – its a lovely circle of inspiration :hugs:

So grateful that you got through yesterday and used your tools to stay sober. It is all about the small steps we take which lead to big results (us staying sober)!

36 days is remarkable :tada: :tada:

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Yes! :smiley: plus forget the nails… for the money I saved not buying alcohol I could easily afford a day in spa :smiley:xxx


Girl now you talking.YES!!! Let’s normalize self Care :hugs:

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Christmas today, and I am sober and feeling so peaceful. I know this day last year I was badly hungover, and every single Christmas morning for so many years… Thank you for helping me to stop the viscous cycle I was stuck in, thank you for this small Christmas miracle :heart: and this is just the beginning…


It is the beginning. I am so happy for you! Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas :christmas_tree::gift:. Sobriety is the best gift that just keeps on giving :pray:t4:


Happy Christmas my friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy Christmas, Blanka. The real miracle is that we get to wake up hangover-free every day of the year! We have had the power of choice restored - but only so long as we choose to not take that first drink. And each day we do that, that is a miracle. Blessings on your house :pray: at this sacred time.


Happy Christmas Dan :christmas_tree:

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Christmas is finished now and it makes me happy… it was nice but I like it to be back to normal. Sober is officially my new normal, I know I need to stay focused etc but I am comfortable with it now… I made it through Christmas so lets face it I am doing very well :muscle:t2:


I am thinking about quitting vaping now, I wonder if i could add it to my account as separate goal etc ? And how to? Pretty please

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Heck yeah! you made it through Christmas :muscle: That is a wonderful achievement and something to be proud of!

Excited that you will be giving up the vape too! Wishing you strength as you take this on as well. Join us on the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2) thread. Loads of great advice and tips here to help you on this journey.

As for adding or managing your counters - on the main page go to the three lines on top left
Then go to manage and then you can go to bottom right + sign to add a counter

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Aaaahhh thats fantastic, you are so clever Jasmine :heart: and yes I seen the thread, had some read on it yesterday. Have a lovely day xxx

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I have been thinking about stopping vaping for a while now… Stopping alcohol was most important, it was really damging to my health and life plus it got to the point when I was scared of having constant blackouts… I could not remember what I was doing when drunk and when I thought about it (with my depression and medication I am taking to manage it) I could have ended up losing self control, putting myself into danger… Vaping seems less dangerous… but the problem with it is that it is consuming so much of my time, I seem to spend hours sitting on the sofa and vaping instead of doing things I should and want to do. I know it won’t be easy to stop but it has to be done…


It’s great that you are thinking about quitting vaping. Brave yourself as the withdrawal cycle will start and as you know it’s a bitch. You have gone through it and survived and will do so again. Your body and mind will thank you for taking this step.

It is funny how with drinking and drugs you see the mind altering effects and therefore these are seen scary vices whereas smoking cigs and vaping seem harmless. This is not the case. You lungs are suffering at an exponential rate. You are wasting time and money.
Many more effects to list so I took a screenshot here…

We have to get the notion that this is not a dangerous addiction (I think our addiction brain tried to feed us this lie so we don’t quit).

I know you have the power to tackle this too. Remember that you will not be alone! Best is to set a quit date ( @Cjp found quitting at night eas helpful so she had some quit time banked when she got up), get rid of your stuff, be ready for detox and stay connected. ODAAT. :muscle:t4::hugs:

Thank you so much! An eye opening! I mean I knew it is not exactly healthy but…!! Plus I would never be able to stop vaping if I didn’t stop alcohol first, them 2 were like BFF :smiley:

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You are most welcome. I had the same notion and was fortunate enough to have someone point that out for me.

Lol…I totally get that relationship and glad you have already successfully separated the two. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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I presume that your vaping is nicotine, and if it isn’t, well you can just skip onto the next post! I smoked cigarettes starting about 14 years old. Over time, I could not drink without lighting up. I quit drinking but I waited almost 3 years before I tackled the smoking. I tried many methods and substitutes with no long term success. Eventually, I used Chantix to break the chemical dependency, the 12 steps of AA for the obsession, and at least one very important behavioral change. I stopped putting anything in my coffee, and stopped drinking flavored coffees, to break the association between by coffee (an essential element of life, like air and love) and lighting up. That’s when I started on strong, dark roast, black coffee which I continue to today.

I didn’t stop drinking until I was on the very thinnest of edges facing what would have been a debilitating and life-changing prison term for drunk driving. I didn’t stop smoking until I literally could manage one shallow drag before getting hit with violent coughing fits. I was riding both addictions right up to the end of the line!

What really helped with the smoking was getting sober, having a way to understand how to cope with addiction. I used smoking to handle my anger, I discovered when I quit. When I got angry, I would go smoke and also maybe have a cup of coffee - I would get myself stimulated, amped up. This was a distraction from what I really need to do with anger - examine my motivations and my fears.

Quitting nicotine is no small feat, but it can be done. You can get there, with a little help from your friends!


Yes Dan, nicotine. I used to smoke and then swapped it with vaping. It seemed to be a perfect solution, so much cheaper than cigarettes and back then (10 years ago) even recommended by health experts as much less harmful etc. Vaping is as addictive as smoking though and as we know now unhealthy. I decided to stop it mainly because it is consuming so much of my time… I was just sitting on the sofa, vape and procrastinate… I want to be more active and get things done.


So I stopped today, 16+ hours ago and as for now it sucks, but I knew it would, its part of the process… well I haven’t exactly died yet so its ok :wink:


I love this for you – you are kicking butt my friend – Stay strong :muscle: :hugs:

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