Friends! As promised, I’ve developed a plan for this. Completely open to different suggestions, but this seemed to make sense in my brain.
The book we will be reading is “Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself” by Melody Beattie. Here is a link to the book through amazon: -
Please don’t fret about whether we all have the same edition/version. I know some have bought the book, I will be listening to audio book and some may get from the library or used bookstore.
Because of the nature of the book (self-help, self-reflection), rather than waiting until the end to discuss, I think it would be helpful to discuss as we go - there is no worry about plot spoilers with this one. I also think it might be helpful to do this as a running commentary, with people posting as and when they feel so moved, rather than setting a designated discussion day/time that some might not be available for.
So I am thinking that we set a timescale for a group of chapters to be considered in that time period. Some will read fast and some slow (I like taking my time with these types of books to really absorb), but feel free to post your thoughts, feelings, perspectives on anything within those chapters in that timescale:
Table of Contents
**Target completion date of these chapters: 30 November **
Preface to the 2001 Fifteenth Anniversary Edition
Preface to the 1992 Edition
Part I - What’s Codependency, and Who’s Got It?
1.Jessica’s Story
2.Other Stories
4.Codependent Characteristics
Target completion date of 15 December
Part II - The Basics of Self-Care
6.Don’t Be Blown About by Every Wind
7.Set Yourself Free
8.Remove the Victim
10.Live Your Own Life
11.Have a Love Affair with Yourself
12.Learn the Art of Acceptance
13.Feel Your Own Feelings
Target completion date: 30 December
15.Yes, You Can Think
16.Set Your Own Goals
18.Work a Twelve Step Program
19.Pieces and Bits
20.Learning to Live and Love Again
For some advance notice, this book does have some twelve step/AA/Al-Anon stuff in it. It’s ok if that is not your thing (when I read it two years ago, i was not into it, but it since has become important to me). However, please be respectful of others who may be finding 12 step programs a useful and important part of their lives and recovery. There is much to take from the book, even if those aspects don’t jive with you.
If anyone gets the workbook and sees anything in there that they find particularly useful, questions or exercises that they would like to share with the group, please do so!
Finally, if we have missed anyone that wants to join, please tag them. There is also a post earlier about changing the notifications for the threat so you get them for any posts (if you wish to do so).
I hope this process helps us all reflect on our own experiences of codependency (either receiving or giving or both) and helps us to grow and become better people.