Blanka's and Sticky's check-in

Yea, kitten usually do not care. The older one is saying why are you here and don’t dare come near me. But eventually will stop

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BEBE (just now)


They are both super cute!!!

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They are, hopefully soon I will post the picture of them two together :heart:

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Ohh, thats a shame xxx years ago someone was reading Tarot for me in her place, she had a cat and I thought it fits perfectly into the scene :wink:

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Thank you xxx surgery is today! Big day… I was waiting for it almost 6 months.

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And I don’t feel stressed… actually more like peaceful. Im 76 days sober and Im taking care of myself, it makes me trust myself xxx


May you have a speedy recovery. Blessings on you :pray: and your house today.

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Sending warm healing and comforting thoughts your way. Wishing you a quick and painless recovery :pray:t4:

Hi guys, Im back home now, surgery went well :+1:t2:


Thanks for the update friend. Glad everything went well :pray:t4:. Sending love and hope your recovery goes smoothly :hugs:

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Thank you Jasmine xxx Im here with my daughter and friend and (obviously) them two :cat2: :cat2:. They are fusing over me plus annoying me asking if Im ok every 5 minutes, cats taking turns in smelling my leg LOL :wink: I love them all :heart:


Awe… too sweet and funny. They wanna help too :hugs:

Rest up and allow those around you to take Care of you.

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I will xxx plus Im signed off from work for minimum 6 weeks :+1:t2: :wink:

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You have loads of time now to really dive into sobriety - have you seen the resources thread? Loads of ideas on there for reading and videos and podcasts etc.


Thank you Dan, not just yet but… yesterday I fully acknowledged how much I need to… I am just reflecting on yesterday… day in hospital, surgery etc there was something that in a way shocked me… I was waking up from anaesthesia, with hospital staff around me, happy to learn that everything went well and… it wasn’t even 5 minutes when the craving for alcohol hit me, I was lying there in recovery room and all I could think about was how much I need a drink! I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe that being in the state I was in I still consider getting drunk. In a way that was the first time I realised without any doubt that I am an addict.


11 sober weeks today!!!


Glad your surgery went well. Your Brian is high gear trying to get you to fall. Don’t listen to it. You have come so far. Sober is so much better then hangovervile


Yes, coming out of anesthesia can be like that. It does get better, in my experience. You rest and recharge and heal up!

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